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Class 3

Higher-Order Functions and Collections in Scala

In functional programming languages, functions are typically treated as "first-class citizens". That is, functions may take other functions as arguments and may again produce functions as return values. A function that takes another function as argument is called a higher-order function.

Higher-order functions provide a powerful mechanism for abstracting over common computation patterns in programs. This mechanism is particularly useful for designing libraries with rich interfaces that support callbacks to client code. We will study these mechanisms using the example of Scala's collection libraries.

Higher-Order Functions in Scala

Before we dive into the intricacies of Scala collections, let us first see how higher-order functions are defined in Scala. To this end, suppose that we want to write a function sumInts that takes the bounds a and b of a (half-open) interval [a,b) of integer numbers and computes the sum of the values in that interval. For example, sumInts(1, 4) should yield 6. The following recursive implementation does what we want:

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int) = {
  if (a < b) a + sumInts(a + 1, b) else 0

Now, consider the following function sumSqrs that computes the sum of the squares of the numbers in an interval [a,b):

def sumSqrs(a: Int, b: Int) = {
  if (a < b) a * a + sumSqrs(a + 1, b) else 0

The functions sumInts and sumSqrs are almost identical. They only differ in the summand that is added in each recursive call. In the case of sumInts it is a, and in the case of sumSqrs, it is a * a. We can write a higher-order function sum that abstracts from these differences. The function sum takes another function f as additional parameter. The function f captures the computation that is performed in the summand:

def sum(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int) = {
  if (a < b) f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b) else 0

The function type Int => Int of the parameter f indicates that f is a function that takes a value of type Int and maps it again to an Int.

We can now define the function sumSqrs by first defining a function square that squares an integer number, and then applying sum to square:

def square(i: Int) = i * i
def sumSqrs(a: Int, b: Int) = sum(square, a, b)

In order to make the use of higher-order functions more convenient, Scala supports writing anonymous functions (aka function literals, closures, or lambda abstractions). In Scala, anonymous functions take the general form:

(x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn) => body

where the xi are the parameters of the function, the Ti are the associated types, and body is the body of the function. We can thus define the functions sumInts and sumSqrs using anonymous functions as follows:

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int) = sum((i: Int) => i, a, b)
def sumSqrs(a: Int, b: Int) = sum((i: Int) => i * i, a, b)

Curried Functions in Scala

Reconsider our definition of sumInts and sumSqrs in terms of sum:

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int) = sum((i: Int) => i, a, b)
def sumSqrs(a: Int, b: Int) = sum((i: Int) => i * i, a, b)

One annoyance with these definitions is that we have to redeclare the parameters a and b which are simply passed to sum. We can avoid this by redefining sum as a function that first takes the function parameter f and then returns another function that takes the remaining parameters a and b. This technique is referred to as currying.

There are various ways to define curried functions in Scala. One way is to define the nested function explicitly by name using a nested def declaration and then returning that function:

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {
  def sumHelp(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a < b) f(i) + sum(f)(a+1, b) else 0

Using the curried version of sum, the definition of sumInts and sumSqrs can be simplified like this:

def sumInts = sum((i: Int) => i)
def sumSqrs = sum((i: Int) => i * i)

Note that when we apply curried higher-order functions to anonymous functions, then the compiler can often infer the parameter types. This simplifies the definitions even further:

def sumInts = sum(i => i)
def sumSqrs = sum(i => i * i)

In our curried version of sum, the function sumHelp is not recursive and is directly returned after being declared. We can thus simplify the definition of sum further by turning sumHelp into an anonymous function:

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = 
  (a: Int, b: Int) => {
    if (a < b) f(i) + sum(f)(a+1, b) else 0

Since curried functions are so common in functional programs, the Scala language provides a special syntax for them. Instead of nesting the function declarations, we can write a curried function by providing the parameters of the nested function in a separate parameter list:

def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = 
  if (a < b) f(a) + sum(f)(a, b) else 0

If we partially apply a curried function written in this form, we have to make this explicit by appending the underscore symbol _ to the partial application. The definitions of sumInts and sumSqrs thus look as follows in this case:

def sumInts = sum(i => i)_
def sumSqrs = sum(i => i * i)_

Function Objects

Recall that Scala supports function objects, which are objects that provide a method named apply. Given such an object fun, the Scala expression fun(e) simply expands to a call to the apply method of fun: fun.apply(e).

