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Releases: obscurelyme/CoffeeMaker


21 Dec 00:19
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version 23 alpha build, release configuration


20 Dec 06:31
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verion 0.0.22 alpha release


14 Dec 18:03
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Notable Updates:

  • Fullscreen support
    A hidden utility window is first created and checks the display resolution. Once this is done the window is destroyed and the true game window is subsequently created at the exactly dimensions of the display.

  • 9-slice scalable images
    UI sprite images can be sliced into 9 parts and tiled appropriated to fill the required area. This is now being leveraged in the HUD and the title screen.

  • New B-Spline animations
    New animations for enemy drones have been put in place that scale to any 16:9 display resolution.


07 Dec 21:33
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This release fixes a number of bugs with the deployment and build of both MacOS and Linux distributions. Both binaries successfully deploy to and are in a playable state.


07 Dec 08:31
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The first official Alpha release of Ultra Cosmo Invaders is here! This version marks the 3-month milestone creating the CoffeeMaker Game Engine. Some of the newest features introduced in this Alpha build are as follows...

  • Persisted high scores
    Players can now view 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place scores from prior sessions as well as their current score upon their final death. The high score menu will allow the players to either play again or navigate back to the main menu.
  • Enemy flight formations
    Enemies travel across the screen in predefined flight patterns, making them much easier to see and allow for players to understand where enemies are going.
  • New spline animations
    Enemies travel along new b-splines, implementing tinysplinecxx.
  • Coroutines
    Leveraging std::coroutine, CoffeeMaker supports the following awaiters Timeout, WriteFile, and ReadFile. Each is an async task that can run while never blocking the main thread.
  • Deployments
    As part of the Github Actions release pipeline, in addition to GitHub Releases, Ultra Cosmo Invaders is published on, password is alpha

OSX and Linux builds have an error this round. Linux was hotfixed and the current binary should run now. OSX binary has been removed from this release as it contained an application breaking defect. This will be corrected with the next few hours and rereleased.