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Initial refactoring of To_cmm (#619)
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mshinwell committed May 20, 2022
1 parent fc0cec9 commit 846f090
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Showing 52 changed files with 3,502 additions and 3,204 deletions.
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3767,3 +3767,338 @@ let emit_preallocated_blocks preallocated_blocks cont =
let c1 = emit_gc_roots_table ~symbols cont in
List.fold_left preallocate_block c1 preallocated_blocks

(* Helper functions and values used by Flambda 2. *)

let typ_int64 =
match Arch.size_int with
| 4 -> [| Cmm.Int; Cmm.Int |]
| 8 -> [| Cmm.Int |]
| _ -> Misc.fatal_errorf "Unsupported Arch.size_int = %d" Arch.size_int

let void = Ctuple []

let unit ~dbg = Cconst_int (1, dbg)

let var v = Cvar v

let symbol_from_string ~dbg sym = Cconst_symbol (sym, dbg)

let float ~dbg f = Cconst_float (f, dbg)

(* CR Gbury: this conversion int -> nativeint is potentially unsafe when
cross-compiling for 64-bit on a 32-bit host *)
let int ~dbg i = natint_const_untagged dbg (Nativeint.of_int i)

let int32 ~dbg i = natint_const_untagged dbg (Nativeint.of_int32 i)

(* CR Gbury: this conversion int64 -> nativeint is potentially unsafe when
cross-compiling for 64-bit on a 32-bit host *)
let int64 ~dbg i = natint_const_untagged dbg (Int64.to_nativeint i)

let nativeint ~dbg i = natint_const_untagged dbg i

let letin v ~defining_expr ~body =
match body with
| Cvar v' when Backend_var.same (Backend_var.With_provenance.var v) v' ->
| Cvar _ | Cconst_int _ | Cconst_natint _ | Cconst_float _ | Cconst_symbol _
| Clet _ | Clet_mut _ | Cphantom_let _ | Cassign _ | Ctuple _ | Cop _
| Csequence _ | Cifthenelse _ | Cswitch _ | Ccatch _ | Cexit _ | Ctrywith _
| Cregion _ | Ctail _ ->
Clet (v, defining_expr, body)

let letin_mut v ty e body = Clet_mut (v, ty, e, body)

let assign x e = Cassign (x, e)

let sequence x y =
match x, y with
| Ctuple [], _ -> y
| _, Ctuple [] -> x
| _, _ -> Csequence (x, y)

let ite ~dbg ~then_dbg ~then_ ~else_dbg ~else_ cond =
( cond,
(* CR-someday poechsel: Put a correct value kind here *)
Vval Pgenval )

let trywith ~dbg ~kind ~body ~exn_var ~handler () =
(* CR-someday poechsel: Put a correct value kind here *)
Ctrywith (body, kind, exn_var, handler, dbg, Vval Pgenval)

type static_handler =
* (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * Cmm.machtype) list
* Cmm.expression
* Debuginfo.t

let handler ~dbg id vars body = id, vars, body, dbg

let cexit id args trap_actions = Cmm.Cexit (Cmm.Lbl id, args, trap_actions)

let trap_return arg trap_actions =
Cmm.Cexit (Cmm.Return_lbl, [arg], trap_actions)

let create_ccatch ~rec_flag ~handlers ~body =
let rec_flag = if rec_flag then Cmm.Recursive else Cmm.Nonrecursive in
Cmm.Ccatch (rec_flag, handlers, body, Vval Pgenval)

let unary op ~dbg x = Cop (op, [x], dbg)

let binary op ~dbg x y = Cop (op, [x; y], dbg)

let int_of_float = unary Cintoffloat

let float_of_int = unary Cfloatofint

let lsl_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
incr_int (lsl_int (decr_int arg1 dbg) arg2 dbg) dbg

let lsr_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
Cop (Cor, [lsr_int arg1 arg2 dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

let asr_int_caml_raw ~dbg arg1 arg2 =
Cop (Cor, [asr_int arg1 arg2 dbg; Cconst_int (1, dbg)], dbg)

