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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
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rgrinberg committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 655f795 commit bb2217d
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Showing 6 changed files with 169 additions and 152 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let action_kind = "update_intf"
let code_action_of_intf doc text_edits =
let edit : WorkspaceEdit.t =
let doc_edit =
let edits = ( text_edits ~f:(fun e -> `TextEdit e)) in
let edits = text_edits ~f:(fun e -> `TextEdit e) in
let textDocument =
let uri = Document.uri doc in
let version = Document.version doc in
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ let code_action_of_intf doc text_edits =
WorkspaceEdit.create ~documentChanges:[ `TextDocumentEdit doc_edit ] ()
let title = String.capitalize_ascii "update signature(s) to match implementation" in
let title =
String.capitalize_ascii "update signature(s) to match implementation"
~kind:(CodeActionKind.Other action_kind)
Expand All @@ -34,8 +36,7 @@ let code_action (state : State.t) doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
match text_edits with
| [] -> Fiber.return None
| _ ->
Fiber.return (Some (code_action_of_intf doc text_edits)))
| _ -> Fiber.return (Some (code_action_of_intf doc text_edits)))

let kind = CodeActionKind.Other action_kind

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
(pps ppx_yojson_conv))
(backend bisect_ppx))
(preprocess (pps ppx_let)))
(backend bisect_ppx)))

(include_subdirs unqualified)
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion ocaml-lsp-server/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,15 @@ include struct
module Fdecl = Fdecl
module Fpath = Path
module Int = Int
module List = List

module List = struct
include List

let findi xs ~f = Base.List.findi xs ~f

let sub xs ~pos ~len = Base.List.sub xs ~pos ~len

module Map = Map
module Monoid = Monoid
module Option = Option
Expand Down
222 changes: 115 additions & 107 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,21 +4,20 @@ module Printtyp = Merlin_analysis.Type_utils.Printtyp

let get_typer doc =
Document.Merlin.with_pipeline_exn ~name:"infer interface" doc (fun pipeline ->
Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline)
Mpipeline.typer_result pipeline)

let get_doc_signature typer =
let typedtree = Mtyper.get_typedtree typer in
match typedtree with
| `Interface intf -> intf.sig_type
| `Implementation impl -> impl.str_type

(** Called by the code action for insert-interface. *)
let infer_missing_intf_for_impl impl_doc intf_doc =
match Document.kind impl_doc, Document.kind intf_doc with
match (Document.kind impl_doc, Document.kind intf_doc) with
| `Merlin impl, `Merlin intf
when Document.Merlin.kind impl = Impl && Document.Merlin.kind intf = Intf ->
when Document.Merlin.kind impl = Impl && Document.Merlin.kind intf = Intf
-> (
let drop_existing_ids full_sig cur_sig =
let existing_ids = cur_sig ~f:Types.signature_item_id in
Expand All @@ -28,20 +27,19 @@ let infer_missing_intf_for_impl impl_doc intf_doc =
let* typers = Fiber.parallel_map ~f:get_typer [ impl; intf ] in
(match typers with
| [ impl_typer; intf_typer ] ->
let full_sig = get_doc_signature impl_typer in
let cur_sig = get_doc_signature intf_typer in
let sig_update = drop_existing_ids full_sig cur_sig in
let env = Mtyper.initial_env impl_typer in
let* intf_cfg = Document.Merlin.mconfig intf in
let verbosity = intf_cfg.query.verbosity in
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~verbosity env (fun () ->
Format.asprintf "%a@." Printtyp.signature sig_update)
|> Fiber.return
| _ -> Code_error.raise "promblem encountered with Merlin typer_result" [])
match typers with
| [ impl_typer; intf_typer ] ->
let full_sig = get_doc_signature impl_typer in
let cur_sig = get_doc_signature intf_typer in
let sig_update = drop_existing_ids full_sig cur_sig in
let env = Mtyper.initial_env impl_typer in
let* intf_cfg = Document.Merlin.mconfig intf in
let verbosity = intf_cfg.query.verbosity in
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~verbosity env (fun () ->
Format.asprintf "%a@." Printtyp.signature sig_update)
|> Fiber.return
| _ -> Code_error.raise "promblem encountered with Merlin typer_result" [])
| _ -> Code_error.raise "expected implementation and interface documents" []

(* No longer involved in the insert-interface code action, but still used by the
[ocamllsp/inferIntf] custom request. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,10 +129,9 @@ let infer_intf (state : State.t) intf_doc =
| Some impl_doc ->
let+ res = infer_missing_intf_for_impl impl_doc intf_doc in
Some res)

(** Extracts an [Ident.t] from all variants that have one at the top level.
For many of the other variants, it would be possible to extract a list of IDs,
(** Extracts an [Ident.t] from all variants that have one at the top level. For
many of the other variants, it would be possible to extract a list of IDs,
but that's not needed for the update-signatures code action. *)
let top_level_id (item : Typedtree.signature_item) =
match item.sig_desc with
Expand All @@ -153,141 +150,152 @@ let top_level_id (item : Typedtree.signature_item) =
| Typedtree.Tsig_class _
| Typedtree.Tsig_class_type _
| Typedtree.Tsig_attribute _ -> None

