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oar-docker CHANGELOG

Version 1.6.5.dev0


Version 1.6.4

Released on April 17th 2023 - add bookworm support - rework image templates - switch to python3 venv

Version 1.6.3

Released on January 06th 2022 - add bullseye support

Version 1.6.2

Released on October 21st 2021 - update docker image recipes for Debian buster: use buster instead of stable as the release name, add the man package - add support for the oar-node and oar-server systemd native unit files - fix python3 collections callable

Version 1.6.1

Released on March 31st 2020 - Set the drawgantt label_cmp_regex configuration to sort nodes correctly

Version 1.6.0

Released on March 31st 2020

  • Change the web_services to net_services in the manifest.json file (but keep the backward compatibility)
  • Add an extra field in the net_services for port forwarding other than http (cosmetic)
  • Add information in the README.rst file about the TCP ports forwarding
  • Do not create the /dev/oar_cgroups_links/ and /dev/cpuset in oardocker install, but let OAR take care of it
  • This breaks with OAR before OAR 2.5.9+g5k5, see README.rst

Version 1.5.0

Released on March 06th 2020

Version 1.4.0

Released on December 06th 2018

  • Improve systemd usage in container
  • Use of Docker API version 1.21
  • Enhance
  • Change Debian8 base image
  • Add better CiGri template

Version 1.3.0

Released on June 13th 2016

  • Rework scripts (apache2 configuration + chmod 0600 oar.conf)
  • Add newapi apache2 config (for the Python OAR API)
  • Fix apache2 startup by systemd
  • Rework port bindings, using the manifest
  • Add port bindings to 6668 for OAR API
  • Change default host port numbers for forwarding

Version 1.2.0

Released on March 30th 2016

  • Reverted the frontend http server from nginx to apache
  • Fixed OAR Rest API unit tests
  • Configured COORM images to use the new oar3 python package and kamelot as default scheduler
  • Fixed "core" resources creation
  • Minor python3 fixes

Version 1.1.0

Released on February 10th 2016

  • Updated base image version to 1.3.2
  • Configured debian branches to pin some up-to-date packages from sid (nginx, systemd)
  • Unmask systemd-tmpfiles-setup service (Fixed #45)
  • Fixed /etc/hosts again mountpoint with the latest version of docker (>1.9)
  • Added new coorm env based on jessie one
  • Made init-scripts executable
  • The install operation is not supported if no install_script is set to the manifest.json
  • Added a manifest.json file to describe environments
  • Try to pull docker images if missing
  • Added --rebuild option to rebuild images even if already done
  • send original oar-server log to journalctl
  • Allocate tty by default in oardocker exec cmd

Version 1.0.0

Released on November 18th 2015

  • Improved stability, performance and security
  • Used systemd as default init for the containers
  • Improved ressources usage with systemd activation socket.
  • Used tmpfiles.d to create runtimes volatile files (pid,/var/run etc.)
  • Passed environement variables to containers by using /etc/profile
  • No more insecure ssh keys
  • Fixed all web services (api, monika...) by replacing apache2 by nginx
  • Improved logging by adding rsyslog node to centralize all logs
  • Added --no-tail and --lines/-n options to oardocker logs command
  • Created resources manually as it is faster than oar_resources_ini (no ssh connection)
  • Removed unused scripts
  • OAR3 ready

Version 0.6.0

Released on October 22nd 2015

  • Removed wheezy environement (Fixed #39)
  • Logged to stdout by default
  • Fixed oar.conf permissions to allow normal user to read it
  • disable_unicode_literals_warning in click
  • Added oidentd start for the API to do auth
  • Enabled mod_cgi (for monika)
  • Let the oar makefile configure the web tools
  • New template for cigri base
  • Fixed resources initialization
  • Fixed string formating
  • Do not allocate a pseudo-TTY by default
  • Fixed oar-node and oar-server init.d script for OAR 2.5.3 and older
  • Adapt new oar_resources_init options
  • Setup cosystem and deploy jobs and install oar-node on the frontend

Version 0.5.10

Released on July 03rd 2015

  • Make /etc/oar/ a symlink to improve debugging (Fixed #34)
  • Fixed API by reverted to oidentd

Version 0.5.9

Released on July 01st 2015

  • Set OAREXEC_DEBUG_MODE=1 to improve the dev environement (Fixed #34)

Version 0.5.8

Released on June 29th 2015

  • Removed compiled python3 versions
  • Bumped base images version to 1.2

Version 0.5.7

Released on June 25th 2015

  • Bumped base images version to 1.1 (included apache2-suexec and pidentd)
  • Fixed the stamp for setup_resources script (Fixed #33)
  • Fixed oar-api apache configuration

Version 0.5.6

Released on June 23rd 2015

  • Used jessie as default env

Version 0.5.5

Released on June 12th 2015

  • Minor bug fix about persistent bash history

Version 0.5.4

Released on June 02nd 2015

  • Bumped base image version to 1.0.4
  • Added persistent .bash_history and .pyhistory
  • Added :ro, :rw and :cow options to --volume option
  • Fixed phppgadmin and oarapi 403 error in jessie
  • Fixed oarapi 403 error in jessie
  • Removed duplicated package installation from dockerfile
  • Fixed rest-client installation in debian jessie
  • Installed chandler in base image
  • Configured postgresql just after OAR installation
  • Update wait_pgsql script : used UNIX socket if no host provided