The Scala compiler uses this mechanism to reduce anonymous functions to objects during compilation. That is, whenever we create an anonymous function, the compiler instead creates a function object and whenever we pass a function to another function, we instead pass an object reference.

For this purpose, the Scala standard library provides predefined abstract classes for representing function objects. These classes take the form FunctionN where N indicates the number of arguments that the implemented function takes. For instance, here are the corresponding class declarations for function objects that implement functions with one, respectively, two arguments:

trait Function1[T1, R] {
  def apply(v1: T1): R

trait Function2[T1, T2, R] {
  def apply(v1: T1, v2: T2): R

Note the keyword trait here. Traits provide a form of multiple inheritance in Scala. We will talk about this feature in more detail later. For now, you can simply think of a trait as an abstract class.

The declarations of Function1 and Function2 are parametric in the types of the arguments to the function and the type of the return value.

Now reconsider our curried version of the sum function:

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = 
  (a: Int, b: Int) => {
    if (a < b) f(i) + sum(f)(a+1, b) else 0
def sumSqrs = sum((x: Int) => x * x)

Using the traits Function1 and Function2 we can desugar the two anonymous functions in the declarations of sum and sumSqrs into ordinary objects:

def sum(f: Function1[Int, Int]): Function2[Int, Int, Int] =
  new Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
    def apply(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
      if (a < b) f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b) else 0
def sumSqrs = sum(new Function1[Int, Int] { def apply(x: Int) = x * x })

This desugared implementation uses anonymous class declarations, which is a feature that you also find in other OOP lanuages, including Java. Note that the compiler effectively lifts anonymous class declarations to regular top-level class declarations. Here is how this would look like for our example:

def sum(f: Function1[Int, Int]): Function2[Int, Int, Int] =
  new Anon2(f)

class Anon2(f: Function1[Int, Int]) extends Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
  def apply(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
    if (a < b) f.apply(a) + Sum.sum.apply(f).apply(a + 1, b) else 0
def sumSqrs = sum(new Anon1())

class Anon1 extends Function1[Int, Int] {
  def apply(x: Int) = x * x

That is, every anonymous function in a Scala program will simply be compiled to a top-level class declaration that is instantiated at the point where the original anonymous function was created. The resulting program makes only use of standard OOP features. Calls to anonymous functions are simply translated to calls to the apply method of the corresponding function object. This elimination technique also allows you to simulate anonymous, higher-order, and curried functions in OOP languages that do not provide these features directly, albeit at the cost of producing code that is less syntactically succinct.

Higher-Order Functions on Lists

A common use case of higher-order functions is to realize callbacks to client code from within library functions. We discuss this scenario using the specific example of the class List in the Scala standard library.

The List data structure

Lists are one of the most important data structures in functional programming languages. A list is a sequence of data values of some common element type, e.g., a sequence of integer numbers 3,6,1,2. Unlike imperative linked lists, which you have probably studied in your Data Structures course, lists in functional programming languages are immutable. As with other immutable data structures, immutable lists have the advantage that their representation in memory can be shared across different list instances. For example, the two lists 1,4,3 and 5,2,4,3 can share their common sublist 4,3. This feature enables immutable lists to be used for space-efficient, high-level implementations of algorithms if the data structure is used correctly.

The list data type is defined recursively. We distinguish two cases: the empty list, which we denote by Nil, and a non-empty list hd :: tl (also called a cons cell) consisting of the head value hd and a tail list tl. We can encode this data type using case classes in Scala as follows:

sealed abstract class List {
  def ::(head: Int): List = new ::(head, this)
case object Nil extends List
case class ::(head: Int, tail: List) extends List

The generic class List[A] in the Scala standard library generalizes this data structure to lists over an arbitrary element type A. The empty list is also denoted by Nil and a cons cell is denoted hd :: tl. We can thus construct Scala lists as follows:

scala> val l1 = 1 :: (4 :: (2 :: Nil))
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 2)

scala> val l2 = "apple" :: ("banana" :: Nil)
l2: List[String] = List(apple, banana) 

