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dev meeting 20230809

Marek Kubica edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Present: @rgrinberg @kit-ty-kate @Leonidas-from-XIV

available field

  • There is a PR for it, but do we want it?
  • Do we want full support for all OPAM fields in the generator?
    • Dune can't do anything with available
    • So it can't do anything than just pass it on in the generator
    • People already use Dune as OPAM file generator
    • available in OPAM is used as a filter before being fed into the solver
  • If Dune can't use available, why does it support maintainers?
    • Can be used in dune subst
    • But the explanation is admittedly a bit post-hoc
  • How else to solve it?
    • Traverse source tree and collect enabled_if
    • But what if people forget to add package to their stanzas?
    • What if we went the other way and set enabled_if from available
    • Do we have the same variables
      • no, but we could start with a subset
      • we most likely won't have support for user variables
    • It's gonna be tough
      • The filter languages of OPAM and Dune don't map very well
      • The enabled_if filter would need to be extended
  • Users expect Dune to write OPAM files
  • It doesn't make sense to support every opam field
    • What goes into dune-project vs dune-workspace
    • What about other fields like uninstall
      • Packages can use the field to remove config files
      • How is this possible with Dune, given it generates an .install file
        • A binary in the package could generate the config file, then the uninstall would remove it. So it is not Dune/OPAM creating it.
  • Why are OPAM files generated at all?
    • No good answer, but it is nice that there is a common useful subset for OPAM and Dune
    • The idea was that OPAM would be able to read the dune-project but so far this hasn't happened
    • Nix doesn't use the dune data but OPAM data
    • In the future it could use the info from the lock dir
    • At least this way users only need to know Dune sexp syntax and not OPAM syntax on top of it
  • Would available/enabled_if support be a helpful addition to opam-repository maintainers?
    • Kate says it would be because some packages are missing available and maintainers need to add it by hand.
  • Conclusions
    • We agree that it is useful to have the metadata in dune-project checked within the build to verify that it somehow makes sense. A bad example is depends which is there but can also be completely wrong.
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