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Release 8.0.0
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kitsonk committed Jul 20, 2021
1 parent 4bc080c commit 9f7dad2
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,66 @@
# oak Change Log

## Version 8.0.0

- **BREAKING CHANGE** feat: add native request web socket support (9d1b770)

The ability to upgrade Deno native HTTP requests is support by Deno 1.12 and
later and has been integrated into oak.

This also introduces a **breaking change**, where if using the `std` server
with oak, the `ctx.upgrade()` will resolve with a web standard `WebSocket`
interface, where previously it resolved with the non-standard `std` server

- **BREAKING CHANGE** feat: options for the way state is create for a context

In oak v6 and prior, the context's `.state` was simply an alias to the
application's `.state`. In v7, the context's `.state` was a clone of the
application's `.state`. The problem was that not everything that could be
assigned to the application's state was cloneable, leading to runtime errors
when trying to handle requests.

In v8, the default behavior is similar to v7, but non-clone-able properties of
the applications `.state` are skipped. In addition, there is a new application
option which can be passed up creating a new application named `contextState`
which takes one of several values:

- `"clone"` - this is the default behavior mentioned above.
- `"alias"` - this is the behavior of oak v6 and prior, where the
application's `.state` strictly equals the context's `.state`.
- `"prototype"` - this creates a new `.state` for each context, using the
application's `.state` as the prototype.
- `"empty"` - a new empty object is created for each context's `.state`.

- feat: allow setting of an extension/content type map for send() (f8ee902)

`send()` takes a new option of `contextTypes` which is a record of extensions
and content types to use. This allows extending and overriding of the existing
`media_types` database when serving files.

- feat: log uncaught errors by default (7669d12)

While the application has emitted `"error"` events for quite a while, many
users are not aware of how listen for errors. Therefore by default, the
application will log to stderr any uncaught errors that occur within the
application. This behavior can be turned off by setting the application option
`logErrors` to `false` when creating a new application.

- fix(#352): fix content-length in Range requests (#353)

- fix(#362): handle errors occurring during finalizing response (7d39e1f)

Previously, if there were issues finalizing the response, such as attempting
to serialize to JSON the response's body, the error would be dispatched on the
application, but a response would not be sent back to the client, just
"hanging" the client. Now, an error response (500) should be sent back to the

- docs: update readme (6efacb1)
- chore: update to Deno 1.12.1, std 0.102.0, media_types 2.9.3 (4bc080c)
- chore: update vscode settings (f4138f9)

## Version 7.7.0

- feat: improve inspection/console logging (bfbf061)
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