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File : README.md
Maintainer : Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
Date : 2013-05-21
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2013 Felix C. Stegerman
Version : 0.4.0
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baktogit - backup w/ git
baktogit uses rsync to incrementally backup files and directories to a git repository -- mostly intended for configuration files. If requested, baktogit will also push to a remote.
You may also be interested in etckeeper [2]; in contrast to baktogit (which copies configuration files to a git repository), etckeeper keeps /etc itself in version control.
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You should be careful about including files like /etc/shadow
must remain secret; you should probably chmod 700
the directory
containing your repository, and be very careful with .git/
clones, and remotes; the etckeeper [2] README has more information
on the security implications of keeping these kinds of files in
version control.
Files you may want to exclude are: /etc/shadow*
and any other private keys and
configuration files with passwords.
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$ mkdir -p /opt/src
$ git clone https://github.com/obfusk/baktogit.git \
$ export BAKTOGIT_REPO=/path/to/repo # must be a git repo
$ export BAKTOGIT_PUSH=yes # to push as well
$ export VERBOSE=yes # to be verbose
$ /opt/src/baktogit/baktogit.bash /a/foo /b/bar /c/qux \
--exclude=/a/foo/some/file # absolute paths!
You'll need to --exclude=.git
any .git/
Arguments will be passed on to rsync; as long as you only use paths,
, and --exclude-from
(or know what you are doing), all
should be well.
$ cp -i /opt/src/baktogit/baktogit.cron.sample \
$ vim /etc/cron.daily/baktogit
$ chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/baktogit
You may also want to combine baktogit with mailer [3], to send a report per email.
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GPLv2 [1].
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[1] GNU General Public License, version 2 --- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0
[2] etckeeper --- https://github.com/joeyh/etckeeper
[3] mailer --- https://github.com/obfusk/mailer
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