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Merge pull request #376 from ocaml-multicore/thread_joingraph_unifica…
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Thread joingraph unification (chore)
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jmid committed Jul 14, 2023
2 parents de0d268 + 9252190 commit e5ee87b
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 68 deletions.
162 changes: 94 additions & 68 deletions src/thread/
@@ -1,88 +1,137 @@
Generate direct tests of the Thread module's create/join primitives.
Like [src/domainslib/]([src/domainslib/ it does so by generating
a random, acyclic dependency graph of [create]d [Thread.t]s each waiting
to [join] with its dependency.
It does so by generating a random, acyclic dependency graph of
[create]d [Thread.t]s each waiting to [join] with its dependency.

open QCheck

(* Generates a sparse DAG of join dependencies *)
(* Each thread is represented by an array index w/at most 1 dep. each *)
(* Each thread is represented by record with an optional array index
to model at most 1 dependency each *)
(* This example DAG
A/0 <--- B/1
`- C/2 <--- D/3
is represented as: [| None; Some 0; Some 0; Some 2 |]
is represented as:
[| {dep=None ...}; {dep=Some 0 ...}; {dep=Some 0 ...}; {dep=Some 2 ...} |]
Since each thread can only be joined once, A/0 is joined by B/1 (not C/2)
let gen_deps n st =
let a = Array.make n None in
for i=1 to n-1 do
if Gen.bool st then a.(i) <- Some (Gen.int_bound (i-1) st)

type work_kind = Atomic_incr | Tak | Gc_minor

type node =
dep : int option;
work : work_kind

type test_input =
num_threads : int;
dependencies : int option array
dependencies : node array

let gen_deps gen_work n st =
Array.init n
(fun i ->
let dep = if i<>0 && Gen.bool st then Some (Gen.int_bound (i-1) st) else None in
let work = gen_work st in
{ dep; work })

let show_work_kind w = match w with
| Atomic_incr -> "Atomic_incr"
| Tak -> "Tak"
| Gc_minor -> "Gc_minor"

let pp_work_kind = Util.Pp.of_show show_work_kind

let pp_node par fmt {dep;work} =
let open Util.Pp in
pp_record par fmt
pp_field "dep" (pp_option pp_int) dep;
pp_field "work" pp_work_kind work;

let pp_test_input par fmt { num_threads; dependencies } =
let open Util.Pp in
pp_record par fmt
pp_field "num_threads" pp_int num_threads;
pp_field "dependencies" (pp_array (pp_option pp_int)) dependencies;
pp_field "dependencies" (pp_array pp_node) dependencies;

let show_test_input = Util.Pp.to_show pp_test_input

let shrink_node n = (fun opt -> { n with dep = opt}) (Shrink.(option nil) n.dep)
let shrink_deps test_input =
let ls = Array.to_list test_input.dependencies in
let is = Shrink.list ~shrink:Shrink.(option nil) ls in
let is = Shrink.list ~shrink:shrink_node ls in
(fun deps ->
let len = List.length deps in
let arr = Array.of_list deps in
let deps = Array.mapi (fun i j_opt -> match i,j_opt with
| 0, _
| _,None -> None
| _,Some 0 -> Some 0
| _, Some j ->
if j<0 || j>=len || j>=i (* ensure reduced dep is valid *)
then Some ((j + i) mod i)
else Some j) arr in
let deps = Array.mapi (fun i j_node ->
let dep = match i,j_node.dep with
| 0, _
| _,None -> None
| _,Some 0 -> Some 0
| _, Some j ->
if j<0 || j>=len || j>=i (* ensure reduced dep is valid *)
then Some ((j + i) mod i)
else Some j in
{ j_node with dep }) arr in
{ num_threads=len; dependencies=deps }) is

let arb_deps thread_bound =
let arb_deps gen_work thread_bound =
let gen_deps =
Gen.(int_bound (thread_bound-1) >>= fun num_threads ->
let num_threads = succ num_threads in
gen_deps num_threads >>= fun dependencies -> return { num_threads; dependencies }) in
gen_deps gen_work num_threads >>= fun dependencies -> return { num_threads; dependencies }) in
make ~print:show_test_input ~shrink:shrink_deps gen_deps

