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Class 5

(Tail) Recursion

In order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

Recursion is when a subroutine is called from within itself.


def fac(n: Int): Int =
  if (n == 0) 1 else n * fac(n - 1)

Note that recursion requires a stack-based subroutine calling protocol.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using recursion?

  • Advantages: often conceptually easier; yields easier to understand code (compared to using loops).

  • Disadvantages: usually slower due to overhead of executing call sequences; can lead to stack overflow.

There is one case when recursion can be implemented without using a new activation record for every recursive call:

A tail-recursive subroutine is one in which no additional computation ever follows a recursive call.

For tail-recursive subroutines, the compiler can reuse the current activation record at the time of the recursive call, eliminating the need to allocate a new one. This optimization is called tail call elimination.

Compilers for many modern programming languages perform tail call elimination. This feature is particularly prevalent in compilers for functional languages because functional programs tend to use recursion in favor of loops.


def fac(n: Int): Int =
  if (n == 0) 1 else n * fac(n - 1)

This function is not tail-recursive, because the recursive call to fac appears below the multiplication with n. Hence, there is still work to be done when the recursive call returns. In particular, we need to remember the current value of n until after the recursive call. Hence, the current activation record must remain on the stack and cannot be reused for the recursive call.

However, we can rewrite this function so that it becomes tail-recursive:

def facTail(acc: Int, n: Int): Int =
  if (n == 0) acc else facTail(n * acc, n - 1)

def fac(n: Int): Int = facTail(1, n)

The Scala compiler will detect the tail recursion and performs tail-call elimination, ensuring that facLoop and hence fac run in constant stack space. Effectively, tail call elimination yields an implementation that is equivalent to one that uses a loop:

def facLoop(acc0: Int, n0: Int): Int = {
  var acc = acc0
  var n = n0
  while (n != 0) {
    acc = n * acc
    n = n - 1

  return acc

def fac(n: Int): Int = facLoop(1, n)

except that the tail-recursive code is simpler and does not use side effects.

Functional Programming

Functional Programming refers to a programming style in which every procedure is functional, i.e. it computes a function of its inputs with no side effects.

Functional programming languages are based on this idea, but they also provide a number of interesting features that are often missing in imperative languages.

One of the most important and interesting features of functional programming languages is that functions are first-class values. This means that programs can create new functions at run-time. This can be leveraged to build powerful higher-order functions: a higher-order function either takes a function as an argument or returns a function as a result (or both). Many modern programming languages and frameworks draw heavily from these ideas, including Google's Map/Reduce and TensorFlow frameworks as well as Apache Hadoop and Spark.

Functional languages in turn draw heavily on the λ-calculus (lambda calculus) for inspiration. We will study the λ-calculus in a few weeks. However, we'll first take a look at functional programming in action by studying an actual functional programming language: OCaml.

Introduction to OCaml

OCaml belongs to the ML family of languages. ML stands for Meta Language, which was originally developed by Robin Milner in the early 1970s for writing theorem provers (i.e., programs that can automatically find and check the proofs of mathematical theorems). ML took many inspirations from Lisp (the first functional programming language; developed in 1958) but introduced several new language features intended to make programming less error prone. In particular, ML features a powerful and very well designed static type system.

Languages that belong to the ML family share the following features:

  • clean syntax (few parenthesis)
  • functions are first-class values
  • declarations use static scoping and deep binding semantics
  • function calls use call-by-value semantics (call-by-name can be simulated using closures)
  • automated memory management via garbage collection
  • a powerful type system with strong static typing
    • parametric polymorphism (similar to generics)
    • structural type equivalence
    • user-definable algebraic data types and pattern matching
    • all of this with automated static type inference!
  • advanced module system with higher-order modules (functors)
  • exceptions
  • imperative features: mutable arrays, references, and record fields

Popular implementations and dialects of ML include

  • Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ)
  • Poly/ML
  • MLton
  • OCaml
  • F# (Microsoft; derived from OCaml)
  • Reason (Facebook/Meta; derived from and implemented on top of OCaml)

The design of Haskell was also strongly influenced by ML.

