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Itzbenz edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 6 revisions


  • Java 14+ and added to JAVA_HOME (Ozone desktop can run on java 14+) (For Ozone-Desktop Only)
  • Java 8+ and added to JAVA_HOME (Ozone core can run on java 8+) (For Ozone-Core) (don't need to install if you have the mindustry.exe version/ bundled JRE)
  • Internet connection (required to download assets)(For Ozone-Desktop Mandatory)(For Ozone-Core Optional)
  • Year 2006+ Computer or Android 4.0+
  • 2 GB of free RAM because java is greedy
  • The Mindustry it self



because life never been any harder if you don't install java
AdoptOpenJDK [OpenJDK-OpenJRE 14]
AdoptOpenJDK [OpenJDK-OpenJRE 8]
Oracle JDK [JDK 14 only require login]
Zulu JDK [OpenJDK-OpenJRE 8]


optional if you want to download directly from Mindustry
Note: Ozone Desktop is an independent loader with some extension (Ozone Core + Desktop Extension + Loader)
Note: for Mindustry 124+ use Mindustry built in mods browser instead
Note: Dexed mean support for android, compatible with pc
Note: Ozone Desktop need to be installed manually
Latest [Github]
Nightly [Github] [Zipped and need github login]
Other Release [Github]

ps: it's free dimwit


Ozone destkop

  • install Java 14
  • java -jar Mindustry-Ozone.jar or double click if can
  • click install
  • optional: Run to download mindustry and run it
  • use java 14 to launch Mindustry

Ozone core

  • install java 8+ (need to install if you want run the .jar, use another method if you don't have java)
  • java -jar Mindustry-Ozone.jar or double click if can
  • it's copied to mindustry mods folder


Note: its removed due to some retard abuse it as hacking client

  • open mindustry [124+]
  • open mod browser
  • search ozone
  • install it
  • restart mindusty


  • open mods
  • import mod
  • import from github
  • o7-Fire/Mindustry-Ozone

Every Mindustry mods

  • locate Mindustry mods folder
Android: Android/data/io.anuken.mindustry/files/mods
Windows: %APPDATA%/Roaming/Mindustry/mods or C:/Users/USERNAME/.AppData/Roaming/Mindustry/mods
Linux: /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Mindustry/mods/
  • copy the jar to the mods folder
  • launch Mindustry (for Ozone Desktop recommend to use Run instead, because user keep messed up)


  • open Mindustry
  • open Mods menu
  • Import mods
  • Select to the mods file
tl;dr both version can be manually installed and have installer built-in 
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