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Form library built for hx

Demo Site


Clojars Project

Note This project is currently in alpha and the API may change in future releases.

Project Goals

  1. Unopinionated when it comes to how form markup is structured
  2. Extendable
  3. Form state management only (bring your own styles)
  4. User friendly (Accessible & Intuitive)

Basic Usage

Turning an HTML form into an hx-form requires wrapping the form in HXForm and adding the hx-form keys to each form element you would like to track.

(ns app.core
  (require [hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]])

;; HTML Form
[:form {:on-submit #()}
  [:input {:type "text"}]
  [:input {:type "submit"
           :value "Submit"]]

;; HXForm
   [:form {:hx/form {:on-submit #()}}
    [:input {:type "text"
             :hx/input {:field-key :sample-field}}]

      {:hx/submit-button {}
       :type "submit"
       :value "Submit"}]]]}]


TODO Add documentation

(ns app.core
  (require [hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]]
           [hx-forms.validators :as v])

[:input {:type "text"
         :hx/input {:field-key :sample-field
                    :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                                  :error "Please enter a value."}]}}]

Formatters / Masks

TODO Add documentation

Transformers (Data transformations)

TODO Add documentation

Dynamic Fields

TODO Add documentation

Creating Custom Components

TODO Add documentation

Styling your forms

hx-forms does not take a strong stance on how you choose to style your forms. There is some sample styles (same styles applied to the demo site) in hx-forms.styles.core.

Code Samples

The following code samples are the pulled from the demo site.

(ns hx-forms-demo.core
   [hx.react :refer [defnc]]
   [hx-comp.base.text :as text]
   [hx-forms.core :refer [HXForm]]
   [hx-forms.utils :as u]
   [hx-forms.validators :as v]
   [hx-forms.transformers :as t]
   [hx-forms.formatters :as f]))

(defnc SimpleForm
    {:title "Simple Form"
     (str "None of the bells and whistles. Just a plain-old form.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formOne"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :email-one
          :label "Email"}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc SimpleFormWithSimpleValidation
    {:title "Enforcing requiredness"
     (str "Doing more validation clientside can shorten the feedback loop and "
          "improve the overall user experience. You can test requiredness by "
          "either tabbing out of a requied field (blurring the field) or "
          "submitting the form with the required field empty.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formTwo"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :email-two
          :label "Email"
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your email address."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc SimpleFormWithCustomValidation
    {:title "Adding custom validation"
     (str "Checking requiedness is a great first step, validating data is the "
          "level. While the server should always validate data, the is no "
          "reason the client can not also do the same to improve the feeback "
          "loop and minimize frustration that is common in online forms. "
          "Try entering an invalidly formatted email address in this "

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formThree"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :email
          :label "Email"
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your email address."}
                       {:validator v/simple-email
                        :error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc SimpleFormWithDefaults
    {:title "Defaults"
     (str "Defaults are of course a must, but to take them a step further, "
          "they can be persisted across form resets or submission events.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formFour"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :email
          :label "Email"
          :default-value ""
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your email address."}
                       {:validator v/simple-email
                        :error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc SimpleFormatter
    {:title "Masks & Formatters"
     (str "Providing immediate error feedback is important, but preventing "
          "users from ever entering invalid data is the next step.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formFive"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :color
          :label "HEX Color"
          :validators v/hex-validators
          :formatters f/hex-formatters}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "HEX Color"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc DynamicForms
    {:title "Dynamic Forms"
     (str "There are times when users may be presented with a form and not all "
         "fields are applicable depending on a subset of the filled out form. "
         "This can add to clutter and confusion and this is where dynamic "
         "forms can help. Showing only data that pertains under certain "
         "circumstances will reduce clutter and simplify the form.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formSix"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
        {:field-key :under-eighteen
         :label "Under 18?"}}]

      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-2-1"]}
         {:field-key :gurdian-email
          :label "Gurdian Email Address"
          :visibility #(u/get-field-value % :under-eighteen)
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your email address."}
                       {:validator v/simple-email
                        :error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email Address"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc ResponsiveForms
    {:title "Custom Styles & Markup"
     (str "HX Forms doesn't take a strong stance on how your structure "
          "your markup or style your forms. It take a minimalist approach "
          "to hooking into and managing your form's state. This demo shows "
          "off how arbitrary markup can be applied to your forms")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formSeven"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
         {:field-key :first-name
          :label "First Name"
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your first name."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "First Name"}]

         {:field-key :last-name
          :label "Last Name"
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your last name."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Last Name"}]

         {:field-key :email
          :label "Email Address"
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your email address."}
                       {:validator v/simple-email
                        :error "Please enter a valid email address."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Email Address"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc DataTransformation
    {:title "Data Transformation"
     (str "There are times you may need to transform the data before passing "
          "it along. You may want to coerce values to other types or possibly "
          "augment specific fields. Depending on the values of other fields. "
          "This can be done by using transformers.")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formEight"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
         {:field-key :age-string
          :label "Age (String)"
          :formatters [f/numeric-only]
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your age."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Age"}]

         {:field-key :age-number
          :label "Age (Number)"
          :formatters [f/numeric-only]
          :transformers [t/str->int]
          :validators [{:validator v/required-input
                        :error "Please enter your age."}]}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Age"}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])

(defnc AdditionalComponentTypes
    {:title "Form Components"
     (str "")}]

    {:is-submitting false
     [:form {:id "formNine"
             :hx/form {:on-submit #(js/console.log %)}}
       {:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
       (str "Inputs are standard inputs and support all valid types")]

      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
         {:field-key :text-input
          :label "Text Input"}
         :type "text"
         :placeholder "Text Input"}]

         {:field-key :standard-input
          :label "Password Input"}
         :type "password"
         :placeholder "Password Input"}]

         {:field-key :calendar-input
          :label "Calendar Input"}
         :type "date"
         :placeholder "Calendar Input"}]

         {:field-key :search-input
          :label "Search Input"}
         :type "search"
         :placeholder "Search Input"}]]

       {:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
       (str "Binary Input Fields")]

      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
         {:field-key :checkbox
          :label "Checkbox"}}]

         {:field-key :toggle
          :label "Toggle"}}]]

       {:style {:margin-bottom "20px}}
       (str "Multi-Option Fields")]

      [:div {:class ["hx-forms--row-2-1-1"]}
         {:field-key :radio-group-type
          :label "Radio Group Type"
          :options [{:display "Option One"
                     :value :one}
                    {:display "Option Two"
                     :value :two}
                    {:display "Option Three"
                     :value :three}]}}]

         {:field-key :checkbox-group-type
          :label "Checkbox Group Type"
          :options [{:display "Option One"
                     :value :one}
                    {:display "Option Two"
                     :value :two}
                    {:display "Option Three"
                     :value :three}]}}]

         {:field-key :select-type
          :label "Select Type"
          :options [{:display "Option One"
                     :value "one"}
                    {:display "Option Two"
                     :value "two"}
                    {:display "Option Three"
                     :value "three"}]}}]]

       {:hx/submit-button {}
        :type "submit"
        :value "Submit"}]]}]])