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Releases: oanguenot/JSONgle

v3.1.0 - Send Metrics

26 Apr 14:00
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  • Add new method reportMetrics to send call metrics to the server

v3.0.4 - Fix version

31 Mar 19:00
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  • Allow to send an empty reaction (to remove an existing reaction)
  • Allow to send an empty message content if additionalContent exists

v3.0.3 - Reactions and Messages additional Content

31 Mar 08:39
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  • A new optional parameter data has been added to the methods send and sendMuc for sending an additional content to any messages when in P2P and in a MUC
  • A new method sendJSONMuc has been added to send a JSON when in a MUC
  • New methods reactToMessage and reactToMessageMuc have been added to react to a message when in P2P and in a MUC

v3.0.2 - MUC Acknowledgement

31 Mar 08:35
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  • Add new method sendAReadAcknowledgementMuc to send a read ack when in a MUC

v3.0.1 - MUC

31 Mar 08:34
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This version allow to have several participants in a room for chatting (muc)


  • Add new method sendMuc to send a message when in a muc
  • Add new method isTypingMuc to send a typing state when in a muc

v2.6.1 - Fix for session-info/unreachable

08 Jul 11:22
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  • Fix to handle correctly event session-info with reason unreachable when the signaling server informs about the loss of the remote participant

v2.6.0 - Set Log level

08 Jul 07:56
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Breaking changes

  • Replace property setVerboseLog in config by property logLevel to set the level of the logger ('none', 'debug', 'info', 'warning' and 'error')
  • Replace method setVerboseLog(boolean) by method setLogLevel(level)

v2.5.1 - Fix Retract call

06 Jul 05:51
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  • Allow to retract call when in proceeding and offering state (call is still in progress)

v2.5.0 - Mute Media separately

02 Jul 15:19
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  • Added new methods muteAudio(), unmuteAudio(), muteVideo(), unmuteVideo() to mute media separately
  • Added new properties mutedMedia and remoteMutedMedia in the Call Object to inform about the media muted by the local user or the remote peer.

V2.4.2 - Fix message type

27 Jun 15:01
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  • When in offering state, force the type of message to be sent to avoid issues between candidates and offer