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Releases: o-oconnell/mp4grep

mp4grep 0.1.5 for x86 Linux

04 Jan 02:25
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Small fixes, mainly that a directory can be passed as an argument and all 16000 Hz wav files within will be transcribed concurrently. Install and build instructions are the same as the previous release.

mp4grep 0.1.4 for x86 Linux

23 Apr 21:58
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Instructions for building mp4grep have not changed since the previous release (see

However, this release adds some small improvements and also contains a pre-built binary of mp4grep for x86 Linux, which means you do not need to install the OCaml compiler if you only want to install mp4grep.

Installation steps, if you do not want to build:

  1. Download and decompress the code, then enter the resulting directory.

  2. (Optionally) set your $PATH to bin/mp4grep (it must be in this directory relative to the Vosk .so under lib).

  3. Set your MP4GREP_CACHE and MP4GREP_MODEL environment variables to a convenient directory for text files and a Vosk model, respectively (see for model downloads).

  4. If you do not already, make sure you have ffmpeg and gcc installed. This has been tested on x86 Lubuntu 21.10 and x86 Ubuntu 20.04.

After that, you should be good to go! Open an issue if you're having problems, and remember this has only been compiled for x86 Linux. You may need to refer to the build instructions ( for other architectures.

mp4grep 0.1.3 for Linux

22 Mar 18:00
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mp4grep in OCaml. Installation and dependencies:


  1. Install Opam

  2. Create a new switch (version of the compiler) by running opam switch create mp4grep 4.12.0+domains+effects. This version is necessary as mp4grep will be updated to take advantage of multicore domains in OCaml.

  3. Install parmap on your new switch: opam install parmap.

  4. Download mp4grep, untar/zip it, and cd into its directory.

  5. Execute source --prefix [location to install mp4grep]. On Linux a good choice might be ~/.local/bin, which is often in your $PATH.

  6. Run make install.

  7. You will need to specify your Vosk-compatible transcription model and directory for cached transcriptions by setting MP4GREP_MODEL and MP4GREP_CACHE. You'll probably want to export them in your .bashrc or .zshrc as well: export MP4GREP_MODEL=/full/path/of/model, export MP4GREP_CACHE=/full/path/of/cache/dir.


The mp4grep executable only takes single-channel, 16000 Hz wav files as input. Running make install also provides you with mp4grep-convert, which is a Bash script that will take directories or audio files as its arguments, extract audio files from directories, and convert them to wav files using ffmpeg.


OCaml 4.12.0+domains+effects, parmap 1.2.4, and ffmpeg. The Makefile assumes that you have installed parmap using Opam, and looks under OPAM_INSTALL_PREFIX for it. You will have to modify the topmost ocamlc command in the Makefile if you have installed it another way.

mp4grep v0.1.1

29 Nov 03:01
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Fixed timestamp formatting issue. Added --clear-cache option. Added --transcribe and --transcribe-to-file options for printing transcriptions without search.

Download Run unzip Then, cd mp4grep-0.1.1 and source

This and prior versions of mp4grep depend on Java 11+

mp4grep v0.1.0

10 Nov 20:15
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Download Run unzip Then, cd mp4grep-0.1.0 and source