let eq ~dbg x y =
match x, y with
| Cconst_int (n, _), Cop (Csubi, [Cconst_int (m, _); c], _)
| Cop (Csubi, [Cconst_int (m, _); c], _), Cconst_int (n, _)
when Misc.no_overflow_sub m n ->
(* [n = m - c] <=> [c = m - n]
This is typically generated by expressions of the form [if not expr then
...], with [not expr] being compiled to [4 - c] and the condition for the
test becomes [1 = 4 - c].
We need to impose the side condition because the above equivalence hides
a subtlety: While [c] is a full-blooded native integer, [m] and [n] are
OCaml ints that will be sign-extended between now and run time. That in
itself doesn't break the equivalence. The problem is that we intend to
compute [m - n] right now, while [m] and [n] are one bit shorter. Thus
there's a bit of sleight of hand going on: the [m - n] we compute now may
not be the [m - n] that appears in the equivalence. [m - c], however,
_is_ subtraction of full native ints (it must be, since [c] can be any
native int). So [m - c] and [m - n] refer to two different operations and
we're cheekily swapping one for the other. We'll get away with it,
however, _so long as [m - n] doesn't overflow_.
Formally, writing [se] for sign extension, we can write a version of our
equivalence that's unconditionally true: [se(n) = se(m) - c] <=> [c =
se(m) - se(n)], where now [-] consistently means subtraction of native
ints. Effectively, we intend to write [c = se(m - n)] in the compiled
code (here [-] is instead subtraction of OCaml ints). This is the same as
[c = se(m) - se(n)] exactly when [se(m - n) = se(m) - se(n)], which is
another way of saying that [m - n] doesn't overflow.
The following z3 script confirms that this check is sufficient: *)
* (define-sort int63 () (_ BitVec 63))
* (define-sort int64 () (_ BitVec 64))
* (define-const z63 int63 ((_ int2bv 63) 0))
* (declare-const m int63)
* (declare-const n int63)
* (declare-const c int64)
* ; let no_overflow_sub a b = (a lxor (lnot b)) lor (b lxor (a-b)) < 0
* (define-fun no_overflow_sub ((a int63) (b int63)) Bool
* (bvslt (bvor (bvxor a (bvnot b)) (bvxor b (bvsub a b))) z63))
* (assert (no_overflow_sub m n))
* (assert (not (=
* (= ((_ sign_extend 1) n) (bvsub ((_ sign_extend 1) m) c))
* (= c ((_ sign_extend 1) (bvsub m n)))
* )))
* (check-sat)
binary (Ccmpi Ceq) ~dbg c (Cconst_int (m - n, dbg))
| _, _ -> binary (Ccmpi Ceq) ~dbg x y

let neq = binary (Ccmpi Cne)

let lt = binary (Ccmpi Clt)

let le = binary (Ccmpi Cle)

let gt = binary (Ccmpi Cgt)

let ge = binary (Ccmpi Cge)

let ult = binary (Ccmpa Clt)

let ule = binary (Ccmpa Cle)

let ugt = binary (Ccmpa Cgt)

let uge = binary (Ccmpa Cge)

let float_abs = unary Cabsf

let float_neg = unary Cnegf

let float_add = binary Caddf

let float_sub = binary Csubf

let float_mul = binary Cmulf

let float_div = binary Cdivf

let float_eq = binary (Ccmpf CFeq)

let float_neq = binary (Ccmpf CFneq)

let float_lt = binary (Ccmpf CFlt)

let float_le = binary (Ccmpf CFle)

let float_gt = binary (Ccmpf CFgt)

let float_ge = binary (Ccmpf CFge)

let beginregion ~dbg = Cop (Cbeginregion, [], dbg)

let endregion ~dbg region = Cop (Cendregion, [region], dbg)

let probe ~dbg ~name ~handler_code_linkage_name ~args =
Cop (Cprobe { name; handler_code_sym = handler_code_linkage_name }, args, dbg)

let load ~dbg kind mut ~addr = Cop (Cload (kind, mut), [addr], dbg)

let store ~dbg kind init ~addr ~new_value =
Cop (Cstore (kind, init), [addr; new_value], dbg)

let direct_call ~dbg ty f_code_sym args =
Cop (Capply (ty, Rc_normal), f_code_sym :: args, dbg)