(** Represents an item that's present in the existing interface and has a (possibly
differing) signature inferred from the implementation. *)
(** Represents an item that's present in the existing interface and has a
(possibly differing) signature inferred from the implementation. *)
type shared_signature =
{ range : Range.t (* location in the interface *)
; old_sig : Types.signature_item (* found in the interface *)
; new_sig : Types.signature_item (* inferred from the implementation *)

(** Try to make a [shared_signature], if an ID can be extracted from the [tree_item] and
a matching ID can be found in both signature lists. *)
(** Try to make a [shared_signature], if an ID can be extracted from the
[tree_item] and a matching ID can be found in both signature lists. *)
let find_shared_signature tree_item ~old_sigs ~new_sigs =
let module List = Base.List in
let open Base.Option.Let_syntax in
let%bind id = top_level_id tree_item in
let open Option.O in
let* id = top_level_id tree_item in
let id_equal sig_item = Ident.equal id (Types.signature_item_id sig_item) in
let%bind old_sig = List.find ~f:id_equal old_sigs in
let%bind new_sig = List.find ~f:id_equal new_sigs in
let* old_sig = List.find ~f:id_equal old_sigs in
let* new_sig = List.find ~f:id_equal new_sigs in
let range = Range.of_loc tree_item.sig_loc in
Some { range; old_sig; new_sig }

(** Slices out the signatures between [first] and [last] to speed up future searches.
This assumes that [first] and [last] came from the [sig_items] field on a
[Typedtree.signature], and [sig_type_list] is the [sig_type] field on the same
[Typedtree.signature], meaning that the lists will be in the same order. *)
(** Slices out the signatures between [first] and [last] to speed up future
searches. This assumes that [first] and [last] came from the [sig_items]
field on a [Typedtree.signature], and [sig_type_list] is the [sig_type]
field on the same [Typedtree.signature], meaning that the lists will be in
the same order. *)
let select_matching_range ~first ~last sig_type_list =
let module List = Base.List in
let open Base.Option.Let_syntax in
let index_of item =
let%bind item = item in
let%bind id = top_level_id item in
let%bind (i, _) =
let open Option.O in
let* item in
let* id = top_level_id item in
let* i, _ =
List.findi sig_type_list ~f:(fun _ item ->
Ident.equal id (Types.signature_item_id item))
Ident.equal id (Types.signature_item_id item))
Some i
let start_index = index_of first |> Option.value ~default:0 in
let end_index = index_of last |> Option.value ~default:(List.length sig_type_list - 1) in
let end_index =
index_of last |> Option.value ~default:(List.length sig_type_list - 1)
List.sub sig_type_list ~pos:start_index ~len:(end_index + 1 - start_index)

(** Formats both the old and new signatures as they would appear in the interface.
If they differ, create a text edit that updates to the new signature. *)
(** Formats both the old and new signatures as they would appear in the
interface. If they differ, create a text edit that updates to the new
signature. *)
let text_edit_opt shared_signature ~formatter =
(* CR-someday bwiedenbeck: We're relying on string equivalence of how the two signatures
are printed to decide if there's been an update. It'd be nice to check some sort of
logical equivalence on the actual types and then only format the ones that differ,
but that's not practical with the type information we have easy access to. *)
are printed to decide if there's been an update. It'd be nice to check some sort of
logical equivalence on the actual types and then only format the ones that differ,
but that's not practical with the type information we have easy access to. *)
let+ sig_strings =
Fiber.parallel_map ~f:formatter [ shared_signature.old_sig; shared_signature.new_sig ]
[ shared_signature.old_sig; shared_signature.new_sig ]
match sig_strings with
| [ oldText; newText ] when not (String.equal oldText newText) ->
Some ({ range = shared_signature.range; newText } : TextEdit.t)
| _ -> None

