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trentmc committed Jul 1, 2020
1 parent d1c9c48 commit 67a0be2
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Showing 8 changed files with 666 additions and 0 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions contracts/pool/BColor.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

pragma solidity 0.5.12;

contract BColor {
function getColor()
external view
returns (bytes32);

contract BBronze is BColor {
function getColor()
external view
returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32("BRONZE");
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions contracts/pool/BConst.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

pragma solidity 0.5.12;

import "./BColor.sol";

contract BConst is BBronze {
uint public constant BONE = 10**18;

uint public constant MIN_BOUND_TOKENS = 2;
uint public constant MAX_BOUND_TOKENS = 8;

uint public constant MIN_FEE = BONE / 10**6;
uint public constant MAX_FEE = BONE / 10;
uint public constant EXIT_FEE = 0;

uint public constant MIN_WEIGHT = BONE;
uint public constant MAX_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
uint public constant MAX_TOTAL_WEIGHT = BONE * 50;
uint public constant MIN_BALANCE = BONE / 10**12;

uint public constant INIT_POOL_SUPPLY = BONE * 100;

uint public constant MIN_BPOW_BASE = 1 wei;
uint public constant MAX_BPOW_BASE = (2 * BONE) - 1 wei;
uint public constant BPOW_PRECISION = BONE / 10**10;

uint public constant MAX_IN_RATIO = BONE / 2;
uint public constant MAX_OUT_RATIO = (BONE / 3) + 1 wei;
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions contracts/pool/BMath.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

pragma solidity 0.5.12;

import "./BNum.sol";

contract BMath is BBronze, BConst, BNum {
// calcSpotPrice //
// sP = spotPrice //
// bI = tokenBalanceIn ( bI / wI ) 1 //
// bO = tokenBalanceOut sP = ----------- * ---------- //
// wI = tokenWeightIn ( bO / wO ) ( 1 - sF ) //
// wO = tokenWeightOut //
// sF = swapFee //
function calcSpotPrice(
uint tokenBalanceIn,
uint tokenWeightIn,
uint tokenBalanceOut,
uint tokenWeightOut,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint spotPrice)
uint numer = bdiv(tokenBalanceIn, tokenWeightIn);
uint denom = bdiv(tokenBalanceOut, tokenWeightOut);
uint ratio = bdiv(numer, denom);
uint scale = bdiv(BONE, bsub(BONE, swapFee));
return (spotPrice = bmul(ratio, scale));

// calcOutGivenIn //
// aO = tokenAmountOut //
// bO = tokenBalanceOut //
// bI = tokenBalanceIn / / bI \ (wI / wO) \ //
// aI = tokenAmountIn aO = bO * | 1 - | -------------------------- | ^ | //
// wI = tokenWeightIn \ \ ( bI + ( aI * ( 1 - sF )) / / //
// wO = tokenWeightOut //
// sF = swapFee //
function calcOutGivenIn(
uint tokenBalanceIn,
uint tokenWeightIn,
uint tokenBalanceOut,
uint tokenWeightOut,
uint tokenAmountIn,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint tokenAmountOut)
uint weightRatio = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, tokenWeightOut);
uint adjustedIn = bsub(BONE, swapFee);
adjustedIn = bmul(tokenAmountIn, adjustedIn);
uint y = bdiv(tokenBalanceIn, badd(tokenBalanceIn, adjustedIn));
uint foo = bpow(y, weightRatio);
uint bar = bsub(BONE, foo);
tokenAmountOut = bmul(tokenBalanceOut, bar);
return tokenAmountOut;