We will focus on OCaml, which is a general purpose programming language that was initially developed in the late 1990s by a team of French computer scientists. In addition to the features shared by all languages in the ML family, OCaml also provides:

  • a compiler that produces efficient native machine code for many architectures
  • a class system that enables object-oriented programming

We will ignore OCaml's class system and imperative features as we study these concepts in Scala instead. So we will focus on the functional core of OCaml.


OCaml expressions are constructed from constant literals (numbers, booleans, etc.) and inbuilt operators (arithmetic and logical operators, etc.) using lambda abstraction and function application. Inbuilt binary operators use infix notation and follow standard rules for operator precedence and associativity. Function application has higher precedence than any other infix operator and is left associative. See here for more details about OCaml expression syntax. In the following, we discuss the most important syntactic forms. More detailed OCaml tutorials can be found here. We also refer to the OCaml Manual for a comprehensive coverage of all features of the language and its accompanying tools and standard library.

Let bindings

OCaml programs are structured into modules, which can be nested. Every source code file automatically defines a module. We will discuss the module system later and for now assume that we only work with a single module.

Top-level variable definitions in a module are introduces using let x = init which binds x to the value obtained from evaluating the expression init. The scope of the definition is the remainder of the module that follows the definition with nested let-bindings or subsequent let definitions of x within that scope yielding holes in the scope (as in Scala). For example, consider the following code:

let x = 3

let y =
  let x = 2 in
  x + 1

let z = x + 1

Here, the nested let binding of x creates a hole in the scope of the outer let binding of x. That is y is bound to the value 3 and z is bound to the value 4.

Note that the scope of the binding for x introduced by let excludes the definition expression init.


let x = 3

let y = x + 1

This code defines x to be 3 and y to be 4. Note that OCaml allows the same variable to be redeclared in the same scope:

let x = 3

(* code A *)

let x = x + 1

(* code B *)

This will bind x to 3 in code A (including the right-hand side x + 1 of the second let binding of x) and x to 4 in code B.

Local variable bindings are introduced using inner let expressions, which take the form let x = init in body. This is itself an expression which binds x to the result of init in body and then evaluates to the result of body with that binding of x. Example:

let y =
  let x = 3 in
  x + 1

This will define y to be 4.


Functions take a prominent role in OCaml. Like most functional languages, OCaml allows functions to be defined in-place without giving a name to the function. The expression

fun x -> body

denotes a function that takes a formal parameter x and returns the value computed by the expression body, which is the scope of x. Such a function expression is referred to as a lambda abstraction, anonymous function, or closure. Here is an example of a lambda abstraction that denotes a function that increments an integer value by 1:

fun x -> x + 1

Function expressions can be applied to arguments using function application:

let two = (fun x -> x + 1) 1

The expression (fun x -> x + 1) 1 will apply the function denoted by fun x -> x + 1 to 1, yielding 2. Thus, two will be bound to 2.

OCaml uses strict evaluation of function arguments and the argument expressions are always passed by value. OCaml, however, supports reference values which can be used to implement call-by-reference and we will later see how to simulate call-by-name parameters using lambda abstraction and higher-order functions.

If we want to give a name to a function, we can simply combine lambda abstraction with let definitions/bindings:

let plus_one = fun x -> x + 1

let two = plus_one 1

A let-bound name that is defined by a lambda abstraction as in the previous example can be abbreviated using the notation

let plus_one x = x + 1

which is simply a syntactic short-hand for the more elaborate

let plus_one = fun x -> x + 1

Evaluation order

Note that, unlike Scala, OCaml does not guarantee that the operands of operators (and arguments of multi-parameter functions) are evaluated left-to-right. The compiler is allowed to choose the evaluation order as it sees fit. If your code depends on a particular order, then you must explicitly enforce it using let bindings. For example, if you have an expression e1 + e2 and your code depends on e1 being evaluated before e2, then write it as

let x1 = e1 in
x1 + e2

The exception to this rule are operators like logical conjunction && and disjunction || which have short-circuit semantics as in most other languages.

