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handle negative rows in ambiguous variable check
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gasche committed Jan 3, 2018
1 parent c375625 commit 801a2d5
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Showing 3 changed files with 162 additions and 79 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions testsuite/tests/typing-warnings/
Expand Up @@ -218,3 +218,50 @@ let not_ambiguous__as_disjoint_on_second_column_split = function
| ((Some a, (1 as b)) | (Some b, (2 as a))) when a = 0 -> ignore a; ignore b
| _ -> ()

let () = print_endline "no warning below";;
(* we check for the ambiguous case first, so there
is no warning *)
let solved_ambiguity_typical_example = function
| (Val x, Val y) ->
if x < 0 || y < 0
then ()
else ()
| ((Val x, _) | (_, Val x)) when x < 0 -> ()
| (_, Rest) -> ()
| (_, Val x) ->
(* the reader can expect *)
assert (x >= 0);
(* to hold here. *)

let () = print_endline "yet a warning below";;
(* if the check for the ambiguous case is guarded,
there is still a warning *)
let guarded_ambiguity = function
| (Val x, Val y) when x < 0 || y < 0 -> ()
| ((Val y, _) | (_, Val y)) when y < 0 -> ()
| (_, Rest) -> ()
| (_, Val x) ->
(* the reader can expect *)
assert (x >= 0);
(* to hold here. *)

(* see GPR#1552 *)
type a = A1 | A2;;

type 'a alg =
| Val of 'a
| Binop of 'a alg * 'a alg;;

let () = print_endline "warning below";;
let cmp (pred : a -> bool) (x : a alg) (y : a alg) =
match x, y with
| Val A1, Val A1 -> ()
| ((Val x, _) | (_, Val x)) when pred x -> ()
(* below: silence exhaustiveness/fragility warnings *)
| (Val (A1 | A2) | Binop _), _ -> ()
Expand Up @@ -139,4 +139,22 @@ val ambiguous_xy_but_not_ambiguous_z : (int -> int -> bool) -> t2 -> int =
# * * * * * * * * val not_ambiguous__as_disjoint_on_second_column_split :
int option * int -> unit = <fun>
# no warning below
# * val solved_ambiguity_typical_example : expr * expr -> unit = <fun>
# yet a warning below
# * Characters 164-189:
| ((Val y, _) | (_, Val y)) when y < 0 -> ()
Warning 57: Ambiguous or-pattern variables under guard;
variable y may match different arguments. (See manual section 9.5)
val guarded_ambiguity : expr * expr -> unit = <fun>
# type a = A1 | A2
# type 'a alg = Val of 'a | Binop of 'a alg * 'a alg
# warning below
# Characters 100-125:
| ((Val x, _) | (_, Val x)) when pred x -> ()
Warning 57: Ambiguous or-pattern variables under guard;
variable x may match different arguments. (See manual section 9.5)
val cmp : (a -> bool) -> a alg -> a alg -> unit = <fun>
176 changes: 97 additions & 79 deletions typing/
Expand Up @@ -2263,23 +2263,9 @@ let pattern_vars p = IdSet.of_list (Typedtree.pat_bound_idents p)
All rows of a (sub)matrix have rows of the same length,
but also varsets of the same length.

type amb_row = { row : pattern list ; varsets : IdSet.t list; }

(* Given a matrix of non-empty rows
p1 :: r1...
p2 :: r2...
p3 :: r3...
Simplify the first column [p1 p2 p3] by splitting all or-patterns and
collecting the head-bound variables (the varset). The result is a list of
(simple head pattern, rest of row)
where a "simple head pattern" starts with either the catch-all pattern omega
(_) or a head constructor, and the "rest of the row" has the head-bound
variables pushed as a new varset.
Varsets are populated when simplifying the first column
-- the variables of the head pattern are collected in a new varset.
For example,
{ row = x :: r1; varsets = s1 }
{ row = (Some _) as y :: r2; varsets = s2 }
Expand All @@ -2288,31 +2274,61 @@ type amb_row = { row : pattern list ; varsets : IdSet.t list; }
(_, { row = r1; varsets = {x} :: s1 })
(Some _, { row = r2; varsets = {y} :: s2 })
(None, { row = r3; varsets = s3 ++ {x, y} })
(None, { row = r3; varsets = {x, y} :: s3 })
(Some x, { row = r4; varsets = {} :: s4 })
(None, { row = r4; varsets = {x} :: s4 })
type amb_row = { row : pattern list ; varsets : IdSet.t list; }

To accurately report ambiguous variables, one must consider
that previous clauses have already matched some values.
Consider for example:
| (Foo x, Foo y) -> ...
| ((Foo x, _) | (_, Foo x)) when bar x -> ...
The second line taken in isolation uses an unstable variable,
but the discriminating values, of the shape [(Foo v1, Foo v2)],
would all be filtered by the line above.
To track this information, the matrices we analyze contain both *positive* rows,
that describe the rows currently being analyzed (of type amb_row, so that their
varsets are tracked) and *negative rows*, that describe the cases already
matched against. A variable is stable if, for any value not matched
by any of the negative rows, the environment captured by any of the
matching positive rows is identical.
type ('a, 'b) signed = Positive of 'a | Negative of 'b

let rec simplify_first_amb_col = function
| [] -> []
| { row = [] } :: _ -> assert false
| { row = p::ps; varsets; }::rem ->
simplify_head_amb_pat IdSet.empty p ps varsets
| (Negative [] | Positive { row = []; _ }) :: _ -> assert false
| Negative (n :: ns) :: rem ->
simplify_head_amb_pat_neg n ns
(simplify_first_amb_col rem)
| Positive { row = p::ps; varsets; }::rem ->
simplify_head_amb_pat_pos IdSet.empty p ps varsets
(simplify_first_amb_col rem)

