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Building clusters

Docker-Swarm cluster

This tutorial sets up a complete Docker infrastructure with Swarm, Docker and Consul software components. It contains a master node and predefined number of worker nodes. The worker nodes receive the ip of the master node and attach to the master node to form a cluster. Finally, the docker cluster can be used with any standard tool talking the docker protocol (on port 2375).


  • creating two types of nodes through contextualisation
  • passing ip address of a node to another node
  • using the cloudsigma resource handler
  • utilising health check against a predefined port
  • using parameters to scale up worker nodes


  • accessing an Occopus compatible interface
  • target cloud contains an Ubuntu 18.04 image with cloud-init support


You can download the example as tutorial.examples.docker-swarm .


The following steps are suggested to be performed:

  1. Open the file nodes/node_definitions.yaml and edit the resource section of the nodes labelled by node_def:.

    The downloadable package for this example contains a resource template for the Cloudsigma plugin.

  2. Components in the infrastructure connect to each other, therefore several port ranges must be opened for the VMs executing the components. Clouds implement port opening various way (e.g. security groups for OpenStack, etc). Make sure you implement port opening in your cloud for the following port ranges:






    web listening port (configurable*)



    for cluster management & raft sync communications

    TCP and UDP


    for "control plane" gossip discovery communication between all nodes


    Do not forget to open the ports which are needed for your Docker application!

  3. Make sure your authentication information is set correctly in your authentication file. You must set your email and password in the authentication file. Setting authentication information is described :ref:`here <authentication>`.

  4. Load the node definition for dockerswarm_master_node and dockerswarm_worker_node nodes into the database.


    Occopus takes node definitions from its database when builds up the infrastructure, so importing is necessary whenever the node definition (file) changes!

    occopus-import nodes/node_definitions.yaml
  5. Update the number of worker nodes if necessary. For this, edit the infra-docker-swarm.yaml file and modify the min parameter under the scaling keyword. Currently, it is set to 2.

    - &W
        name: worker
        type: dockerswarm_worker_node
            min: 2
  6. Start deploying the infrastructure. Make sure the proper virtualenv is activated!

    occopus-build infra-docker-swarm.yaml


    It may take a few minutes until the services on the master node come to live. Please, be patient!

  7. After successful finish, the node with ip address and node id are listed at the end of the logging messages and the identifier of the newly built infrastructure is printed. You can store the identifier of the infrastructure to perform further operations on your infra or alternatively you can query the identifier using the occopus-maintain command.

    List of nodes/ip addresses:
    <ip-address> (dfa5f4f5-7d69-432e-87f9-a37cd6376f7a)
    <ip-address> (cae40ed8-c4f3-49cd-bc73-92a8c027ff2c)
    <ip-address> (8e255594-5d9a-4106-920c-62591aabd899)
  8. Check the result by submitting docker commands to the docker master node!

  9. Finally, you may destroy the infrastructure using the infrastructure id returned by occopus-build

    occopus-destroy -i 77cb026b-2f81-46a5-87c5-2adf13e1b2d3

Kubernetes cluster


This Occopus-based version is now deprecated in favor of the Kubernetes Reference Architecture based on Terraform and Ansible.

This tutorial sets up a complete Kubernetes infrastructure with Kubernetes Dashboard and Helm package manager. It contains a master node and predefined number of worker nodes. The worker nodes receive the ip of the master node and attach to the master node to form a cluster. Finally, the Kubernetes cluster can be used with any standard tool talking the Kubernetes API server protocol (on port 6443).


  • creating two types of nodes through contextualisation
  • passing ip address of a node to another node
  • using the nova resource handler
  • utilising health check against a predefined port
  • using parameters to scale up worker nodes


  • accessing an Occopus compatible interface
  • target cloud contains an Ubuntu 18.04 image with cloud-init support


You can download the example as tutorial.examples.kubernetes .