Multi-parameter Functions

All functions in OCaml take a single parameter. So what to do if we want to write a function that takes more than one parameter? Suppose we want to define a function plus that simply adds to integer values x and y. There are two ways to do this. The first way is to define a function that takes both parameters x and y at once:

let plus (x, y) = x + y

While this definition makes it appear as if plus takes two parameters, it actually takes just one parameter: a tuple consisting of two integer values that, in the definition of plus, is implicitly decomposed into its component values x and y. Thus, when we do

let three = plus (1, 2)

Then plus will actually be called with a single value which is a pair constructed from the values 1 and 2. The function plus then deconstructs that pair again into its constituents 1 and 2 and returns the result 3.

While the explicit construction of tuples for multi-parameter functions appears to cause a lot of overhead, the compiler will usually eliminate this overhead in its optimization phase at the machine code level.

Currying, and Partial Function Application

The alternative (and idiomatic) way to define multi-parameter functions in OCaml is to use a technique referred to as currying, which goes back to the logician Haskell Curry (after which the Haskell language is also named).

When using currying, we take advantage of the fact that functions are first-class values in the language: if we want to encode a function like plus that takes two parameters x and y, we simply write it as a function that first takes the parameter x and then returns a function that takes the second parameter y to calculate the actual result:

let plus = fun x -> fun y -> x + y

We refer to such a function that uses nesting of lambda abstractions to take multiple parameters as a curried function. Naturally, the idea of currying generalizes to functions that take arbitrarily many parameters.

The short-hand notation for definitions of single-parameter functions also extends to curried functions. That is, the above definition can be abbreviated to

let plus x y = x + y

When calling a curried function, we simply provide the arguments one at a time:

let three = plus 1 2

This will bind three to 3. Note that the expression plus 1 2 involves two function calls. First, it calls plus with 1 yielding a new function which is then called with 2 in order to calculate the result value 3.

Be careful with the syntax of curried function applications, which can be confusing at the beginning. Always keep in mind that in OCaml function application is left-associative. So the expression plus 1 2 is equivalent to (plus 1) 2. Moreover, function application has higher precedence than any infix operator. In particular plus 1 1 * 2 is interpreted as (plus 1 1) * 2.

One very useful feature of curried functions is that we do not have to provide all the arguments at once. We can apply such a function partially, by only passing some of its arguments, creating a new function in the process:

let plus_one = plus 1

let three = plus_one 2

Here, plus_one is bound to the function fun y -> 1 + y which is obtained from plus by passing in 1 for x. This idea of partial function application is very powerful in combination with higher-order functions, which we will talk about in more detail in the next class.

Testing Equality and Conditional Expressions

Equality between two values can be tested with = and disequality with <>.

# 1 = 1 ;;
- : bool = true

# 1 <> 1 ;;
- : bool = false

# 1 <> 2 ;;
- : bool = true

Other comparison operators are as usual. For example x > y tests whether integer value x is greater than integer value y, etc.

Conditional expressions take the syntax if b then t else e where b must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean and t and e must be expressions that evaluate to values of the same type. For example, here is a function that computes the maximum of two integer values:

let max x y = if x >= y then x else y


Recursive definitions are introduced using let rec x = init. A recursive definition is like a non-recursive definition except that the scope of x also includes the initialization expression init.

For example, here is how we can use this to define our all-time favorite, the factorial function:

let rec fac = fun x ->
  if x = 0 then 1 else x * fac (x - 1)

or perhaps more readable

let rec fac x =
  if x = 0 
  then 1 
  else x * fac (x - 1)

The recursive form of let also extends to inner let bindings. For example, here is how we can define fac using a tail-recursive helper function fac_tail whose definition is nested within fac:

let fac x =
  let rec fac_tail x acc =
    if x = 0 then acc else fac_tail (x - 1) (x * acc)
  fac_tail x 1

If multiple definitions have mutually recursive dependencies, they can be defined with let rec ... and ...:

let rec f x = g x
and g x = f x

Local mutual recursive let bindings use let rec ... and ... in body syntax similar to top-level let-bindings.

