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Closed Jun 22, 2022 100% complete

Officially support Ruby versions >= 2.7
Unofficially support Ruby versions >= 2.5
Incidentally suppoort Ruby versions >= 2.2
Drop support for MAC Draft versions < 0.3
Add support for MAC Draft version 0.5
Adds new option to OAuth2::Client: access_token_class; a user specified class to use for all calls to get_token.

Officially support Ruby versions >= 2.7
Unofficially support Ruby versions >= 2.5
Incidentally suppoort Ruby versions >= 2.2
Drop support for MAC Draft versions < 0.3
Add support for MAC Draft version 0.5
Adds new option to OAuth2::Client: access_token_class; a user specified class to use for all calls to get_token.

This milestone is closed.

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