(** Produces text edits for every signature where the [formatter] produces a different
string on the [signature_item]s from the old interface and the new implementation. *)
let build_signature_edits
~(old_intf : Typedtree.signature) (* Extracted by Merlin from the interface. *)
~(range : Range.t) (* Selected range in the interface. *)
~(new_sigs : Types.signature) (* Inferred by Merlin from the implementation. *)
~(formatter : Types.signature_item -> string Fiber.t)
(** Produces text edits for every signature where the [formatter] produces a
different string on the [signature_item]s from the old interface and the new
implementation. *)
let build_signature_edits ~(old_intf : Typedtree.signature)
~(* Extracted by Merlin from the interface. *)
(range : Range.t)
~(* Selected range in the interface. *)
(new_sigs : Types.signature)
~(* Inferred by Merlin from the implementation. *)
(formatter : Types.signature_item -> string Fiber.t) =
let module List = Base.List in
(* These are [Typedtree.signature_item]s, and we need them for the location. *)
let in_range_tree_items =
List.filter old_intf.sig_items ~f:(fun si ->
Range.overlaps range (Range.of_loc si.sig_loc))
Range.overlaps range (Range.of_loc si.sig_loc))
let first = List.hd in_range_tree_items in
let last = List.last in_range_tree_items in
(* These are [Types.signature_item]s, and we need them to match up types. *)
let in_range_old_sigs = select_matching_range ~first ~last old_intf.sig_type in
let in_range_old_sigs =
select_matching_range ~first ~last old_intf.sig_type
let in_range_new_sigs =
(* This list can be big and we might search it many times when finding
[shared_signatures], so it's worth doing a scan that shrinks it. *)
List.filter new_sigs ~f:(fun si ->
let in_range_old_ids = in_range_old_sigs ~f:Types.signature_item_id in
let id = Types.signature_item_id si in
List.mem in_range_old_ids id ~equal:Ident.equal)
let in_range_old_ids = in_range_old_sigs ~f:Types.signature_item_id
let id = Types.signature_item_id si in
List.mem in_range_old_ids id ~equal:Ident.equal)
let shared_signatures =
~f:(find_shared_signature ~old_sigs:in_range_old_sigs ~new_sigs:in_range_new_sigs)
let+ updates =
Fiber.parallel_map shared_signatures ~f:(text_edit_opt ~formatter)
let+ updates = Fiber.parallel_map shared_signatures ~f:(text_edit_opt ~formatter) in
List.filter_opt updates

(** Called by the code action for update-signatures. *)
let update_signatures
~(state : State.t)
~(intf_merlin : Document.Merlin.t)
~(doc : Document.t)
~(range : Range.t)
let update_signatures ~(state : State.t) ~(intf_merlin : Document.Merlin.t)
~(doc : Document.t) ~(range : Range.t) =
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let intf_uri = Document.uri doc in
let impl_uri = Document.get_impl_intf_counterparts (Some intf_merlin) intf_uri |> List.hd in
let* impl_doc =
match Document_store.get_opt impl_uri with
| Some impl -> Fiber.return (Some impl)
| None -> open_document_from_file state impl_uri
match impl_doc with
| None -> Fiber.return []
| Some impl_doc ->
let impl_merlin = Document.merlin_exn impl_doc in
(* CR-someday bwiedenbeck: These calls to Merlin to get the type information (and
the subsequent processing we do with it) are expensive on large documents.
This can cause problems if someone is trying to invoke some other code action,
because the LSP currently determines which CAs are possible by trying them all.
We've decided for now to allow slow code actions (especially since users are
less likely to be doing lots of little CAs in the mli file) and think more
about the broader CA protocol in the future. *)
let* typers = Fiber.parallel_map [ intf_merlin; impl_merlin ] ~f:get_typer in
let intf_typer = Base.List.hd_exn typers in
let impl_typer = Base.List.nth_exn typers 1 in
(match Mtyper.get_typedtree intf_typer with
| `Interface old_intf ->
let formatter sig_item =
let* config = Document.Merlin.mconfig intf_merlin in
let verbosity = config.query.verbosity in
let env = Mtyper.initial_env intf_typer in
(Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~verbosity env (fun () ->
Format.asprintf "%a@." Printtyp.signature [ sig_item ]))
let new_sigs = get_doc_signature impl_typer in
build_signature_edits ~old_intf ~new_sigs ~range ~formatter
| _ -> Code_error.raise "expected an interface" []))
let intf_uri = Document.uri doc in
let impl_uri =
Document.get_impl_intf_counterparts (Some intf_merlin) intf_uri
|> List.hd
let* impl_doc =
match Document_store.get_opt impl_uri with
| Some impl -> Fiber.return (Some impl)
| None -> open_document_from_file state impl_uri
match impl_doc with
| None -> Fiber.return []
| Some impl_doc -> (
let impl_merlin = Document.merlin_exn impl_doc in
(* CR-someday bwiedenbeck: These calls to Merlin to get the type information (and
the subsequent processing we do with it) are expensive on large documents.
This can cause problems if someone is trying to invoke some other code action,
because the LSP currently determines which CAs are possible by trying them all.
We've decided for now to allow slow code actions (especially since users are
less likely to be doing lots of little CAs in the mli file) and think more
about the broader CA protocol in the future. *)
let* typers =
Fiber.parallel_map [ intf_merlin; impl_merlin ] ~f:get_typer
let intf_typer = Base.List.hd_exn typers in
let impl_typer = Base.List.nth_exn typers 1 in
match Mtyper.get_typedtree intf_typer with
| `Interface old_intf ->
let formatter sig_item =
let* config = Document.Merlin.mconfig intf_merlin in
let verbosity = config.query.verbosity in
let env = Mtyper.initial_env intf_typer in
(Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~verbosity env (fun () ->
Format.asprintf "%a@." Printtyp.signature [ sig_item ]))
let new_sigs = get_doc_signature impl_typer in
build_signature_edits ~old_intf ~new_sigs ~range ~formatter
| _ -> Code_error.raise "expected an interface" []))

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