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Ethan Simon-Law edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Pie Menus Plus wiki!

This is currently a WIP and may never be fully fleshed out.

The gist of learning Pies Plus is to run through each keymap 1 by 1, spending some time using it and getting familiar. Experience with the tool and getting comfortable in your own way is the most important documentation.. trumping anything else.

Pies Plus is an ecosystem, but you have the free will to deactivate any menus you don't feel are beneficial to your workflow efficiency. It is actually encouraged to pick and choose what menus you think are valuable and to get rid of the rest. Another thing to iterate, Pies Plus is mainly built for a modeling toolkit but I am sure most users can find their own viability with it, if under limited circumstances.

If you have any questions that haven't been answered in this documentation feel free to join our Discord Support Server and ask away ;)

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