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Marco Pattaro edited this page Dec 21, 2012 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the STAR wiki!

What is STAR

STAR is a dressing for Python Pandas (, with the goal of aiding analysts with few computer science skill in making complex analysis.

Python Pandas is a powerful data analysis tool but it requires the user to have a good knowledge of the underlying programming language (Python) and some principle of relational algebra. Most of the potential users of Pandas are at most trained in using spreadsheets, and while they recognise many basic concepts, they are used to a much more ‘wizard’ approach.

The goal of STAR is to facilitate some of the most hard to understand operation that an analyst would like to do. Also, any analysis job is an end in itself without the production of a report, thus STAR implements a small reporting engine (remida) that is able to embed graphics or tabular data representation in a TeX or HTML document.

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