Note that any infix operator in Scala that ends in a colon symbol : applies to the right operand. That is the expression 2 :: Nil is syntactic sugar for calling the :: method on Nil with argument 2: Nil.::(2). These infix operators are also right-associative, so the parenthesis in the above examples can be omitted:

scala> val l1 = 1 :: 4 :: 2 :: Nil
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 2)

As expected, we can use pattern matching to deconstruct lists into their components:

scala> val h :: t = l1
h: Int = 1
t: List[Int] = List(4, 2)

scala> l match {
  case Nil => println("l is empty")
  case hd :: tl => println(s"l's head is $hd.")
l's head is 1.

Pattern matching also gives us a convenient way to define functions that operate on lists. For example, the following function computes the length of a list:

def length[A](l: List[A]): Int = l match {
  case Nil => 0
  case hd :: tl => 1 + length(tl)

Note that length is a generic function that is parameteric in the type A of the elements stored in the lists.

The next function is more interesting, it takes two lists l1 and l2 and creates a new list by concatenating l1 and l2.

def append[A](l1: List[A], l2: List[A]): List[A] = 
  l1 match {
  case Nil => l2
  case hd :: tl => hd :: append(tl, l2)
scala> append(List(3,4,1), List(2, 6))
res0: List[Int] = List(3,4,1,2,6)

The next function reverses a given list using tail-recursion:

def reverse[A](l: List[A]): List[A] = {
  def rev(l: List[A], acc: List[A]): List[A] = 
    l match {
      case Nil => acc
      case hd :: tl => rev(tl, hd :: acc)
  rev(l, Nil)
scala> reverse(List(3,4,1,2))
res0: List[Int] = List(2,1,4,3)

The map function

In the earlier examples we saw that functions operating on lists follow a common pattern: they traverse the list, decomposing it into its elements, and then apply some operation to each of the elements. We can extract these common patterns and implement them in more general higher-order functions that abstract from the specific operations being performed on the elements.

A particularly common operation on lists is to traverse a list and apply some function to each element, obtaining a new list. For example, suppose we have a list of Double values which we want to scale by a given factor to obtain a list of scaled values. The following function implements this operation:

def scale(factor: Double, l: List[Double]): List[Double] =
  l match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case hd :: tl => factor * hd :: scale(factor, tl)

A similar operation is implemented by the following function, which takes a list of integers and increments each element to obtain a new list:

def incr(l: List[Int]): List[Int] =
  l match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case hd :: tl => hd + 1 :: incr(tl)

The type of operation that is performed by scale and incr is called a map. We can implement the map operation as a higher-order function that abstracts from the concrete operation that is applied to each element in the list:

def map[A, B](l: List[A])(op: A => B): List[B] = 
  l match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case hd :: tl => op(hd) :: map(tl)(op)

The function map is parametric in both the element type A of the input list, as well as the element type B of the output list. That is, a map operation transforms a List[A] into a List[B] by applying an operation op: A => B to each element in the input list. Note that the order of the elements in the input list is preserved.

We can now redefine scale and incr as instances of map:

def scale(factor: Double, l: List[Double]) =
  map(l)(x => factor * x)
def incr(l: List[Int]) = map(l)(x => x + 1)

Note that Scala provides a syntactic short form for defining anonymous functions by replacing variables in expressions with underscores. This notation is often useful to obtain succinct code when using higher-order functions. For example, the Scala compiler will automatically expand the following code to the above definitions of scale and incr:

def scale(factor: Double, l: List[Double]) = 
  map(l)(factor * _)
def incr(l: List[Int]) = map(l)(_ + 1)

Folding Lists

We have seen that we can often identify common patterns in functions on data structures and implement them in generic higher-order functions. We can then conveniently reuse these generic functions, reducing the amount of code we have to write. In this section, we will look at the most general patterns for performing operations on collections, namely fold operations.

As a motivating example, consider the following function, which computes the sum of the values stored in a list of integers

def sum(l: List[Int]): Int = {
  case Nil => 0
  case hd :: tl => hd + sum(tl) 

Consider a list l of n integer values d1 to dn:

val l = d1 :: d2 :: ...  :: dn :: Nil

Then unrolling the recursion of sum on l yields the following computation

d1 + (d2 + ... (d2 + 0)...)