Printing, Unit type

OCaml provides various utility functions for printing values to output channels (including files). The most primitive ones are the functions print_endline and print_string both of which take a string as argument and print it on standard output (with and without a trailing new line character, respectively).

The result value of each of these functions is () whose type is unit. As in Scala, the type unit indicates that a function is only called for the purpose of its side effect. We can thus think of OCaml expressions of type unit as statements in the usual sense of imperative programming languages.

# print_string "Hello World!"
Hello World!
- : unit = ()

Note that in OCaml programs (i.e. if you are not working with the OCaml REPL), all expressions must occur below top-level let definitions. The obligatory "Hello World" program in OCaml looks as follows:

let _ = print_endline "Hello World!"

The underscore _ is a wildcard pattern (more on that later). We use it here to indicate that we only want to evaluate the right hand side of the let definition but we do not actually care about the result value and hence do not actually want to bind it to any variable.

Statements can be composed sequentially using semicolons:

let _ = 
  print_string "Hello ";
  print_endline "World!

You can also turn any expression into a statement by using the special function ignore that evaluates its argument but ignores its result, returning () instead:

let _ =
  ignore (1 + 2);
  print_endline "What is 1 + 2 again?"


So far it appears as if OCaml is an untyped language. For instance, in Scala we need to annotate parameters in function definitions with their types whereas in OCaml, we can write them without any type annotations. Nevertheless, OCaml is still a statically typed programming language, which means that it checks at compile-time that certain kinds of program errors (e.g. trying to multiply an integer with a string value or trying to call a value that is not a function) cannot occur at run-time. However, unlike in Scala, the OCaml compiler is able to infer all type information automatically from the program source code.

We will talk more about types and automatic type inference in a few weeks. However, we need to have at least a basic understanding of how OCaml's type system works.

Each OCaml expression has an associated type which describes the possible values that the expression may evaluate to at run-time and how these values can then be used in other expressions. We distinguish primitive types (e.g. integers, booleans, strings, etc) and compound types which describe composite values that are constructed from values of simpler types (e.g. tuples, functions, etc).

Primitive Types

The most important primitive types of OCaml are

Type Examples Description
int 1, 2, 42, ... 31-bit signed int on 32-bit processors, or 63-bit signed int on 64-bit processors
int32, ... 32-bit signed integer
int64, ... 64-bit signed integer
float 1.0 3.4, ... IEEE double-precision floating point, equivalent to C's double
bool true, false booleans
char 'a', 'b', 'x' 8-bit character
string "Hello" strings
unit () the empty tuple (like Scala's Unit type)

For each type, we also include some examples of constant literals that have that type.

Compound Types

More complex compound types are obtained from simpler types via type constructors. Each type constructor is accompanied by one or more value constructors that construct values of the corresponding compound type from values of its composite types. We discuss the most important type and value constructors in the following.

Function types

Function types are constructed using the arrow type constructor ->. The type t1 -> t2 represents functions that take a value of type t1 and return a value of type t2. We have already seen the accompanying value constructor for functions, which is lambda abstraction fun x -> body. For example, the expression

`fun x -> x + 1`

has type int -> int. Because function application is left-associative, the arrow operator of type expressions is right-associative. In particular, the type int -> int -> int should be interpreted as int -> (int -> int), which is the type of the curried function plus that we saw in an earlier example:

# let plus x y = x + y ;;
val plus : int -> int -> int


OCaml has inbuilt types for tuples. Tuple types are constructed using the product operator *. For example, the type t1 * t2 denotes pairs whose first component takes values of type t1 and whose second component takes values of type t2. The type t1 * t2 can thus be viewed as the Cartesian product of the sets of values denoted by types t1 and t2. Similarly, t1 * t2 * t3 denotes triples of values taken from t1, t2, and t3, etc. Note that the types t1 * t2 * t3, (t1 * t2) * t3, and t1 * (t2 * t3) are not equivalent. The first describes tribles of t1, t2, and t3, the second describes pairs t1 * t2 and t3 values and the third describes pairs of t1 and t2 * t3 values.