// calcInGivenOut //
// aI = tokenAmountIn //
// bO = tokenBalanceOut / / bO \ (wO / wI) \ //
// bI = tokenBalanceIn bI * | | ------------ | ^ - 1 | //
// aO = tokenAmountOut aI = \ \ ( bO - aO ) / / //
// wI = tokenWeightIn -------------------------------------------- //
// wO = tokenWeightOut ( 1 - sF ) //
// sF = swapFee //
function calcInGivenOut(
uint tokenBalanceIn,
uint tokenWeightIn,
uint tokenBalanceOut,
uint tokenWeightOut,
uint tokenAmountOut,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint tokenAmountIn)
uint weightRatio = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, tokenWeightIn);
uint diff = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, tokenAmountOut);
uint y = bdiv(tokenBalanceOut, diff);
uint foo = bpow(y, weightRatio);
foo = bsub(foo, BONE);
tokenAmountIn = bsub(BONE, swapFee);
tokenAmountIn = bdiv(bmul(tokenBalanceIn, foo), tokenAmountIn);
return tokenAmountIn;

// calcPoolOutGivenSingleIn //
// pAo = poolAmountOut / \ //
// tAi = tokenAmountIn /// / // wI \ \\ \ wI \ //
// wI = tokenWeightIn //| tAi *| 1 - || 1 - -- | * sF || + tBi \ -- \ //
// tW = totalWeight pAo=|| \ \ \\ tW / // | ^ tW | * pS - pS //
// tBi = tokenBalanceIn \\ ------------------------------------- / / //
// pS = poolSupply \\ tBi / / //
// sF = swapFee \ / //
function calcPoolOutGivenSingleIn(
uint tokenBalanceIn,
uint tokenWeightIn,
uint poolSupply,
uint totalWeight,
uint tokenAmountIn,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint poolAmountOut)
// Charge the trading fee for the proportion of tokenAi
/// which is implicitly traded to the other pool tokens.
// That proportion is (1- weightTokenIn)
// tokenAiAfterFee = tAi * (1 - (1-weightTi) * poolFee);
uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, totalWeight);
uint zaz = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
uint tokenAmountInAfterFee = bmul(tokenAmountIn, bsub(BONE, zaz));

uint newTokenBalanceIn = badd(tokenBalanceIn, tokenAmountInAfterFee);
uint tokenInRatio = bdiv(newTokenBalanceIn, tokenBalanceIn);

// uint newPoolSupply = (ratioTi ^ weightTi) * poolSupply;
uint poolRatio = bpow(tokenInRatio, normalizedWeight);
uint newPoolSupply = bmul(poolRatio, poolSupply);
poolAmountOut = bsub(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);
return poolAmountOut;

// calcSingleInGivenPoolOut //
// tAi = tokenAmountIn //(pS + pAo)\ / 1 \\ //
// pS = poolSupply || --------- | ^ | --------- || * bI - bI //
// pAo = poolAmountOut \\ pS / \(wI / tW)// //
// bI = balanceIn tAi = -------------------------------------------- //
// wI = weightIn / wI \ //
// tW = totalWeight | 1 - ---- | * sF //
// sF = swapFee \ tW / //
function calcSingleInGivenPoolOut(
uint tokenBalanceIn,
uint tokenWeightIn,
uint poolSupply,
uint totalWeight,
uint poolAmountOut,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint tokenAmountIn)
uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightIn, totalWeight);
uint newPoolSupply = badd(poolSupply, poolAmountOut);
uint poolRatio = bdiv(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);

//uint newBalTi = poolRatio^(1/weightTi) * balTi;
uint boo = bdiv(BONE, normalizedWeight);
uint tokenInRatio = bpow(poolRatio, boo);
uint newTokenBalanceIn = bmul(tokenInRatio, tokenBalanceIn);
uint tokenAmountInAfterFee = bsub(newTokenBalanceIn, tokenBalanceIn);
// Do reverse order of fees charged in joinswap_ExternAmountIn, this way
// ``` pAo == joinswap_ExternAmountIn(Ti, joinswap_PoolAmountOut(pAo, Ti)) ```
//uint tAi = tAiAfterFee / (1 - (1-weightTi) * swapFee) ;
uint zar = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
tokenAmountIn = bdiv(tokenAmountInAfterFee, bsub(BONE, zar));
return tokenAmountIn;