That is, in the ith recursive call, we add the current head di to the sum of the values in the current tail. Here, we consider the sum of an empty list Nil to be 0. If we represent this computation as a tree, this tree looks as follows:

     / \
    d1  +
       / \
      d2 ... 
           / \
          dn  0

With this representation, it is easy to see how to generalize from the specific computation performed by the represented expression. That is, in the general case we have a list of values of type A instead of Int. Then, instead of the specific initial value 0 for the empty list, we are given an initial value z of some type B. Finally, instead of adding the current head to the sum of the current tail of the list, we apply a generic operation op in each step. The operation op takes the current value di, which is of type A, and the result of the computation on the tail, which is of type B, and returns again a value of type B. The resulting expanded recursive computation is then represented by the following tree:

     / \
    d1  op
       / \
      d2 ... 
           / \
          dn  z

We refer to this type of computation as a fold of the list because the list is traversed and recursively folded into a single value. Note that the tree is leaning towards the right. We therefore refer to this type of fold operation as a fold-right. That is, the recursive computation is performed in right-to-left order of the values stored in the list.

The following higher-order function implements the fold-right operation:

def foldRight[A,B](l: List[A])(z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B =
  l match {
    case Nil => z
    case hd :: tl => op(hd, foldRight(tl)(z)(op))

We can now redefine sum in terms of foldRight:

def sum(l: List[Int]): Int = foldRight(l)(0)(_ + _)

Many of the other functions that we have seen before perform fold-right operations on lists. In particular, we can define append using foldRight as follows:

def append[A](l1: List[A], l2: List[A]): List[A] =
  foldRight(l1)(l2)(_ :: _)

Also the higher-order function map is just a special case of a fold-right:

def map[A, B](l: List[A])(op: A => B): List[B] =
  foldRight(l)((Nil: List[B]))((h, l) => op(h) :: l)

Note that due to limitations of Scala's type inference algorithm, we have to manually annotate the type List[B] of the empty list constructor Nil that we use to build the resulting list of the map operation.

All the above operations on lists have in common that they combine the elements in the input list and the result of the recursive computation in right-to-left order. We can also consider fold operations that perform the computation in left-to-right order:

op(...(op(op(z, d1), d2), ...), dn)

The corresponding computation tree then looks as follows:

       /  \
     ...  dn
   /  \
  op  d2
 /  \
z   d1

Note that the tree is now leaning towards the left and the elements are combined in left-to-right order. We therefore refer to this type of computation as a fold-left.

The following function implements the generic fold-left operation on lists:

def foldLeft[A,B](l: List[A])(z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B =
  l match {
    case Nil => z
    case hd :: tl => foldLeft(tl)(op(z, hd))(op)

Since addition is associative and commutative, we can alternatively define sum using foldLeft instead of foldRight:

def sum(l: List[Int]): Int = foldLeft(l)(0)(_ + _)

In fact, this definition of sum is more efficient than our previous implementations because foldLeft is tail-recursive, whereas our implementation of foldRight is not. In general, only one of the two types of fold operations can be used to implement a specific computation on lists. For example, we can express reverse in terms of a fold-left as follows:

def reverse[A](l: List[A]): List[A] =
  foldLeft(l)((Nil: List[A]))((l1, x) => x :: l1)

If we replaced foldLeft by foldRight in this definition, we would not obtain the correct result. The computed output list would be structurally identical to the input list.

Scala's Collection Classes

Since higher-order functions on collections are so incredibly useful for writing concise code, the data structures in the Scala standard API already implement a large number of these functions. The functions are realized as methods of the corresponding collection classes. For example Scala's List class already provides the methods foldLeft, foldRight, map, etc.

As with any programming language, you should study the Scala standard API carefully so that you get an overview of the provided functionality and so that you do not "reinvent the wheel" when you write your own programs.