The following steps are suggested to be performed:

  1. Open the file nodes/node_definitions.yaml and edit the resource section of the nodes labelled by node_def:.

    The downloadable package for this example contains a resource template for the Cloudsigma plugin.

  2. Components in the infrastructure connect to each other, therefore several port ranges must be opened for the VMs executing the components. Clouds implement port opening various way (e.g. security groups for OpenStack, etc). Make sure you implement port opening in your cloud for the following port ranges:






    etcd server client API



    Kubernetes API server



    Kubelet API









    read-only kubelet API



    NodePort Services


    Do not forget to open the ports which are needed for your Kubernetes application!

  3. Make sure your authentication information is set correctly in your authentication file. You must set your email and password in the authentication file. Setting authentication information is described :ref:`here <authentication>`.

  4. Load the node definition for kubernetes_master_node and kubernetes_slave_node nodes into the database.


    Make sure the proper virtualenv is activated! (source occopus/bin/activate)


    Occopus takes node definitions from its database when builds up the infrastructure, so importing is necessary whenever the node definition (file) changes!

    occopus-import nodes/node_definitions.yaml
  5. Update the number of worker nodes if necessary. For this, edit the infra-kubernetes.yaml file and modify the min parameter under the scaling keyword. Currently, it is set to 2.

    - &W
        name: kubernetes-slave
        type: kubernetes_slave_node
            min: 2
  6. Start deploying the infrastructure.

    occopus-build infra-kubernetes.yaml


    It may take a few minutes until the services on the master node come to live. Please, be patient!

  7. After successful finish, the node with ip address and node id are listed at the end of the logging messages and the identifier of the newly built infrastructure is printed. You can store the identifier of the infrastructure to perform further operations on your infra or alternatively you can query the identifier using the occopus-maintain command.

    List of nodes/ip addresses:
        <ip-address> (dfa5f4f5-7d69-432e-87f9-a37cd6376f7a)
        <ip-address> (cae40ed8-c4f3-49cd-bc73-92a8c027ff2c)
        <ip-address> (8e255594-5d9a-4106-920c-62591aabd899)
  8. You can check the health and statistics of the cluster. Please login to the master node via SSH connection.


    Before you run the command below, please make sure you use the correct user (kubeuser).

    Switch to kubeuser:

    $ sudo su - kubeuser

    Check the nodes added to the cluster with the following command:

    $ kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                                             STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
    occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-master-90d7cfdd   Ready    master   12m    v1.18.3
    occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-slave-a8962b51    Ready    worker   4m7s   v1.18.3
    occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-slave-ed210ec4    Ready    worker   4m7s   v1.18.3

    Ensure that Kubernetes services have been set up correctly.

    $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE              NAME                                                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kube-system            coredns-66bff467f8-ltkkc                                                                 1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            coredns-66bff467f8-ndh88                                                                 1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            etcd-occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-master-90d7cfdd                      1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            kube-apiserver-occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-master-90d7cfdd            1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            kube-controller-manager-occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-master-90d7cfdd   1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            kube-flannel-ds-amd64-5ptjb                                                              1/1     Running   0          4m23s
    kube-system            kube-flannel-ds-amd64-dfczs                                                              1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            kube-flannel-ds-amd64-dqjg2                                                              1/1     Running   0          4m23s
    kube-system            kube-proxy-f8czw                                                                         1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            kube-proxy-hlvd6                                                                         1/1     Running   0          4m23s
    kube-system            kube-proxy-vlwk2                                                                         1/1     Running   0          4m23s
    kube-system            kube-scheduler-occopus-kubernetes-cluster-a67dcbea-kubernetes-master-90d7cfdd            1/1     Running   0          12m
    kube-system            tiller-deploy-55bbcfbbc8-fj8mm                                                           1/1     Running   0          9m16s
    kubernetes-dashboard   dashboard-metrics-scraper-6b4884c9d5-w6rx6                                               1/1     Running   0          12m
    kubernetes-dashboard   kubernetes-dashboard-64794c64b8-sb9m6                                                    1/1     Running   0          12m
    You can access Dashboard at ``http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login``.
    On the login page please click on the SKIP button.
  9. Finally, you may destroy the infrastructure using the infrastructure id returned by occopus-build

    occopus-destroy -i 77cb026b-2f81-46a5-87c5-2adf13e1b2d3

Slurm cluster

Slurm is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. Slurm requires no kernel modifications for its operation and is relatively self-contained. As a cluster workload manager, Slurm has three key functions:

  • First, it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (compute nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work.
  • Second, it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (normally a parallel job) on the set of allocated nodes.
  • Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work.

This tutorial sets up a complete Slurm (version 19.05.5) infrastructure. It contains a Slurm Management (master) node and Slurm Compoute (worker) nodes, which can be scaled up or down.


Figure 2. Slurm cluster architecture


  • creating two types of nodes through contextualisation
  • utilising health check against a predefined port
  • using cron jobs to scale Slurm Compute nodes automatically


  • accessing an Occopus compatible interface
  • target cloud contains an Ubuntu 18.04 image with cloud-init support


You can download the example as tutorial.examples.slurm .


The following steps are suggested to be performed:

  1. Open the file nodes/node_definitions.yaml and edit the resource section of the nodes labelled by node_def:.

    The downloadable package for this example contains a resource template for the nova plugin.

  2. Components in the infrastructure connect to each other, therefore several port ranges must be opened for the VMs executing the components. Clouds implement port opening various way (e.g. security groups for OpenStack, etc). Make sure you implement port opening in your cloud for the following port ranges:












    NFS Server



    SlurmDbDPort (Master)



    SlurmDPort (Worker)



    SlurmctldPort (Master)


    The Slurm Master doesn’t work without any worker nodes. You can test the cluster with the sinfo command. If the Master node doesn’t recognise this command, you have to wait for the first worker node.

  3. Make sure your authentication information is set correctly in your authentication file. You must set your email and password in the authentication file. Setting authentication information is described :ref:`here <authentication>`.

  4. Load the node definition for slurm_master_node and slurm_worker_node nodes into the database.


    Make sure the proper virtualenv is activated! (source occopus/bin/activate)


    Occopus takes node definitions from its database when builds up the infrastructure, so importing is necessary whenever the node definition (file) changes!

    occopus-import nodes/node_definitions.yaml
  5. Update the number of worker nodes if necessary. For this, edit the infra-slurm-cluster file and modify the min parameter under the scaling keyword. Currently, it is set to 2.

    - &W
        name: slurm-worker
        type: slurm_worker_node
            min: 2
  6. Start deploying the infrastructure.

    occopus-build infra-slurm-cluster.yaml


    It may take a few minutes until the services on the master node come to live. Please, be patient!

  7. After successful finish, the node with ip address and node id are listed at the end of the logging messages and the identifier of the newly built infrastructure is printed. You can store the identifier of the infrastructure to perform further operations on your infra or alternatively you can query the identifier using the occopus-maintain command.

    List of nodes/ip addresses:
        <ip-address> (dfa5f4f5-7d69-432e-87f9-a37cd6376f7a)
        <ip-address> (cae40ed8-c4f3-49cd-bc73-92a8c027ff2c)
        <ip-address> (8e255594-5d9a-4106-920c-62591aabd899)
  8. You can check the health and statistics of the cluster. Please login to the master node via SSH connection.


    Before you run the command below, please make sure at least one worker node is connected to the master.

