Simple class PHP of majority judgment. See more details on Wikipedia.
composer require oceanbigone/majorityjudgment
See how to use with demo/index.php
You can see result here : demo page
require "../vendor/autoload.php";
//start Ballot
$ballot= new Ballot();
//create Mention
$excellent = new Mention("Excellent");
$good = new Mention("Good");
$prettyGood = new Mention("Pretty good");
//create Candidate
$candidate1 = new Candidate("Mrs ABCDE");
$candidate2 = new Candidate("Mr FGHIJ");
//add Mentions -- from the best to the worst (order is important) !!!!
//add some Candidats
//add votes (keep in mind that each participation need a vote for each candidate !)
$ballot->addVote(new Vote($candidate1,$excellent));
$ballot->addVote(new Vote($candidate2,$prettyGood));
$ballot->addVote(new Vote($candidate1,$good));
$ballot->addVote(new Vote($candidate2,$excellent));
//get an array of candidate sorted by Majority Jugement, if there is full ex-aequo (even after index added) then they are ordered by name.
//details with MeritProfile object
foreach($sortedCandidates as $candidate){
$meritProfil=new MeritProfile();
//get merit profil as Array of Merit object (Merit is an object with two property : mention and percent of this mention)
//display majority mention
echo $meritProfil->processMajorityMention($candidate,$ballot->getVotes(),$ballot->getMentions()))->getLabel();
//display percent of majority mention
echo $meritProfil->processPercentOfMajorityMention($candidate,$ballot->getVotes(),$ballot->getMentions()));
//clear mentions
//clear candidates
//clear Votes
- Fix bug : force the sorting key to be used as a string
- Fix bug when perfect exaequo (add an arbitrary loop index at the end of the sorting key)
- Add
to test a bug
- Fix bug when perfect exaequo
- Update this file (remove beta warning)
- Majority mention strictly superior 50%
- add a fixture
- remove var_dump
- Check ex-eaquo with the full key (not only current path)
- New algorithm (no more ex-aequo)
- Fix : bug when process worse percent than majority percent
- Remove key in result array
- fix : format key
- Add some help in Readme
- Return objects instead of associative array
warning : This version is not compatible with older version
- License
- Finalize the algorithm and add an explanation
- fix results error
- fix precision round value for generate sorting key (in result array)
- fix result error
- sign error in ex-aequo results
- sign error in ex-aequo results
- update Readme
- function getMeritProfile is now private
- clean comment in code
- add some documentation
- function getMeritProfile is now public
- function getAsMeritArray is now proceedElection
- fix composer.json
- add install information on Readme
- corrections for packagist
- Initial commit