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nyannkov edited this page Jul 5, 2020 · 4 revisions


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Hi! I'm nano_midi ver.2.1.0 :).


This is test of command arguments.

test [ arg1 ] [ arg2 ] ...

:test 123 ABC def
argc = 4
argv[0] = test
argv[1] = 123
argv[2] = ABC
argv[3] = def


Set the IC that communicates in hex mode.

hexmode [ ymf825 | ymz294 ]

:hexmode ymf825

:hexmode ymz294


Set and get the parameters of the YMZ294 MIDI driver.
Please note that the command format differs depending on the registered driver.

In single_ymz294

Set and get the parameters of single_ymz294.

ymz294 -ch {0-15} [-en{true|false}] [-mx {noise|tone}] [-em {on|off}] [-es {0x00-0xFF}] [-ep {0x0000-0xFFFF}] [-np {0x00-0x1F}]

Option Brief Range
ch MIDI channel number (minus 1) to change settings. 0-15
en Channel Enabled. If "false", ignore MIDI messages to the specified MIDI channel. true/false
mx Mixer setting noise/tone
em Envelope mode. If "on", the volume control is performed by the envelope generator. on/off
es Envelope shape number. This value is corresponding to the register $0D of YMZ294. 0x00-0x0F
ep Envelope frequency. This value is corresponding to the register $0B-$0C of YMZ294. 0x0000-0xFFFF
np Noise frequency. This value is corresponding to the register $06 of YMZ294. 0x00-0x1F
:ymz294 -ch 1 -mx tone -em on
ch      en      mx      em      es      ep      np
01      true    tone    on      0x09    0x1E85  0x00

When "-ls" is specified as an option, the setting value of each MIDI channel can be displayed.

ymz294 -ls

:ymz294 -ls
ch      en      mx      em      es      ep      np
00      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
01      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
02      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
03      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
04      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
05      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
06      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
07      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
08      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
09      false   noise   on      0x09    0x1E85  0x00
10      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
11      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
12      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
13      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
14      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00
15      true    tone    off     0x09    0x1E85  0x00


Switches the MIDI driver of each sound source IC.

switch { ymf825 | ymz294 } [ midi_driver ]

If midi_driver is omitted, the selected MIDI driver name will be returned.
The possible values for midi_driver are shown in the table below.

Sound IC midi_driver driver full name
ymf825 mode4 mode4_ymf825
mbox music_box_ymf825
ymz294 single single_ymz294
:switch ymf825
sound driver: mbox

:switch ymf825 mode4
sound driver: mode4

:switch ymf825
sound driver: mode4


Display command information.

usage [ command ]

:usage test
test    : Test of command args.

koncha  : Show current version.
test    : Test of command args.
hexmode : Select the sound IC to be connected in hex mode.
ymz294  : Set/Get the playing parameters of YMZ294.
switch  : Switch the sound driver used for MIDI playing, for each sound IC.
usage   : Show usage for each command.
ymf825  : Set/Get the playing parameters of YMF825.


Set and get the parameters of the YMF825 MIDI driver.
Please note that the command format differs depending on the registered driver.

In music_box_ymf825

ymf825 { prog [ 1-128 ] | perc [ on | off ] }

  • prog : Change the instrument sound. [ 1-128 ] is the Program Number of GM Instruments.
    The default value is 11 (music box).
    If the number is omitted, the current Program Number value is returned.

  • perc : Switch percussion ON/OFF. The default value is "off".

The following is an example of setting when a square wave is selected and percussion is enabled:

:ymf825 prog 81
Program No: 81

:ymf825 perc on
Percussion: on

In mode4_ymf825

Command not implemented.

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