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A simple, bare-bones static site generator in Dart, with Markdown and Mustache templating support.

No need to worry about "themes", "plugins" or configuration just to get a simple static site up and running. This is a stripped-down 'framework' to help make Markdown -> HTML generation (with templating features) as quick and easy as possible, while still being flexible and powerful enough to feel like you're working with a dynamic site.

Edit your CSS/SASS/Dart/JS/Coffeescript/etc like you would on any other plain static site (your assets won't get moved or copied around), and simplify your content creation with Markdown and HTML templates. Recommend using it with the LivePage chrome extension for maximum productivity.


Optional YAML file that stores your global values and config options. Values set here can be accessed from all templates and markdown files.

Here are the configuration options you can set inside it:

  • content_dir: This is where StillShot will look for your markdown files to generate the site from. Defaults to looking for a content folder in the same directory as the Dart file you'll be generating the site from.
  • template_dir: The directory containing your HTML+Mustache templates. Will look for a templates directory by default.
  • output_dir: Where StillShot should output your generated site. Defaults to the web directory, as used by Dart conventions.
  • date_formatting: Date format string used for parsing the 'last modified' date of your markdown files. See the Dart DateFormat Docs for possible options.
  • markdown_templating: Whether or not to support template tag embedding/rendering in markdown files. Defaults to true.


StillShot lets you use markdown to write your site content. At the beginning of each markdown file, you have the option to use a YAML block to define custom values that you can inject into your templates. Example:

title: A Blog Post
published: 01/01/2014
category: example
    - StillShot
    - Rants
    - Etc.

Normal Markdown content here...

As you can see, a line of tildes (~) is used to designate your YAML block. You can access/inject your values into your pages using mustache template syntax. You can do this either inside your dedicated HTML/mustache templates:


Or, you can embed your values within the markdown file itself:

  - __{{.}}__

so you can take advantage of templating and markdown at the same time.

Simply place all your .md files in your content_dir and StillShot will generate your site accordingly. Note that the filenames of your markdown files will be used for the names of the corresponding generated HTML files in your output_dir.


As mentioned above, you can access any variables set within your markdown files from your templates using mustache. Options set from your site.yaml can be accessed through the _site variable, like so:

<h1>{{ _site.site_name }}</h1>

where site_name is a property defined in your site.yaml. You can access these values from your markdown files as well.

Every page and template has access to the following values:

  • title: post title, usually set inside each markdown file, but is set to name of markdown file if left blank
  • _site: site.yaml values
  • _date: the post/markdown file's last modified date
  • _content: converted markdown content (only accessible from templates)

So when an HTML template for your markdown content would look something like this:

  <title>{{ title }}</title>
    {{ _content }}

Additionally, any tags with src and href attributes that have relative references to your output directory will be trimmed to be local to your output directory. So for example, if you have a <link rel="stylesheet" href="../web/css/main.css"> tag and web is your output directory, then it will be modified to <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"> in the corresponding output file. A tag like href="../assets/css/main.css" however, will remain unchanged because it doesn't contain a reference to the output directory. This way you can test out your css/js/dart directly from your templates without needing to change your resource paths. (Note: this feature currently only works with forward-slash (/) path separators).

Generating Your Site

First make sure to import StillShot in whichever Dart file you have your main() function:

import "package:stillshot/stillshot.dart" as stillshot;

Then simply call stillshot.generate() from anywhere in your main() function, like so:

main() => stillshot.generate();

If you wish, you can use this in a build.dart file to take advantage of your Editor's build system:

Advanced Customization

StillShot leaves a couple options available to you at runtime in case you wish to programmatically customize your site rendering in Dart.

SITE_OPTIONS is the Map containing all your site.yaml options. Modifying the SITE_OPTIONS map directly will take precedence over your site.yaml options (i.e. if you defined site_name: Blog in your site.yaml, but have the line stillshot.SITE_OPTIONS['site_name'] = 'Not A Blog'; in your Dart file, then site_name will be 'Not A Blog'). You can add whatever values you want to it and they will be accessible from your templates and markdown.

You also have the option of overriding StillShot's renderTemplate function, so that you can use your templating engine of choice. Simply make sure you take a template String as your first argument, an options/values Map as your second, and return a fully rendered HTML string. For example:

stillshot.renderTemplate = (String template, Map options) => jade.renderString(template, options);

if you were working with a jade template parser of some kind.

Note that overriding this function may break markdown templating support, so try using it with markdown_templating: false in your site.yaml or SITE_OPTIONS if it becomes a problem.

Sample Project

Using the default options, a StillShot project would typically look like this

site_project/     (Project root)
    content/      (Markdown files)
    templates/    (Html/Mustache templates)
    web/          (Output/resource directory -- where your static site will be generated)
    build.dart    (Where StillShot will be called from to generate your site)
    site.yaml     (Optional config file)
    pubspec.yaml  (Dart pubspec file -- where you will list StillShot as a dependency)

Check the example folder for a sample project using StillShot. Be sure to read through the files in content and templates for extra usage details.


add stillshot to your pubspec.yaml file to install it from pub:

  stillshot: any

or keep up with the latest developments on this git repo:


then just run $ pub get and you'll be all set to go.

Known Issues / TODO

  • Markdown parser is finicky about lists, particularly nested and adjecent lists
  • Directories in content and templates are ignored
  • Mustache partials not yet supported
  • Implement commandline interface and file-watcher to end reliance on a build.dart file


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