Tuple values are constructed using the notation (e1, ..., en) where e1 to en are again expressions. Examples:

# (1, 2) ;;
- : int * int = (1, 2)

# (true, "hello) ;;
- : bool * string = (true, "hello)

# (1, true, 3) ;;
- : int * bool * int) = (1, true, 3)

# (1, (true, 3)) ;;
- : int * (bool * int) = (1, (true, 3))

# let plus (x, y) = x + y ;;
val plus: int * int -> int

The type constructor * has higher precedence than ->. So the type int * int -> int denotes a function that takes a pair of integers and returns again an integer (rather than a pair of an integer and a function from integers to integers).

The components of a pair (1, 2) can be extracted using the predefined functions fst and snd (these are similar to car and cdr in Scheme):

# let p = (1, 2) ;;
val p : int * int = (1, 2)

# fst p ;;
- : int = 1

# snd p ;;
- : int = 2

For tuples of higher arity, use pattern matching to extract components (see below).

Note that the enclosing parenthesis around tuples can often be omitted:

# let p = 1, 2 ;;
val p : int * int = (1, 2)

However, this feature of the syntax should be used carefully as it can occasionally make code harder to read and cause confusion.


Lists are one of the most important data structures in functional programming languages. A list is a sequence of values (e.g. 1,4,3) that can be accessed linearly by traversing the list left to right, rather like a linked list that you probably studied in your data structure course.

However, unlike imperative linked lists, lists in functional programming languages are immutable. That is, once a list has been created, it can no longer be modified. As with other immutable data structures, immutable lists have the advantage that their representation in memory can be shared across different list instances. For example, the two lists 1,4,3 and 5,2,4,3 can share their common sublist 4,3. This feature enables immutable lists to be used for space-efficient, high-level implementations of algorithms if the data structure is used correctly.

OCaml lists are homogenous, i.e., a single list can only store elements that have the same common type. The type of a list that holds elements of type t is denoted by t list.

List values are constructed from the empty list, denoted [], using the cons constructor, denoted ::. The cons constructor :: is an infix operator and right-associative. Examples

# 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]

# "Hello" :: "World" :: []"
- : string list = ["Hello"; "World"]

# "(1, "Hello") :: (2, "World") :: [] ;;
- : (int * string) list = [(1, "Hello"); (2, "World")]

# (1 :: []) :: (2 :: []) :: [] ;;
- : (int list) list = [[1]; [2]]

As the output of the pretty printer suggests, the notation [e1; ...; en] is syntactic sugar for the expression e1 :: ... :: en :: [].

Caution: The list elements are separated by semicolons and not commas in the [...] syntax (which differs from other ML dialects). In particular, be careful not to get confused when tuple constructors with optional parenthesis appear inside list constructors:

# [1, 2, 3] ;;
- : (int * int * int) list = [(1, 2, 3)]


# [1; 2; 3] ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]

The List module of the OCaml standard library provides common functions for manipulating lists. In particular, it provides functions hd and tl that can be used to decompose a non-empty list into its components first element (its head) and the remainder of the list (its tail):

# let l = [1; 2; 3] ;;
- val l : int list = [1; 2; 3]

# List.hd l ;;
- : int = 1

# l ;;
- : int list = [2; 3]

Equality on lists is defined structurally:

# let l1 = [1; 2; 3] ;;
val l1 : int list = [1; 2; 3]

# let l2 = [2; 3] ;;
val l2 : int list = [2; 3]

# let l3 = 1 :: l2 ;;
val l3 : int list = [1; 2; 3]

# l1 = l3 ;;
-: bool = true

Here is a simple function that iterates over an int list to compute the sum of its elements:

let rec sum_of_list l =
  if l = [] then 0 
  else List.hd l + sum_of_list ( l)

Note, however, that the idiomatic way for decomposing lists when implementing such functions is by using pattern matching.

