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Web Admin Dashboard

Obi Akubue edited this page May 28, 2017 · 10 revisions

The Ragios web admin dashboard can be accessed from http://localhost:5041. This should take you straight to the dashboard.

If you have authentication enabled you will be redirected to the login page. Login with the username and password you have set for the ragios admin user in the ragios/config.rb file.

Creating A Monitor From the Dashboard click on the Create Monitor button, this will take you to the Create Monitor page. Fill out the form with properties of the monitor you want to create. Add any additional properties required for the monitor you want to create. Set the correct datatype and fill out the additional properties you have added. You can also edit the monitor's properties directly in JSON. After adding all the properties for the monitor, Click on the Save Monitor button to create the new monitor and add it the system. Clicking on the Save Monitor button creates and starts the monitor then takes you back to the Dashboard.

The Dashboard The Dashboard contains a list of all the Monitors in the system, you will see the new monitor we just created listed on the Dashboard. Monitors are listed on the Dashboard ordered by their creation datetime.

Manage a Monitor To edit, update, test, delete, stop, start a monitor, view and track its events, click on the monitor's id from the Dashboard. This will take you to the monitor's page for managing the monitor.

The buttons:

  • Start Monitor - starts the monitor
  • Stop Monitor - stops the monitor
  • Test Monitor - Runs the monitor's test
  • Delete Monitor - Deletes the monitor.

Updating a Monitor The monitor's properties are displayed in a JSON editor which can be edited directly inline or in form view or directly in JSON format in the code editor

To update the monitor after editing it click on the Save Monitor button. This will save the changes and restart the monitor with the updated changes.

**All Events ** The All Events tab lists all the monitor's events. For monitor we just created, it has the monitor.create and monitor.start events, and the monitor.test event for the first test and another for the subsequent test.

The All Events tab lists events that happened on the current day, if you want to load events from previous days or over any time period, you can adjust the Start Date - End Date datetime picker and click on Refresh data.

Failures and Notifications When a test fails the monitor.test event of the failed test and the monitor.notification event of the failure notification is recorded.

Notifications The notification event will also be displayed under the Notifications tab.

The Notifications Tab lists all notifications for the monitor for the current day, you can adjust the Start Date - End Date datetime picker to view notifications for previous dates or within any datetime range.

Failures The Failures Tab lists all failures for the monitor for the current day, and can be adjusted to display for any datetime.

Errors Errors and exceptions from a monitor are displayed under the Errors tab.

Managing, Viewing and Deleting Events To view or delete an event click on the event id. This will open a modal for viewing and deleting events.

This dashboard is still a work in progress and will be updated continuously.

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