To get a glimpse of the expressive power of the functions implemented in the collection classes, consider the following function, which computes the dot product of two vectors represented as lists of Double values.

def dotProd(v1: List[Double], v2: List[Double]): Double =
  (v1, v2).zipped map (_ * _) sum

The code takes the two lists of doubles and first constructs a pair of the two lists (v1, v2). Then it zips this pair of lists of doubles into a list of pairs of doubles (v1, v2).zipped. This list of pairs is then mapped to a list of doubles by taking the product between the values of each pair. The final list of double values is folded by summing up all values in the list. The result is the mathematical dot product of the represented vectors.

scala> val v1 = List(3.0, 2.0, 1.0)
v1: List[Double] = List(3.0, 2.0, 1.0)

scala> val v2 = List(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
v1: List[Double] = List(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

scala> dotProd(v1, v2)
res0: Double = 10.0

It is instructive to re-implement this code snippet in a language such as Java to appreciate how much more concise and comprehensive the implementation with higher-order functions is.

For Expressions

The for expression primitive of Scala provides a generic way for iterating over collections of data and for building new collections from existing ones. The following example shows how a for expression can be used to iterate over a list l to build a new list by applying some function to the elements of l:

scala> val l = List(2,5) 
l: List[Int] = List(2,5)

scala> for (x <- l) yield x + 1
res0: List[Int] = List(3,6)

When we look at the result of the above for expression, we can see that it is really computing a map over the list l. In fact, the Scala compiler simply rewrites the for expression

  for (x <- l) yield x + 1

to the following expression, which calls map on l with an anonymous function that is built from the yield part of the for expression:

  l map (x => x + 1)

Thus, a for expression is really just syntactic sugar for a call to map.

One useful feature of for expressions is that they can be nested. As an example, the following nested for expression computes the "Cartesian product" of the list l with itself:

scala> for (x <- l; y <- l) yield (x, y)
res1: List[(Int, Int)] = List((2,2), (2,5), (5,2), (5,5))

If we naively expand this for expression to map calls as described above, we obtain the following result:

scala> l map (x => l map (y => (x, y)))
res2: List[List[(Int, Int)]] = List(List(2,2), List(2,5), 
  List(5,2), List(5,5))

The result value res2 is a list of list of pairs, rather than a list of pairs. In order to obtain res1 from res2, we need to flatten res2 by concatenating the inner lists to a single list of pairs. Incidentally, the List class provides a method flatten that does just that:

scala> res2.flatten
res3: List[(Int, Int)] = List((2,2), (2,5), (5,2), (5,5))

For convenience, the class List also provides a method flatMap that corresponds to the composition of map and flatten. Using flatMap we can express the nested for expression that produced res1 more compactly as follows:

scala> l flatMap (x => l map (y => (x, y)))
res4: List[Int] = List((2,2), (2,5), (5,2), (5,5))

This translation pattern generalizes to for expressions of arbitrary nesting depth. In general, the Scala compiler will translate a for expression of the form

for (xn <- en; ...; x2 <- e2; x1 <- e1) yield e0 

to the expression

en flatMap (xn =>...e2 flatMap (x2 => e1 map (x1 => e0))...)


The use of for expressions is not restricted to the List type. It works for any type that provides a map and a flatMap method with the appropriate signatures. For example, the Option type also provides these functions and can hence be used in for expressions:

scala> for (x <- Some(0)) yield x + 1
res5: Option[Int] = Some(1)

scala> for (x <- None) yield x + 1
res6: Option[Int] = None

We refer to a class that has appropriate map and flatMap methods as a monad. One can think of a monad as an abstract data type that implements a container for data and provides generic functions for transforming this data without extracting it from the container. Using for expressions we can then conveniently express a sequence of such transformations that operate directly on the contained data.

The monad-as-container correspondence is easy to see for the type List and also for the type Option. The latter can be thought of as a list of length at most 1. In general, monads can be more abstract and it is sometimes more difficult to understand the nature of the contained data. Some of the more interesting monads provided by Scala are Try and Future, which we will discuss in more detail later.

As an aside, the term "monad" is lent from category theory, a branch of mathematics that is concerned with the theory of mathematical structures and the morphisms between them. The programming language and category theoretic concepts of a monad are closely related. In category theory, monads are defined in terms of certain algebraic laws that relate the flatMap and map functions. For example, these laws codify how map can be expressed in terms of flatMap and vice versa. These laws also ensure that for expressions in Scala behave the way they are expected to behave.


Notes and Code for Class 3






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