There is also an in-built operator @ which can be used to concatenate two lists:

# [1; 2; 3] @ [4; 5] ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

# [1] @ [] ;;
- : int list = [1]

# [] @ [] ;;
- : 'a list = []

Parametric Polymorphism

One key feature of the type systems of languages in the ML family is that they support polymorphic types. Polymorphic types are similar to generics in languages like Java and Scala. However, they are slightly different and we will discuss their relationship to generics later.

More generally, polymorphism allows a single piece of code to work with values of multiple types. The kind of polymorphism that languages in the ML family support is referred to as parametric polymorphism (or let-polymorphism). This can be viewed as allowing functions to implicitly depend on type parameters.

As an example, consider the identity function in OCaml:

let id x = x

Clearly, id does not depend on the specific type of the value passed to x because the function simply returns x without doing anything with it. In fact, OCaml allows id to be called with values of different types:

# id 3 ;;
- : int = 3

# id "banana" ;;
- : string = "banana"

The type that the compiler infers for id is 'a -> 'a. A type name that is preceded with a single quote symbol, like 'a, is a type variable. One typically reads type variables as if they were greek letters, i.e., 'a is pronounced "alpha", 'b is pronounced "beta", etc.

The type variables occurring in an OCaml type are implicitly universally quantified. That is, the type 'a -> 'a should be read as describing functions that for every 'a can take in a value of type 'a and return again a value of type 'a. The function id is implicitly parameterized by the type 'a of its parameter x.

The type of id tells us that for every call to id, the return value is guaranteed to have the same type as the argument value that we pass into id. Because type variables are implicitly quantified, they can be renamed without changing the meaning of the type. For instance, the types 'a -> 'a and 'b -> 'b are equivalent. On the other hand, the types 'a -> 'b -> 'a and 'a -> 'a -> 'a are not equivalent. However, 'a -> 'b -> 'a is compatible with the type 'a -> 'a -> 'a, but not the other way around - more on that later.

Parametric polymorphism allows us to write generic code while retaining the benefits of static type checking and inference.

For example, consider the following code snippet that uses the function id:

id 3 + 1 

The type checker can now infer that the addition operation will safely execute at run-time. The reason is that it knows that id is called with an int value (namely 3) and the type of id then tells it that the result value of id will again be of type int. Thus, the addition operation will be applied to two int values and is safe. Note that in order to do this reasoning, the type checker no longer needs to inspect how id is exactly implemented. It only needs to know id's type, which it infers from the definition of id once and for all.

For example, the following polymorphic function allows us to flip the order of the arguments of an arbitrary curried function f:

# let flip f x y = f y x ;;
val flip : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c

That is flip takes a function of type 'a -> 'b -> 'c and returns a function of type b -> 'a -> 'c.

We will discuss later in more detail how the compiler infers this type from the definition of flip.


A record is a collection of named values called fields (think of them as unordered tuples, whose components have names). Records are similar to struct types in C and C++ and are also closely related to object types in object-oriented languages.

Record types take the form {f1: t1; ...; fn: tn} where the fi are field names and the ti are the types of the fields. The value constructor of records takes a similar form: {f1 = e1; ...; fn = en}. This expression creates a record value with fields f1 to fn initialized with the values that e1 to en evaluate to. Note that record types must be declared explicitly with a type definition before they can be used. Example:

# type person = 
  { first_name: string;
    last_name: string
  } ;;

# let jane = 
    { first_name = "Jane"; 
      last_name = "Doe"
    } ;;
val jane : person = {first_name = "Jane"; last_name = "Doe"}

We can access a field f of a record x by using the notation x.f:

# jane.last_name ;;
- : string = "Doe"

Record fields are immutable by default (they can be made mutable by prepending the field name in the record type definition with the keyword mutable. When working with immutable records, instead of "modifying" the value of a record is done by creating a copy of the record and changing the value of the field to be modified to its new value. The old record value thus remains unaffected. OCaml provides a convenient syntax for copying record fields:

# let john = { jane with first_name = "John } ;;
val john : person = {first_name = "John"; last_name = "Doe"}

# john.first_name ;;
- : string = "John"

# jane.first_name ;;
- : string = "Jane"

Pattern Matching

An important and very convenient feature supported by many functional programming languages is pattern matching. In Class 3, we have already discussed choice or multi-way select expressions that you will find in most imperative programming languages. You can think of a match expressions as a choice expression on steroids.

