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MPR#7548 Add an example of using the printf function to the manual (#…
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* Creating a new section in the first chapter of the manual

* Add an introduction of custom printer for int

* Add an easy example of %a combinator

* Add an example of using the printf function on complex data structure
  • Loading branch information
Lereena authored and Octachron committed Mar 16, 2019
1 parent 390f054 commit 1bf45eb
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Expand Up @@ -445,6 +445,10 @@ OCaml 4.08.0

### Manual and documentation:

- MPR#7548: printf example in the tutorial part of the manual
(Kostikova Oxana, rewiew by Gabriel Scherer, Florian Angeletti,
Marcello Seri and Armaël Guéneau)

- MPR#7546, GPR#2020: preambles and introduction for compiler-libs.
(Florian Angeletti, review by Daniel Bünzli, Perry E. Metzger
and Gabriel Scherer)
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88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions manual/manual/tutorials/coreexamples.etex
Expand Up @@ -751,6 +751,94 @@ print_expr e; print_newline ();;
print_expr (deriv e "x"); print_newline ();;

\section{Printf formats}

There is a "printf" function in
module (see chapter~\ref{c:moduleexamples}) that allows you to make formatted
output more concisely.
It follows the behavior of the "printf" function from the C standard library.
The "printf" function takes a format string that describes the desired output
as a text interspered with specifiers (for instance "%d", "%f").
Next, the specifiers are substituted by the following arguments in their order
of apparition in the format string:
Printf.printf "%i + %i is an integer value, %F * %F is a float, %S\n"
3 2 4.5 1. "this is a string";;
The OCaml type system checks that the type of the arguments and the specifiers are
compatible. If you pass it an argument of a type that does not correspond to
the format specifier, the compiler will display an error message:
Printf.printf "Float value: %F" 42;;
The "fprintf" function is like "printf" except that it takes an output channel as
the first argument. The "%a" specifier can be useful to define custom printer
(for custom types). For instance, we can create a printing template that converts
an integer argument to signed decimal:
let pp_int ppf n = Printf.fprintf ppf "%d" n;;
Printf.printf "Outputting an integer using a custom printer: %a " pp_int 42;;
The advantage of those printers based on the "%a" specifier is that they can be
composed together to create more complex printers step by step.
We can define a combinator that can turn a printer for "'a" type into a printer
for "'a optional":
let pp_option printer ppf = function
| None -> Printf.fprintf ppf "None"
| Some v -> Printf.fprintf ppf "Some(%a)" printer v;;
Printf.fprintf stdout
"The current setting is %a. \nThere is only %a\n"
(pp_option pp_int) (Some 3)
(pp_option pp_int) None
If the value of its argument its "None", the printer returned by pp_option
printer prints "None" otherwise it uses the provided printer to print "Some ".

Here is how to rewrite the pretty-printer using "fprintf":
let pp_expr ppf expr =
let open_paren prec op_prec output =
if prec > op_prec then Printf.fprintf output "%s" "(" in
let close_paren prec op_prec output =
if prec > op_prec then Printf.fprintf output "%s" ")" in
let rec print prec ppf expr =
match expr with
| Const c -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%F" c
| Var v -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%s" v
| Sum(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 0 ppf;
Printf.fprintf ppf "%a + %a" (print 0) f (print 0) g;
close_paren prec 0 ppf
| Diff(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 0 ppf;
Printf.fprintf ppf "%a - %a" (print 0) f (print 1) g;
close_paren prec 0 ppf
| Prod(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 2 ppf;
Printf.fprintf ppf "%a * %a" (print 2) f (print 2) g;
close_paren prec 2 ppf
| Quot(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 2 ppf;
Printf.fprintf ppf "%a / %a" (print 2) f (print 3) g;
close_paren prec 2 ppf
in print 0 ppf expr;;
pp_expr stdout e; print_newline ();;
pp_expr stdout (deriv e "x"); print_newline ();;

Due to the way that format string are build, storing a format string requires
an explicit type annotation:
let str : _ format =
"%i is an integer value, %F is a float, %S\n";;
Printf.printf str 3 4.5 "string value";;

%%%%%%%%%%% Should be moved to the camlp4 documentation.
%% Parsing (transforming concrete syntax into abstract syntax) is usually
%% more delicate. OCaml offers several tools to help write parsers:
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