(*let thread_id id i = Printf.sprintf "(thread %i, index %i)" id i*)

let is_first_with_dep i dep deps =
[] = List.filteri (fun j opt -> j < i && opt = Some dep) (Array.to_list deps)
[] = List.filteri (fun j node -> j < i && node.dep = Some dep) (Array.to_list deps)

(* a simple work item, from ocaml/testsuite/tests/misc/ *)
let rec tak x y z =
if x > y then tak (tak (x-1) y z) (tak (y-1) z x) (tak (z-1) x y)
else z

let work () =
for _ = 1 to 100 do
assert (7 = tak 18 12 6);

let a = Atomic.make 0

let build_dep_graph test_input f =
let interp_work w = match w with
| Atomic_incr -> Atomic.incr a
| Tak -> work ()
| Gc_minor -> Gc.minor ()

let build_dep_graph test_input =
let rec build i thread_acc =
if i=test_input.num_threads
then List.rev thread_acc
let p = (match test_input.dependencies.(i) with
let p = (match test_input.dependencies.(i).dep with
| None ->
Thread.create f ()
Thread.create (fun () ->
interp_work test_input.dependencies.(i).work
) ()
| Some dep ->
Thread.create (fun () ->
interp_work test_input.dependencies.(i).work;
if is_first_with_dep i dep test_input.dependencies
let p' = List.nth thread_acc (i-1-dep) in
Expand All @@ -92,46 +141,23 @@ let build_dep_graph test_input f =
build 0 []

(** In this first test each created thread calls [work] - and then optionally join. *)
(* a simple work item, from ocaml/testsuite/tests/misc/ *)
let rec tak x y z =
if x > y then tak (tak (x-1) y z) (tak (y-1) z x) (tak (z-1) x y)
else z

let work () =
for _ = 1 to 100 do
assert (7 = tak 18 12 6);

let test_tak_work ~thread_bound =
Test.make ~name:"Thread.create/join - tak work" ~count:100
(arb_deps thread_bound)
((*Util.fork_prop_with_timeout 30*)
let test_arb_work ~thread_bound =
Test.make ~name:"Thread.create/join" ~count:100
(arb_deps (Gen.frequencyl [(10,Atomic_incr);
(1,Gc_minor)]) thread_bound)
(fun test_input ->
(*Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (show_test_input test_input);*)
let ps = build_dep_graph test_input work in
List.iteri (fun i p -> if not (Array.mem (Some i) test_input.dependencies) then Thread.join p) ps;

(** In this test each created thread calls [Atomic.incr] - and then optionally join. *)
let test_atomic_work ~thread_bound =
Test.make ~name:"Thread.create/join - atomic" ~count:500
(arb_deps thread_bound)
(fun test_input ->
let a = Atomic.make 0 in
let ps = build_dep_graph test_input (fun () -> Atomic.incr a) in
List.iteri (fun i p ->
if not (Array.mem (Some i) test_input.dependencies)
Thread.join p;
) ps;
Atomic.get a = test_input.num_threads)

let bound_tak = if Sys.word_size == 64 then 100 else 16
let bound_atomic = if Sys.word_size == 64 then 250 else 16
Atomic.set a 0;
let ps = build_dep_graph test_input in
(fun i p ->
if not (Array.exists (fun n -> n.dep = Some i) test_input.dependencies)
then Thread.join p) ps;
Atomic.get a
= Array.fold_left (fun a n -> if = Atomic_incr then 1+a else a) 0 test_input.dependencies)

let bound_arb = if Sys.word_size == 64 then 100 else 16

[test_tak_work ~thread_bound:bound_tak;
test_atomic_work ~thread_bound:bound_atomic
[test_arb_work ~thread_bound:bound_arb; ]

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