A match expression enables you to branch not just on the specific value of an expression but more generally on the shape of that value, allowing you to decompose complex compound values into their constituents while matching them against patterns describing the shape of the matched values.

In OCaml, match expressions take the form:

match e with
| p1 -> e1
| pn -> en

This expression first evaluates e and then matches the obtained value v against the patterns p1 to pn. For the first matching pi -> ei whose pattern pi matches v, the right-hand-side expression ei is evaluated. The value obtained from ei is then the result value of the entire match expression. If no pattern matches, then a run-time exception will be thrown.

For now, we will focus on the following kinds of patterns p:

  • a constant literal pattern c: here c must be a constant literal such as 1, 1.0, "Hello", [], etc. The pattern c matches a value v iff v is equal to c.

  • a wildcard pattern _: matches any value

  • a variable pattern x: matches any value and binds x to that value in the right-hand-side expression of the matching.

  • a tuple pattern (p1, ..., pn): matches a value v if v is a tuple (v1, ..., vn) where v1 to vn are some values matched by the patterns p1 to pn.

  • a cons pattern p1 :: p2: matches values v that are lists of the form v1 :: v2 where the head v1 is matched by p1 and the tail v2 by p2.

  • choice pattern p1 | p2: matches values v that are matched by pattern p1 or pattern p2. Restriction: if a variable x occurs in p1, it must also occur in p2 (and vice versa) and x must have the same type in both patterns.

  • a variable binding pattern (p1 as x): matches values v that are matched by p1 and binds x to v in the right hand side of the matching.

There are some additional types of patterns related to algebraic data types that we will study later.

Here is how we can define the function sum_of_list that we have seen earlier using pattern matching:

let rec sum_of_list l = 
  match l with
  | [] -> 0
  | hd :: tl -> hd + sum_of_list tl

The two patterns in the match expression distinguish between the case where the list l is empty (pattern []) and the case where the list is non-empty (pattern hd :: tl). In the second case, the list will be decomposed into its head, which will be bound to the variable hd and its tail, which will be bound to the variable tl. The right-hand side of the matching for the non-empty list case then uses hd and tl to implement the recursive case of sum_of_list. Arguably, this version of sum_of_list is much more readable than the earlier version.

Note that the names of variables in variable patterns such as hd and tl can be chosen freely. They act like implicit variable declarations. For instance, the following code is equivalent to the one given above:

let rec sum_of_list l = 
  match l with
  | [] -> 0
  | x :: xs -> x + sum_of_list xs

If we define a function whose body is a match expression that matches the parameter of the function like so:

fun x -> match x with
| p1 -> e1
| pn -> en

and the parameter x is not used in any of the right hand sides of the matchings e1 to en, then this function expression can be abbreviated to

| p1 -> e1
| pn -> en

We can thus write the definition of sum_of_list even more compactly like this:

let rec sum_of_list = function
  | [] -> 0
  | x :: xs -> x + sum_of_list xs

Note that we can also write functions that work on polymorphic lists. Here is an example of a function that uses pattern matching to reverse a list of elements over some arbitrary element type 'a:

let rec reverse = function
  | [] -> []
  | hd :: tl -> reverse tl @ [hd]

# reverse [1; 2; 3] ;;
- : int list = [3; 2; 1]

This implementation of reverse is not very efficient, though. It runs in linear space and quadratic time in the size of the input list. This is because the function is not tail-recursive and the list concatenation operator @ is linear in the size of its first argument.

Here is a more efficient tail-recursive implementation of reverse:

let reverse xs = 
  let rec reverse_helper rev_xs = function
  | hd :: tl -> reverse_helper (hd :: rev_xs) tl
  | [] -> rev_xs
  in reverse_helper [] xs

This version runs in constant stack space and linear time.