    By default, sinfo lists the partitions that are available.

    debug*       up   infinite      2   idle occopus-slurm-cluster-8769d296-slurm-worker-69ed479f,occopus-slurm-cluster-8769d296-slurm-worker-ef6cc071

    Please run the following command on the master node to check the status of the slurm controller daemon status.

    sudo systemctl status slurmctld
    ? slurmctld.service - Slurm controller daemon
        Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/slurmctld.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-07-07 17:39:08 CEST; 1min 5s ago
        Docs: man:slurmctld(8)
        Process: 13401 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/slurmctld $SLURMCTLD_OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 13423 (slurmctld)
        Tasks: 11
        Memory: 2.2M
        CGroup: /system.slice/slurmctld.service
                L¦13423 /usr/sbin/slurmctld

    You can also check the slurm daemon status on any of the worker nodes with the following command.

    sudo systemctld status slurmd
    ? slurmd.service - Slurm node daemon
        Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/slurmd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-07-07 17:39:01 CEST; 3min 44s ago
        Docs: man:slurmd(8)
        Process: 7491 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/slurmd $SLURMD_OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 7493 (slurmd)
        Tasks: 1
        Memory: 1.6M
        CGroup: /system.slice/slurmd.service
                L¦7493 /usr/sbin/slurmd
  9. Finally, you may destroy the infrastructure using the infrastructure id returned by occopus-destroy

    occopus-destroy -i 77cb026b-2f81-46a5-87c5-2adf13e1b2d3

User management

In the Slurm you can use the sacctmgr command for user management. First, you need to create an account. An account is similar to a UNIX group. An account may contain multiple users, or just a single user. Accounts may be organized as a hierarchical tree. A user may belong to multiple accounts, but must have a DefaultAccount.

# Create new account
sacctmgr add account sztaki Description="Any departments"
# Show all accounts:
sacctmgr show account


By default you are the root user in Slurm, so, you have to use sudo before the slurm commands if you use the ubuntu user instead of root.


Before you create a Slurm user, you have to create a real unix user too!

DataAvenue cluster

Data Avenue is a data storage management service that enables to access different types of storage resources (including S3, sftp, GridFTP, iRODS, SRM servers) using a uniform interface. The provided REST API allows of performing all the typical storage operations such as creating folders/buckets, renaming or deleting files/folders, uploading/downloading files, or copying/moving files/folders between different storage resources, respectively, even simply using 'curl' from command line. Data Avenue automatically translates users' REST commands to the appropriate storage protocols, and manages long-running data transfers in the background.

In this tutorial we establish a cluster with two nodes types. On the DataAvenue node the DataAvenue application will run, and an S3 storage will run, in order to be able to try DataAvenue file transfer software such as making buckets, download or copy files. We used MinIO and Docker components to build-up the cluster.


  • creating two types of nodes through contextualisation
  • using the nova resource handler


  • accessing an Occopus compatible interface
  • target cloud contains an Ubuntu image with cloud-init support


You can download the example as tutorial.examples.dataavenue-cluster .


The following steps are suggested to be performed:

  1. Open the file nodes/node_definitions.yaml and edit the resource section of the nodes labelled by node_def:.

    The downloadable package for this example contains a resource template for the nova plugin.

  2. Components in the infrastructure connect to each other, therefore several port ranges must be opened for the VMs executing the components. Clouds implement port opening various way (e.g. security groups for OpenStack, etc). Make sure you implement port opening in your cloud for the following port ranges:















    DA service

  3. Make sure your authentication information is set correctly in your authentication file. You must set your authentication data for the resource you would like to use. Setting authentication information is described :ref:`here <authentication>`.

  4. Optionally edit the "variables" section of the infra-dataavenue.yaml file. Set the following attributes:

    • access_key is the access key of the S3 storage user
    • secret_key is the secret key of the S3 storage user
  5. Load the node definitions into the database. Make sure the proper virtualenv is activated!


    Occopus takes node definitions from its database when builds up the infrastructure, so importing is necessary whenever the node definition or any imported (e.g. contextualisation) file changes!

    occopus-import nodes/node_definitions.yaml
  6. Start deploying the infrastructure.

    occopus-build infra-dataavenue.yaml
  7. After successful finish, the nodes with ip address and node id are listed at the end of the logging messages and the identifier of the newly built infrastructure is printed. You can store the identifier of the infrastructure to perform further operations on your infra or alternatively you can query the identifier using the occopus-maintain command.