// calcSingleOutGivenPoolIn //
// tAo = tokenAmountOut / / \\ //
// bO = tokenBalanceOut / // pS - (pAi * (1 - eF)) \ / 1 \ \\ //
// pAi = poolAmountIn | bO - || ----------------------- | ^ | --------- | * b0 || //
// ps = poolSupply \ \\ pS / \(wO / tW)/ // //
// wI = tokenWeightIn tAo = \ \ // //
// tW = totalWeight / / wO \ \ //
// sF = swapFee * | 1 - | 1 - ---- | * sF | //
// eF = exitFee \ \ tW / / //
function calcSingleOutGivenPoolIn(
uint tokenBalanceOut,
uint tokenWeightOut,
uint poolSupply,
uint totalWeight,
uint poolAmountIn,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint tokenAmountOut)
uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, totalWeight);
// charge exit fee on the pool token side
// pAiAfterExitFee = pAi*(1-exitFee)
uint poolAmountInAfterExitFee = bmul(poolAmountIn, bsub(BONE, EXIT_FEE));
uint newPoolSupply = bsub(poolSupply, poolAmountInAfterExitFee);
uint poolRatio = bdiv(newPoolSupply, poolSupply);

// newBalTo = poolRatio^(1/weightTo) * balTo;
uint tokenOutRatio = bpow(poolRatio, bdiv(BONE, normalizedWeight));
uint newTokenBalanceOut = bmul(tokenOutRatio, tokenBalanceOut);

uint tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, newTokenBalanceOut);

// charge swap fee on the output token side
//uint tAo = tAoBeforeSwapFee * (1 - (1-weightTo) * swapFee)
uint zaz = bmul(bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight), swapFee);
tokenAmountOut = bmul(tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee, bsub(BONE, zaz));
return tokenAmountOut;

// calcPoolInGivenSingleOut //
// pAi = poolAmountIn // / tAo \\ / wO \ \ //
// bO = tokenBalanceOut // | bO - -------------------------- |\ | ---- | \ //
// tAo = tokenAmountOut pS - || \ 1 - ((1 - (tO / tW)) * sF)/ | ^ \ tW / * pS | //
// ps = poolSupply \\ -----------------------------------/ / //
// wO = tokenWeightOut pAi = \\ bO / / //
// tW = totalWeight ------------------------------------------------------------- //
// sF = swapFee ( 1 - eF ) //
// eF = exitFee //
function calcPoolInGivenSingleOut(
uint tokenBalanceOut,
uint tokenWeightOut,
uint poolSupply,
uint totalWeight,
uint tokenAmountOut,
uint swapFee
public pure
returns (uint poolAmountIn)

// charge swap fee on the output token side
uint normalizedWeight = bdiv(tokenWeightOut, totalWeight);
//uint tAoBeforeSwapFee = tAo / (1 - (1-weightTo) * swapFee) ;
uint zoo = bsub(BONE, normalizedWeight);
uint zar = bmul(zoo, swapFee);
uint tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee = bdiv(tokenAmountOut, bsub(BONE, zar));

uint newTokenBalanceOut = bsub(tokenBalanceOut, tokenAmountOutBeforeSwapFee);
uint tokenOutRatio = bdiv(newTokenBalanceOut, tokenBalanceOut);

//uint newPoolSupply = (ratioTo ^ weightTo) * poolSupply;
uint poolRatio = bpow(tokenOutRatio, normalizedWeight);
uint newPoolSupply = bmul(poolRatio, poolSupply);
uint poolAmountInAfterExitFee = bsub(poolSupply, newPoolSupply);

// charge exit fee on the pool token side
// pAi = pAiAfterExitFee/(1-exitFee)
poolAmountIn = bdiv(poolAmountInAfterExitFee, bsub(BONE, EXIT_FEE));
return poolAmountIn;


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