and simplify_head_amb_pat head_bound_variables p ps varsets k =
and simplify_head_amb_pat_neg p ps k =
Misc.map_end (fun (n, ns) -> (n, Negative ns))
(simplify_head_pat p ps []) k

and simplify_head_amb_pat_pos head_bound_variables p ps varsets k =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_alias (p,x,_) ->
simplify_head_amb_pat (IdSet.add x head_bound_variables) p ps varsets k
simplify_head_amb_pat_pos (IdSet.add x head_bound_variables) p ps varsets k
| Tpat_var (x,_) ->
let rest_of_the_row =
{ row = ps; varsets = IdSet.add x head_bound_variables :: varsets; }
(omega, rest_of_the_row) :: k
(omega, Positive rest_of_the_row) :: k
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
simplify_head_amb_pat head_bound_variables p1 ps varsets
(simplify_head_amb_pat head_bound_variables p2 ps varsets k)
simplify_head_amb_pat_pos head_bound_variables p1 ps varsets
(simplify_head_amb_pat_pos head_bound_variables p2 ps varsets k)
| _ ->
(p, { row = ps; varsets = head_bound_variables :: varsets; }) :: k
(p, Positive { row = ps; varsets = head_bound_variables :: varsets; }) :: k

(* Compute stable bindings *)

Expand All @@ -2328,53 +2344,54 @@ let reduce f = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "reduce"
| x::xs -> List.fold_left f x xs

let rec matrix_stable_vars rs = match rs with
| [] -> All
| { row = []; _ } :: _ ->
(* All rows have the same number of columns;
if the first row is empty, they all are. *)
List.iter (fun {row; _} -> assert (row = [])) rs;

(* A variable is stable in a given varset if, in each row, it
appears in this varset -- rather than in another position in
the list of binding sets. We can thus compute the stable
variables of each varset by pairwise intersection. *)
let rows_varsets = (fun { varsets; _ } -> varsets) rs in
let stables_in_varsets = reduce (List.map2 IdSet.inter) rows_varsets in

(* The stable variables are those stable at any position *)
Vars (List.fold_left IdSet.union IdSet.empty stables_in_varsets)
| rs ->
let rs = simplify_first_amb_col rs in
if not (all_coherent (first_column rs))
then All
else begin
(* If the column is ill-typed but deemed coherent, we might spuriously
warn about some variables being unstable.
As sad as that might be, the warning can be silenced by splitting the
let extend_row columns r =
{ r with row = columns @ r.row } in
let q0 = discr_pat omega rs in
match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row q0 rs with
| { default; constrs = [] } ->
(* the first column contains no head constructor;
they are all _ after simplification, so it can be dropped *)
matrix_stable_vars default
| { default = _; constrs } ->
(* A stable variable must be stable in each submatrix.
If the first column contains some head constructors, there
is no need to look at stability for the default matrix: all
other submatrices contain the default matrix, so they have
less stable variables. *)
let submatrices = snd constrs in
let submat_stable = matrix_stable_vars submatrices in
List.fold_left stable_inter All submat_stable
let rec matrix_stable_vars m = match m with
| [] -> All
| ((Positive {row = []; _} | Negative []) :: _) as empty_rows ->
let exception Has_negative in
(* if at least one row is negative, the matrix matches no value *)
let get_varsets = function
| Negative n ->
(* All rows have the same number of columns;
if the first row is empty, they all are. *)
assert (n = []);
raise Has_negative
| Positive p ->
assert (p.row = []);
p.varsets in
begin match get_varsets empty_rows with
| exception Has_negative -> All
| rows_varsets ->
let stables_in_varsets =
reduce (List.map2 IdSet.inter) rows_varsets in
(* The stable variables are those stable at any position *)
Vars (List.fold_left IdSet.union IdSet.empty stables_in_varsets)
| m ->
let m = simplify_first_amb_col m in
if not (all_coherent (first_column m))
then All
else begin
(* If the column is ill-typed but deemed coherent, we might spuriously
warn about some variables being unstable.
As sad as that might be, the warning can be silenced by splitting the
let submatrices =
let extend_row columns = function
| Negative r -> Negative (columns @ r)
| Positive r -> Positive { r with row = columns @ r.row } in
let q0 = discr_pat omega m in
let { default; constrs } =
build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row q0 m in
default :: snd constrs in
(* A stable variable must be stable in each submatrix. *)
let submat_stable = matrix_stable_vars submatrices in
List.fold_left stable_inter All submat_stable

let pattern_stable_vars p = matrix_stable_vars [{varsets = []; row = [p]}]
let pattern_stable_vars ns p =
(Positive {varsets = []; row = [p]} :: ( (fun n -> Negative n) ns))

(* All identifier paths that appear in an expression that occurs
as a clause right hand side or guard.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2433,14 +2450,13 @@ let check_ambiguous_bindings =
let warn0 = Ambiguous_pattern [] in
fun cases ->
if is_active warn0 then
(fun case -> match case with
| { c_guard=None ; _} -> ()
let check_case ns case = match case with
| { c_lhs = p; c_guard=None ; _} -> [p]::ns
| { c_lhs=p; c_guard=Some g; _} ->
let all =
IdSet.inter (pattern_vars p) (all_rhs_idents g) in
if not (IdSet.is_empty all) then begin
match pattern_stable_vars p with
match pattern_stable_vars ns p with
| All -> ()
| Vars stable ->
let ambiguous = IdSet.diff all stable in
Expand All @@ -2449,5 +2465,7 @@ let check_ambiguous_bindings =
let warn = Ambiguous_pattern pps in
Location.prerr_warning p.pat_loc warn
ignore (List.fold_left check_case [] cases)

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