    List of nodes/ip addresses:
    dataavenue: (34b07a23-a26a-4a42-a5f4-73966b8ed23f)
    storage: (29b98290-c6f4-4ae7-95ca-b91a9baf2ea8)
  8. On the S3 storage nodes a user with predefined parameters will be created. The access_key will be the Username and the secret_key will be the Password, which are predefined in the infra-dataavenue.yaml file. Save user credentials into a file named credentials use the above command:

    echo -e 'X-Key: dataavenue-key\nX-Username: A8Q2WPCWAELW61RWDGO8\nX-Password: FWd1mccBfnw6VHa2vod98NEQktRCYlCronxbO1aQ' > credentials


    This step will be useful to shorten the curl commands later when using DataAvenue!

  9. Save the nodes' ip addresses in variables to simplify the use of commands.

    export SOURCE_NODE_IP=[storage_a_ip]
    export TARGET_NODE_IP=[storage_b_ip]
    export DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP=[dataavenue_ip]
  10. Make bucket on each S3 storage node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -X POST -H "X-URI: s3://$SOURCE_NODE_IP:80/sourcebucket/" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory
    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -X POST -H "X-URI: s3://$TARGET_NODE_IP:80/targetbucket/" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory


    Bucket names should be at least three letter length. Now, the bucket on the source S3 storage node will be sourcebucket, and the bucket on the target S3 storage node will be targetbucket.

  11. Check the bucket creation by listing the buckets on each storage node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -H "X-URI: s3://$SOURCE_NODE_IP:80/" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory

    The result should be: ["sourcebucket/"]

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -H "X-URI: s3://$TARGET_NODE_IP:80/" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory

    The result should be: ["targetbucket/"]

  12. To test the DataAvenue file transfer software you should make a file to be transfered. With this command you can create predefined sized file, now it will be 1 megabyte:

    dd if=/dev/urandom of=1MB.dat bs=1M count=1
  13. Upload the generated 1MB.dat file to the source storage node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -X POST -H "X-URI: s3://$SOURCE_NODE_IP:80/sourcebucket/1MB.dat" -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --data-binary @1MB.dat http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/file
  14. Check the uploaded file by listing the sourcebucket bucket on the source node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -H "X-URI: s3://$SOURCE_NODE_IP:80/sourcebucket" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory

The result should be: ["1MB.dat"]

  1. Save the target node's credentials to a target.json file to shorten the copy command later:

    echo "{target:'s3://"$TARGET_NODE_IP":80/targetbucket/',overwrite:true,credentials:{Type:UserPass, UserID:"A8Q2WPCWAELW61RWDGO8", UserPass:"FWd1mccBfnw6VHa2vod98NEQktRCYlCronxbO1aQ"}}" > target.json
  2. Copy the uploaded 1MB.dat file from the source node to the target node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)"  -X POST -H "X-URI: s3://$SOURCE_NODE_IP:80/sourcebucket/1MB.dat" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data "$(cat target.json)"  http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/transfers > transferid

    The result should be: [transfer_id]

  3. Check the result of the copy command by querying the transfer_id returned by the copy command:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)"  http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/transfers/$(cat transferid)

    The following result means a successful copy transfer from the source node to the target node (see status: DONE):

  4. You can list the files in the target node's bucket, to check the 1MB file:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -H "X-URI: s3://$TARGET_NODE_IP:80/targetbucket" http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/directory

    The result should be: ["1MB.dat"]. T

  5. Also, you can download the copied file from the target node:

    curl -H "$(cat credentials)" -H "X-URI: s3://$TARGET_NODE_IP:80/targetbucket/1MB.dat" -o download.dat http://$DATAAVENUE_NODE_IP:8080/dataavenue/rest/file
  6. Finally, you may destroy the infrastructure using the infrastructure id returned by occopus-build

    occopus-destroy -i db0f0047-f7e6-428e-a10d-3b8f7dbdb4d4


    In this tutorial we used HTTP protocol only. DataAvenue also supports HTTPS on port 8443; storages could also be accessed over secure HTTP by deploying e.g. HAPROXY on their nodes.