Version 0.5.3

Released on May 22nd 2015

  • Installed ruby-rspec librestclient-ruby for Rest API unittests
  • Fixed oar resources initialization
  • Initialized database during OAR installation
  • Installed chandler
  • Sequential oar resources Initialization (Fixed #28)
  • Run cleanup scripts and kill all processes in the container when receiving SIGINT (Fixed #27)
  • Updated base images to version 1.0.3
  • Improved oardocker cgroup cleanup
  • Cleanup oardocker nodes cgroup on oardocker stop (Fixed #27)
  • Configured oarsh to get the current cpuset from the containers (Fixed #30)
  • Added ugly patch to fix /etc/hosts mount with docker >=1.6.0

Version 0.5.2

Released on May 05th 2015

  • Installed socat in the nodes
  • Wait ssh daemon on nodes before oar_resources_init
  • Improved ssh connection on colmet nodes

Version 0.5.1

Released on April 21st 2015

  • Fixed compatibility with docker-py==1.1.0

Version 0.5.0

Released on Apr 2nd 2015

  • Removed chandler and ruby from images
  • Installed libdatatime-perl on server
  • Dropped python environment
  • Added new environment for colmet based on jessie one
  • Based on oardocker/debian7 and oardocker/debian8 images built wit kameleon

Version 0.4.3

Released on Feb 23rd 2015

  • Added --debug option
  • Set default docker API to 1.15 (#25)
  • Workaround phpphadmin apache install
  • Removed drawgantt-svg permissions errors (#23)
  • Fixed oardocker init subcommand (#22)
  • Upload workdir to containers during the build
  • Updated Dockerfiles to execute script

Version 0.4.2

Released on Jan 28th 2015

  • Cleaned up unversionned OAR files (git clean) from sources before installing OAR (Fixed #20)

Version 0.4.0

Released on Jan 24th 2015

  • Python3 support
  • Prefixed all container outputs with the container hostname (like oardocker logs subcommand)
  • Added --force-rm and --pull options to oardocker build subcommand
  • Allowed user to build custom images with script located in .oardocker/images/<image_name>/
  • Added a proper way to shutdown container
  • Updated /etc/hosts when reseting containers
  • Removed dockerpty package from dependencies
  • Removed oardocker ssh/ssh-config subcommand
  • Added --verbose option
  • Fixed oardocker logs subcommand

Version 0.3.2

Released on Dec 16th 2014

  • Added --enable-x11 option to allow containers to display x11 applications
  • Auto-loaded OAR module on python startup
  • Added --env option to oardocker start to set custom environment variables
  • Added --workdir option to oardocker exec

Version 0.3.1

Released on Nov 27th 2014

Bug fixes: - Fixed the Dockerfiles "FROM" statement

Improvements: - Removed implicit 'default' alias from available env

Version 0.3.0

Released on Nov 27th 2014


  • Added oardocker exec command
  • Manage multiple environment variants with oardocker init: added wheezy|jessie|python bases images

Bug fixes: - Revert default environment to Debian Wheezy due to breaking OAR API in Jessie - Fixed locales issue

Improvements: - better synchronisation between oar-server and postgresql services

Version 0.2.0

Released on Nov 5th 2014


  • Updated base images to debian jessie
  • Added oardocker connect to connect to the nodes without ssh
  • The commands oardocker ssh and oardocker ssh-config are deprecated from now


  • Removed supervisor and make init process less complex by only using my_init.d statup scripts
  • Customized help parameter to accept -h and --help
  • Used docker client binary for some task instead of the API

Bug fixes:

  • Make sure that /etc/hosts file contain the localhost entry

Version 0.1.4

Released on Oct 28th 2014

  • Ignored my-init scripts if filename ends by "~"
  • Added wait_pgsql script to wait postgresql to be available
  • Fixed monika config (db server hostname is server)
  • Removed old code
  • Adapt cgroup mount script to and remove old cpuset workaround
  • Fixed cpu/core/thread affinity

Version 0.1.3

Released on Sep 10th 2014

  • Added oar reset cmd to restart containers
  • Added a better comments about oardocker images with git information
  • Used default job_resource_manager script (from oar sources)
  • Mount the host cgroup path in the containers (default path is /sys/fs/cgroup)
  • Removed stopped containers from ssh_config
  • Remove dnsmasq and mount a custom /etc/hosts for the nodes (need docker >= 1.2.0)

Version 0.1.2

Released on Sep 16th 2014

  • Keep compatible with older versions of git
  • Don't name the containers
  • Mounting OAR src as Copy-on-Write directory with unionfs-fuse
  • Stopped installation when container failed during oardocker install
  • Added option to print version
  • Allow ssh connection with different user

Version 0.1.1

Released on Sep 11th 2014

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 0.1

Released on Sep 11th 2014

Initial public release of oar-docker