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OBADA network simulation to run locally

  1. IPSF for metadata
  2. Fauset to obtain tokens
  3. OBD token name - aobd / atto obd 1 power 18. OBT
  4. Nft creation
  5. Nft execution from reference design application


For running this playground please use Ubuntu 20.04. Please check this video if you need more installation details.

Install required packages

sudo apt install docker-compose make -y

Add user to docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Restart your login section after this command (relogin or reboot).

Clone the project

git clone -b develop
cd local-network-playground

Configure and run OBADA network

make install

Network components

Component name Description Browser access URL
Demo Wallet The application that interacts with OBADA application node, creates NFTs and allows to transfer OBD. http://localhost:8090
IPFS Interplanetary filesystem node is used to store NFT metadata in a decentralized way. http://localhost:8084 (Example url)
Application Node Node that do not participate in validation but it used by applications such as "Block explorer" and "Demo Wallet" http://localhost:26656-26657
Query API The list of all available REST endpoints is available as a Swagger specification file. http://localhost:1317
Block explorer UI tool that allows to search records in blockchain by block id, transaction and address. Shows blockchain updates in realtime. http://localhost:3000
Validation node The core of the system. The network of validation nodes creates "OBADA Network" Does not allow access from the browser.
Trust Anchor - http://localhost:8071

Installation troubleshooting

Container is restarting, wait until the container is running

This error can mean that you have a slow docker environment, you can increase INITIALIZE_TIMEOUT (default value is 10 seconds). After failed installation run:

sudo make clean
INITIALIZE_TIMEOUT=15 make install