CQueue cluster

CQueue stands for "Container Queue". Since Docker does not provide pull model for container execution, (Docker Swarm uses push execution model) the CQueue framework provides a lightweight queueing service for executing containers.

Figure 1 shows, the overall architecture of a CQueue cluster. The CQueue cluster contains one Master node (VM1) and any number of Worker nodes (VM2). Worker nodes can be manually scaled up and down with Occopus. The Master node implements a queue (see "Q" box within VM1), where each item (called task in CQueue) represents the specification of a container execution (image, command, arguments, etc.). The Worker nodes (VM2) fetch the tasks one after the other and execute the container specified by the task (see "A" box within VM2). In each task submission a new Docker container will be launched within at CQueue Worker.


Figure 1. CQueue cluster architecture

Please, note that CQueue is not aware of what happens inside the container, simply executes them one after the other. CQueue does not handle data files, containers are responsible for downloading inputs and uploading results if necessary. For each container CQueue stores the logs (see "DB" box within VM1), and the return value. CQueue retries the execution of failed containers as well.

In case the container hosts an application, CQueue can be used for executing jobs, where each job is realized by one single container execution. To use CQueue for huge number of job execution, prepare your container and generate the list of container execution in a parameter sweep style.

In this tutorial we deploy a CQueue cluster with two nodes: 1) a Master node (see VM1 on Figure 1) having a RabbitMQ (for queuing) (see "Q" box within VM1), a Redis (for storing container logs) (see "DB" within VM1), and a web-based frontend (for providing a REST API and a basic WebUI) component (see "F" in VM1); 2) a Worker node (see VM2 on Figure 1) containing a CQueue worker component (see "W" box within VM2) which pulls tasks from the Master and performs the execution of containers specified by the tasks (see "A" box in VM2).

There are three use-cases identified for using CQueue.

Use-case 1 (Container executation)

The first use-case uses Container executor, i.e. the application container managed by the CQueue worker. After the application container (task) finished, the result saved on the result backend. (Redis)

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d'{"image":"ubuntu", "cmd":["echo", "test msg"]}' http://localhost:8080/task

Use-case 2 (Local executation)

The second use-case runs the task in the worker container. The container runs the given task, and after the execution, the worker container saves the result to the result backend.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d'{"type":"local", "cmd":["echo", "test msg"]}' http://localhost:8080/task


If you like to use this method, it is necessary to build the CQueue worker in the application container.

Use-case 3 (Batch executation)

In this use-case, the application runs in the worker container similarly to the second use-case, but it will define multiple tasks. In this mode, CQueue is capable of creating an iterable parameter in the application with the syntax of {{.}}. In this mode, it is necessary to define the start, and the stop parameter and CQueue will iterate over it. This execution mode can result in a very significant performance improvement when the tasks running times are short.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d'{"type":"batch", "start":"1" , "stop":"10", "cmd":["echo", "run {{.}}.cfg"]}' http://localhost:8080/task


If you like to use this method, it is necessary to build the CQueue worker in the application container.


To create a worker with batch capabilities, the worker must be started with --batch=true flag.


  • creating two types of nodes through contextualisation
  • using the nova resource handler
  • using parameters to scale up worker nodes


  • accessing an Occopus compatible interface
  • target cloud contains an Ubuntu image with cloud-init support


You can download the example as tutorial.examples.cqueue-cluster .