let indirect_call ~dbg ty alloc_mode f args =
match args with
| [arg] ->
(* Use a variable to avoid duplicating the cmm code of the closure [f]. *)
let v = Backend_var.create_local "*closure*" in
let v' = Backend_var.With_provenance.create v in
(* We always use [Rc_normal] since the [Lambda_to_flambda] pass has already
taken care of the placement of region begin/end primitives. *)
letin v' ~defining_expr:f
( Capply (ty, Rc_normal),
[load ~dbg Word_int Asttypes.Mutable ~addr:(Cvar v); arg; Cvar v],
dbg ))
| args ->
let arity = List.length args in
let l =
(Cconst_symbol (apply_function_sym arity alloc_mode, dbg) :: args) @ [f]
Cop (Capply (ty, Rc_normal), l, dbg)

let indirect_full_call ~dbg ty alloc_mode f = function
(* the single-argument case is already optimized by indirect_call *)
| [_] as args -> indirect_call ~dbg ty alloc_mode f args
| args ->
(* Use a variable to avoid duplicating the cmm code of the closure [f]. *)
let v = Backend_var.create_local "*closure*" in
let v' = Backend_var.With_provenance.create v in
(* get the function's code pointer *)
let fun_ptr =
load ~dbg Word_int Asttypes.Mutable ~addr:(field_address (Cvar v) 2 dbg)
letin v' ~defining_expr:f
~body:(Cop (Capply (ty, Rc_normal), (fun_ptr :: args) @ [Cvar v], dbg))

let extcall ~dbg ~returns ~alloc ~is_c_builtin ~ty_args name typ_res args =
if not returns then assert (typ_res = typ_void);
( Cextcall
{ func = name;
ty = typ_res;
builtin = is_c_builtin;
effects = Arbitrary_effects;
coeffects = Has_coeffects
dbg )

let bigarray_load ~dbg ~elt_kind ~elt_size ~elt_chunk ~bigarray ~offset =
let ba_data_f = field_address bigarray 1 dbg in
let ba_data_p = load ~dbg Word_int Mutable ~addr:ba_data_f in
let addr =
array_indexing ~typ:Addr (Misc.log2 elt_size) ba_data_p offset dbg
match (elt_kind : Lambda.bigarray_kind) with
| Pbigarray_complex32 | Pbigarray_complex64 ->
let addr' = binary Cadda ~dbg addr (int ~dbg (elt_size / 2)) in
box_complex dbg
(load ~dbg elt_chunk Mutable ~addr)
(load ~dbg elt_chunk Mutable ~addr:addr')
| _ -> load ~dbg elt_chunk Mutable ~addr

let bigarray_store ~dbg ~(elt_kind : Lambda.bigarray_kind) ~elt_size ~elt_chunk
~bigarray ~offset ~new_value =
let ba_data_f = field_address bigarray 1 dbg in
let ba_data_p = load ~dbg Word_int Mutable ~addr:ba_data_f in
let addr =
array_indexing ~typ:Addr (Misc.log2 elt_size) ba_data_p offset dbg
match elt_kind with
| Pbigarray_complex32 | Pbigarray_complex64 ->
let addr' = binary Cadda ~dbg addr (int ~dbg (elt_size / 2)) in
return_unit dbg
(store ~dbg elt_chunk Assignment ~addr
~new_value:(complex_re new_value dbg))
(store ~dbg elt_chunk Assignment ~addr:addr'
~new_value:(complex_im new_value dbg)))
| _ -> return_unit dbg (store ~dbg elt_chunk Assignment ~addr ~new_value)

(* Infix field address. Contrary to regular field addresses, these addresses are
valid ocaml values, and can be live at gc points. *)

let infix_field_address ~dbg ptr n =
if n = 0
then ptr
else Cmm.Cop (Cmm.Caddv, [ptr; int ~dbg (n * Arch.size_addr)], dbg)

(* Data items *)

let cint i = Cmm.Cint i

let cfloat f = Cmm.Cdouble f

let symbol_address s = Cmm.Csymbol_address s

let define_symbol ~global s =
if global
then [Cmm.Cglobal_symbol s; Cmm.Cdefine_symbol s]
else [Cmm.Cdefine_symbol s]

(* Cmm phrases *)

let cfunction decl = Cmm.Cfunction decl

let cdata d = Cmm.Cdata d

let fundecl fun_name fun_args fun_body fun_codegen_options fun_dbg =
{ Cmm.fun_name; fun_args; fun_body; fun_codegen_options; fun_dbg }

(* Gc root table *)

let gc_root_table ~make_symbol syms =
let table_symbol = make_symbol ?unitname:None (Some "gc_roots") in
(define_symbol ~global:true table_symbol
@ symbol_address syms
@ [cint 0n])

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