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Merge 3ecc066 into 1391b2b
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xvw committed Jun 17, 2024
2 parents 1391b2b + 3ecc066 commit bec6a22
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Showing 13 changed files with 417 additions and 5 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
- Add an `update-signature` code action to update the types of elements that
were already present in the signature (#1289)

- Add custom
request (#1265)

## Fixes

- Detect document kind by looking at merlin's `suffixes` config.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ possible and does not make any assumptions about IO.
(ocamlformat-rpc-lib (>= 0.21.0))
(odoc :with-doc)
(ocaml (and (>= 4.14) (< 5.2)))
(merlin-lib (and (>= 4.14) (< 5.0)))))
(merlin-lib (and (>= 4.16) (< 5.0)))))

(name jsonrpc)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml-lsp-server.opam
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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ depends: [
"ocamlformat-rpc-lib" {>= "0.21.0"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
"ocaml" {>= "4.14" & < "5.2"}
"merlin-lib" {>= "4.14" & < "5.0"}
"merlin-lib" {>= "4.16" & < "5.0"}
dev-repo: "git+"
build: [
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Merlin Call Compatible Request

## Description

Allows Merlin commands to be invoked from LSP, in the same way as the
`ocamlmerlin` binary, using a custom request. Invoking this command returns the
result in the form of a character string (which can be JSON or SEXP)
representing the result of a Merlin command. This makes it possible to implement
clients capable of fallbacking on Merlin in the event of a missing feature.

### Why this custom request needed

It allows editor plugin to communicate with the ocaml-lsp-server using the
merlin protocol, it will be useful for text-based editors that want to preserve
the classic Merlin UI while using ocaml-lsp-server. (It is a temporary solution
that will progressively be replaced by tailored custom requests filling the gaps
in the protocol)

## Client capability

There is no client capability relative to this request

## Server capability

property name: `handleMerlinCallCompatible`

property type: `boolean`

## Request

- method: `ocamllsp/merlinCallCompatible`
- params:

"uri": DocumentUri,
"command": string,
"args": string[],
"resultAsSexp": boolean

- `uri`: is the reference of the current document
- `command`: is the name of the command invoked (ie: `case-analysis`)
- `args`: all the parameters passed to the command, by default: `[]`
- `resultAsSexp`: a flag indicating whether the result should be returned in
SEXP (`true`) or JSON (`false`), by default: `false`

For an exhaustive description of what the query returns, please refer to the

## Response

"resultAsSexp": boolean,
"result": string

- `resultAsSexp`: `true` if the command was invoked with the `resultAsSexp` flag,
`false` otherwise
- `result`: the result in string (in JSON or SEXP)
176 changes: 176 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
open Import

let capability = ("handleMerlinCallCompatible", `Bool true)

let meth = "ocamllsp/merlinCallCompatible"

module Request_params = struct
type t =
{ uri : Uri.t
; result_as_sexp : bool
; command : string
; args : string list

let expected =
[ ("uri", `String "<DocumentUri>")
; ("resultAsSexp?", `String "<true | false>")
; ("command", `String "<MerlinCommand>")
; ("args?", `String "<string | bool | float | int | intLit>[] | Object")

let as_sexp_of_yojson params =
match List.assoc_opt "resultAsSexp" params with
| Some (`Bool value) -> value
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, it is assumed that
the result is not requested in the form of Sexp *)

let command_of_yojson params =
match List.assoc_opt "command" params with
| Some (`String command_name) -> Some command_name
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, we refuse to build
the parameter, [command] is mandatory. *)

let uri_of_yojson params =
match List.assoc_opt "uri" params with
| Some uri -> Some (Uri.t_of_yojson uri)
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, we refuse to build
the parameter, [uri] is mandatory. *)

let stringish_of_yojson =
(* The function is relatively optimistic and attempts to treat literal data as
strings of characters. *)
| `String s -> Some s
| `Bool b -> Some (string_of_bool b)
| `Float f -> Some (string_of_float f)
| `Int i -> Some (string_of_int i)
| `Intlit i -> Some i
| _ -> None

let args_of_yojson_list args =
let open Option.O in
let+ args =
~f:(fun acc x ->
let* acc in
let+ x = stringish_of_yojson x in
x :: acc)
~init:(Some [])
List.rev args

let args_of_yojson_assoc args =
let open Option.O in
let+ args =
~f:(fun acc (key, value) ->
let key = "-" ^ key in
let* acc in
let+ x = stringish_of_yojson value in
x :: key :: acc)
~init:(Some [])
List.rev args

let args_of_yojson params =
match List.assoc_opt "args" params with
| Some (`List args) -> args_of_yojson_list args
| Some (`Assoc args) -> args_of_yojson_assoc args
| _ ->
(* If args is not a list or is absent, it should fail. *)

let t_of_yojson = function
| `Assoc params ->
let result_as_sexp = as_sexp_of_yojson params in
let open Option.O in
let* command = command_of_yojson params in
let* args = args_of_yojson params in
let* uri = uri_of_yojson params in
Some { result_as_sexp; command; args; uri }
| _ -> None

let raise_invalid_params ?data ~message () =
let open Jsonrpc.Response.Error in
raise @@ make ?data ~code:Code.InvalidParams ~message ()