The following steps are suggested to be performed:

  1. Open the file nodes/node_definitions.yaml and edit the resource section of the nodes labelled by node_def:.


    In this tutorial, we will use nova cloud resources (based on our nova tutorials in the basic tutorial section). However, feel free to use any Occopus-compatible cloud resource for the nodes, but we suggest to instantiate all nodes in the same cloud.

  2. Components in the infrastructure connect to each other, therefore several port ranges must be opened for the VMs executing the components. Clouds implement port opening various way (e.g. security groups for OpenStack, etc). Make sure you implement port opening in your cloud for the following port ranges:












    Redis server



    CQueue frontend



    RabbitMQ management

  3. Make sure your authentication information is set correctly in your authentication file. You must set your authentication data for the resource you would like to use. Setting authentication information is described :ref:`here <authentication>`.

  4. Update the number of worker nodes if necessary. For this, edit the infra-cqueue-cluster.yaml file and modify the min and max parameter under the scaling keyword. Scaling is the interval, in which the number of nodes can change (min, max). Currently, the minimum is set to 1 (which will be the initial number at startup).

    - &W
    name: cqueue-worker
    type: cqueue-worker_node
            min: 1


    Important: Keep in mind that Occopus has to start at least one node from each node type to work properly and scaling can be applied only for worker nodes in this example!

  5. Load the node definitions into the database. Make sure the proper virtualenv is activated!


    Occopus takes node definitions from its database when builds up the infrastructure, so importing is necessary whenever the node definition or any imported (e.g. contextualisation) file changes!

    occopus-import nodes/node_definitions.yaml
  6. Start deploying the infrastructure.

    occopus-build infra-cqueue-cluster.yaml
  7. After successful finish, the nodes with ip address and node id are listed at the end of the logging messages and the identifier of the newly built infrastructure is printed. You can store the identifier of the infrastructure to perform further operations on your infra or alternatively you can query the identifier using the occopus-maintain command.

    List of nodes/ip addresses:
    cqueue-worker: (34b07a23-a26a-4a42-a5f4-73966b8ed23f)
    cqueue-master: (29b98290-c6f4-4ae7-95ca-b91a9baf2ea8)
  8. After a successful built, tasks can be sent to the CQueue master. The framework is built for executing Docker containers with their specific inputs. Also, environment variables and other input parameters can be specified for each container. The CQueue master receives the tasks via a REST API and the CQueue workers pull the tasks from the CQueue master and execute them. One worker process one task at a time.

    Push 'hello world' task (available parameters: image string, env []string, cmd []string, container_name string):

    curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d'{"image":"ubuntu", "cmd":["echo", "hello Docker"]}' http://<masterip>:8080/task
    The result should be: ``{"id":"task_324c5ec3-56b0-4ff3-ab5c-66e5e47c30e9"}``


    This id (task_324c5ec3-56b0-4ff3-ab5c-66e5e47c30e9) will be used later, in order to query its status and result.

  9. The worker continuously updates the status (pending, received, started, retry, success, failure) of the task with the task’s ID. After the task is completed, the workers send a notification to the CQueue master, and this task will be removed from the queue. The status of a task and the result can be queried from the key-value store through the CQueue master.

Check the result of the push command by querying the task_id returned by the push command:

curl -X GET http://<masterip>:8080/task/$task_id

The result should be: {"status":"SUCCESS"}

  1. Fetch the result of the push command by querying the task_id returned by the push command:

    curl -X GET http://<masterip>:8080/task/$task_id/result

    The result should be: hello Docker

  2. Delete the task with the following command:

    curl -X DELETE http://<masterip>:8080/task/$task_id
  3. For debugging, check the logs of the container at the CQueue worker node.

    docker logs -f $(containerID)
  4. Finally, you may destroy the infrastructure using the infrastructure id returned by occopus-build

    occopus-destroy -i db0f0047-f7e6-428e-a10d-3b8f7dbdb4d4


    The CQueue master and the worker components are written in golang, and they have a shared code-base. The open-source code is available at GitLab .