Here is another example: a by-hand implementation of the in-built list concatenation operator @:

let rec concat xs ys =
  match xs with
  | x :: xs1 -> x :: concat xs1 ys
  | [] -> ys

Exercise: implement concat using tail-recursion.

Pattern Guards

Caution: A variable name occurring in a pattern will always be interpreted as a variable pattern, which introduces a fresh binding for that variable, shadowing any earlier binding of the same variable in the scope of that pattern.

For example, suppose you want to use a match expression to determine whether an int value x is equal to a globally defined constant value c:

let c = 42

let deep_thought x = match x with
| c -> "The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!"
| _ -> "This is not the answer. Calling the Vogons..."

Calling deep_thought with any int value will always cause the function to take the first matching of the match expression because the pattern c introduces a fresh binding for c that matches any value.

We can avoid this problem by using a different variable name for the c in the pattern and then enforce the equality of the values matched by this variable using a pattern guard:

let c = 42

let deep_thought x = match x with
| c1 when c1 = c -> "The answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!"
| _ -> "This is not the answer. Calling the Vogons..."

The guard expression c1 = c is evaluated after the pattern c1 has been matched successfully. The right hand side expression of the matching is then only evaluated if the guard expression also evaluates to true. If the guard expression evaluates to false, the next matching is tried. In general, any expression of type bool can be used as a pattern guard.

Arguably, a cleaner implementation of deep_thought would use a simple conditional expression to check equality between x and c directly. So match expressions do not automatically lead to cleaner and more readable code.

Let's look at a more reasonable example of pattern guards that also demonstrates the use of patterns for deep matching of values.

Our goal is to write a function remove_duplicates that removes consecutive duplicate elements in a given list:

# remove_duplicates [1; 1; 2; 1; 3; 3]
- : int list = [1; 2; 1; 3]

Here is a first shot at implementing this function:

let rec remove_duplicates = function
  | hd :: hd :: tl -> remove_duplicates (hd :: tl)
  | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove_duplicates tl
  | [] -> []

The code nicely expresses the intend: if we see two consecutive occurrences of the same element hd at the beginning of the list, we drop the first one and recursively process the tail, keeping the second one for now. Otherwise, the list either contains fewer than two elements or the first two elements are different. These cases are handled by the second and third pattern.

Unfortunately, this code does not compile because variables that are used in variable patterns are only allowed to occur once within the same pattern:

Error: Variable hd is bound several times in this matching

We can avoid this problem by using different variable names for the two occurrences of hd in the pattern of the first matching and then enforce the equality of the values matched by these variables using a pattern guard:

let rec remove_duplicates = function
  | hd1 :: hd2 :: tl when hd1 = hd2 -> remove_duplicates (hd2 :: tl)
  | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove_duplicates tl
  | [] -> []

Again, the guard expression hd1 = hd2 is evaluated after the pattern hd1 :: hd2 :: tl has been matched successfully, checking whether the two first elements are equal. If they are not, we proceed with the next pattern hd :: tl.

This version compiles and works as expected:

# remove_duplicates [1; 1; 2; 1; 3; 3]
- : int list = [1; 2; 1; 3]

Here is a slightly optimized version of the above implementation that uses a variable binding pattern to avoid the allocation of a new cons node for the tail list passed to the recursive call in the right hand side of the first matching:

let rec remove_duplicates = function
  | hd1 :: (hd2 :: _ as tl) when hd1 = hd2 -> remove_duplicates tl
  | hd :: tl -> hd :: remove_duplicates tl
  | [] -> []

The pattern (hd2 :: _ as tl) used in the first matching binds tl to the value matched by the pattern hd2 :: _.

Checking Exhaustiveness

One nice feature of OCaml's static type checker is that it can help us ensure that pattern matching expressions are exhaustive. For instance, suppose we write something like:

match l with
| hd :: _ -> hd

Then the compiler will warn us that we have not considered all possible cases of values that l can evaluate to. The compiler will even provide examples of values that we have not considered in the match expression: in this case []. This feature is particularly useful for match expressions that involve complex nested patterns.