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Releases: obsidiansystems/ledger-app-nervos

Version 0.5.4

20 Jan 15:15
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Version 0.5.4 Pre-release

Misc bug fixes from fuzz testing

Version 0.5.1

18 Nov 17:36
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Release Notes

This release is primarily focused on bugfixes and improving the documentation.

  • Updated installation instructions and references to LedgerJS in the README.
  • Fixed DAO deposit prompt.
  • Fixed ordering of UI prompt assignment.
  • Fixed tag matching.
  • Fixed signature corruption due to improper variable initialization.
  • Simplified instructions for initializing a devnet.
  • Fixed wording of version test.
  • Overhauled test-suite: replaced BATS with MochaJS

This release has been tested with:



Type Value
MD5 99ef0e28b1d8fa66247189892cba493c
SHA256 4f8d1a3b2685e145240545db416a8da64e173a53e94afb6fe7cc734eba93b30a
SHA512 430053e073e283ecd9ba162813c928eef3ac93619bfe422c831dbfefb67a29f2f56914100265f6664876253efe4e5a63c2732f75247f6378a74e724b14fbf396


Type Value
MD5 a3c7c5495a4895ed3e99ccd8bc7254b7
SHA256 696d408ffab170dbe4e4a91b5255b6c786694be06e26a02630c593ab4f407f08
SHA512 77631bc4cb166d451fb5a36eddc9e033e17d1e52a55eaec3a67f62afceff5a6b1e73231b477748a535eb99361660f15e34ed06ea2da7de437a90d526e50de95b


30 Sep 16:02
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v0.5.0 - 2020-09-30

Release Notes

  • Allow signing of transactions with custom scripts when the 'allow transactions with scripts' in-app configuration is enabled.
    This also provides a framework for supporting popular scripts in future releases.
  • Fixed a bug with U2F communication.
  • Fixed a bug with 'dao prepare' operations which sometimes prevented them from being signed.
  • Simplified our notation of "self-transfers". There are no longer errors from transactions improperly identified as self-transfers, and only the change path, and not source address, is used to identifier a self transfer.

Known Issues

  • Transfers with a multisig input to multiple outputs where at least one output is a long multisig address will result in incorrect display of the standard secp256k1 sighash addresses. In particular, the 8th character and the last 6 characters are incorrect.
  • Transfers with a multisig input to multiple outputs display the first user prompt as an output. If you navigate back to the first prompt, you'll then correctly see 'Confirm Transaction'. All information shown in the UI is correct and the signed operation is valid, but the order is temporarily incorrect.
  • Multi-input operations where at least one input is a multisig address are not yet supported

This release has been tested with:



Type Value
MD5 f9fbf9b1fb244809a4a2ad57d4cd4dc9
SHA256 80c676657263b04ef6beafc57b64bed9f0ce770a206be21fc4e82fbe12208386
SHA512 3beaec14d3772c8285b77afc1e48af5eda850495fef147d132708536363450fcd5d3ca075655b73f86d10a98efd8a233c756fca5a2da3cdab329e100316c274d


Type Value
MD5 f3657cc56669955914c78c73242c5ef3
SHA256 4efbec4537db8084a548610a64b36615af2efe4a11f132a0ad3e0814455a3c16
SHA512 ab699d75a68e482cceaf7b659886c662090d01761986aa784c45d6056c3d77af58846d6efcabd4e89bedbe0410f64303ff4309a570a709773d991476b6a36698


07 Aug 23:04
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  • Increase number of supported output cells from 3 to 5
  • Memory savings for more stability
  • Improve recognition of self-transfers



Type Value
MD5 4fa6944a540a6da2d844246ae96e1195
SHA256 aa2d5e9ec8c3226c71ca3699e509dfd4a3269ee4a13922ec667a0fd8fde700bf
SHA512 55de6d886ea4ad93dde5c039b1fd61e8a3464bf4a465a0f978ba50c338318855e1c1dc9b1d6f60f14f29b9c7cc8d53e76532a4970717b953db66f832547565b1


Type Value
MD5 7fb1bc07f9616762ffa90c8b647716fd
SHA256 f4a264109f880ba442d304706f9b27b7fe683dbda4d2785b2169622b124583ff
SHA512 eaa71893d9ac22c33f17c9082046700434ea67ef4e340cf6d11b43719fe4abc965cf3691eec3a9751037db4661646d8cff6397937d390f80d5605cefab56d758


24 Jul 15:51
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NOTE: This release has been tested with git hash 8b7bbcb437bdb99a91f19c836cd5ef60667e2718 on the ledger-app branch of, which is intended for testing and development purposes only. This repository comes with scripts that run this specialized fork of CBK-CLI for the user. Do not use this release or our fork of CKB-CLI in production.

v0.3.0 supports a much broader range of transaction display and signing capabilities. Specifically, new features since the last release (v0.1.0):

  • Verifying and signing transactions with multiple different input lock arg, displaying which input we are currently signing for.
  • Updated prompts for self-transfers and transactions to consolidate tokens within an account.
  • Verifying and signing transactions with multiple outputs (currently maximum of 3), displaying destination lock args for all outputs.
  • Updated prompts for verifying and signing DAO deposit, prepare, and withdraw operations.
  • Signing arbitrary messages
    • Securely verified in text or hex form.
    • As an advanced opt-in feature, verifying and signing hashes of arbitrary data.
  • Verifying and signing transactions with multisig and timelock inputs or outputs
  • New FLOW user interface

Additional Notes:

  • Nano S SDK (1.6.0 Unified)
  • Nano X SDK (1.5)



Type Value
MD5 f50f8d2fe0b7839da18765739b4e3439
SHA256 6f04651b0b16ef438e6d7172841808f7051ce66fe396691348451af1d63c36f4
SHA512 313da26af299d48de0ff8726083961f876930585780bc90523a25afc4ddc53c7ed9ba3ad363c74dbce5e1338e95d9e9a112c292f8147902089562a02b6319c76


Type Value
MD5 2bdef8711b7b3671db8e1c5a72c70f9e
SHA256 b6b766ea49c1c326744edd900631bc107e7c577d2e80b83d027799a21a1a07ab
SHA512 9dd2708c767903f5e0a6c1780b1b79e4f26821a113e68e71eb87dd5358be7de703efcb4678f1372cf2267e0ab5a393265098abda2cfe571a7affe0ae2ec1e3ad

Version 0.1.0

03 Apr 18:14
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Initial release for Nervos CKB Ledger app.



Type Value
MD5 8e767d1dac56a934241a24be58b83b29
SHA256 31d5a750891aa7e8ee3161fdd9c60acf7d1f3f728ec180eb9c8125340a17d213
SHA512 db1207214406ca5e0ad40fdf59248c5833e2a9063e61f53605c233fe31a534ef8a2275650248d1bd21c8ff9af6bf71c60b5461cc099666db7131e6313d3219a6