let from_structured_json_exn = function
| None -> raise_invalid_params ~message:"Expected params but received none" ()
| Some params -> (
match Request_params.t_of_yojson params with
| Some params -> params
| None ->
let data =
[ ("expectedParams", Request_params.expected)
; ("receivedParams", (params :> Json.t))
raise_invalid_params ~data ~message:"Unexpected params format" ())

let with_pipeline state uri specs raw_args cmd_args f =
let doc = Document_store.get uri in
match Document.kind doc with
| `Other -> Fiber.return `Null
| `Merlin merlin ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* config = Document.Merlin.mconfig merlin in
let specs = ~f:snd specs in
let config, args =
~wd:(Sys.getcwd ())
Document.Merlin.with_configurable_pipeline_exn ~config merlin (f args)

let perform_query action params pipeline =
let action () = action pipeline params in
let class_, output =
match action () with
| result -> ("return", result)
| exception Failure message -> ("failure", `String message)
| exception exn ->
let message = Printexc.to_string exn in
("exception", `String message)
`Assoc [ ("class", `String class_); ("value", output) ]

let on_request ~params state =
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let Request_params.{ result_as_sexp; command; args; uri } =
from_structured_json_exn params
Merlin_commands.New_commands.(find_command command all_commands)
| Merlin_commands.New_commands.Command (_name, _doc, specs, params, action)
let open Fiber.O in
let+ json =
with_pipeline state uri specs args params @@ perform_query action
let result =
if result_as_sexp then
Merlin_utils.(json |> Sexp.of_json |> Sexp.to_string)
else json |> Yojson.Basic.to_string
[ ("resultAsSexp", `Bool result_as_sexp); ("result", `String result) ]
| exception Not_found ->
let data = `Assoc [ ("command", `String command) ] in
raise_invalid_params ~data ~message:"Unexpected command name" ())
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
open Import

val capability : string * Json.t

val meth : string

val on_request : params:Jsonrpc.Structured.t option -> State.t -> Json.t Fiber.t
24 changes: 22 additions & 2 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,13 +131,20 @@ module Single_pipeline : sig
-> config:Merlin_config.t
-> f:(Mpipeline.t -> 'a)
-> ('a, Exn_with_backtrace.t) result Fiber.t

val use_with_config :
-> t
-> doc:Text_document.t
-> config:Mconfig.t
-> f:(Mpipeline.t -> 'a)
-> ('a, Exn_with_backtrace.t) result Fiber.t
end = struct
type t = { thread : Lev_fiber.Thread.t } [@@unboxed]

let create thread = { thread }

let use ?name t ~doc ~config ~f =
let* config = Merlin_config.config config in
let use_with_config ?name t ~doc ~config ~f =
let make_pipeline =
let source = Msource.make (Text_document.text doc) in
fun () -> Mpipeline.make config source
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,6 +180,10 @@ end = struct
let+ () = event in
Ok res

let use ?name t ~doc ~config ~f =
let* config = Merlin_config.config config in
use_with_config ?name t ~doc ~config ~f

type merlin =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,6 +287,9 @@ module Merlin = struct
let with_pipeline ?name (t : t) f =
Single_pipeline.use ?name t.pipeline ~doc:t.tdoc ~config:t.merlin_config ~f

let with_configurable_pipeline ?name ~config (t : t) f =
Single_pipeline.use_with_config ?name t.pipeline ~doc:t.tdoc ~config ~f

let mconfig (t : t) = Merlin_config.config t.merlin_config

let with_pipeline_exn ?name doc f =
Expand All @@ -284,6 +298,12 @@ module Merlin = struct
| Ok s -> s
| Error exn -> Exn_with_backtrace.reraise exn

let with_configurable_pipeline_exn ?name ~config doc f =
let+ res = with_configurable_pipeline ?name ~config doc f in
match res with
| Ok s -> s
| Error exn -> Exn_with_backtrace.reraise exn

let dispatch ?name t command =
with_pipeline ?name t (fun pipeline ->
Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command)
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/document.mli
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Expand Up @@ -53,8 +53,16 @@ module Merlin : sig

val timer : t -> Lev_fiber.Timer.Wheel.task

(** uses a single pipeline, provisioned by the configuration attached to the
merlin document (via {!type:t}). *)
val with_pipeline_exn : ?name:string -> t -> (Mpipeline.t -> 'a) -> 'a Fiber.t

(** Like {!val:with_pipeline_exn} but where the merlin configuration is
supplied manually. If, for example, it is computed outside the execution
of the pipeline.*)
val with_configurable_pipeline_exn :
?name:string -> config:Mconfig.t -> t -> (Mpipeline.t -> 'a) -> 'a Fiber.t

val dispatch :
-> t
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/dune
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/
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Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ let initialize_info (client_capabilities : ClientCapabilities.t) :
; Req_wrapping_ast_node.capability
; Dune.view_promotion_capability
; Req_hover_extended.capability
; Req_merlin_call_compatible.capability
] )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,6 +520,7 @@ let on_request :
Fiber.return (Req_switch_impl_intf.on_request ~params state)) )
; (Req_infer_intf.meth, Req_infer_intf.on_request)
; (Req_typed_holes.meth, Req_typed_holes.on_request)
; (Req_merlin_call_compatible.meth, Req_merlin_call_compatible.on_request)
; (Req_wrapping_ast_node.meth, Req_wrapping_ast_node.on_request)
; ( Semantic_highlighting.Debug.meth_request_full
, Semantic_highlighting.Debug.on_request_full )
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/dune
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