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This package containing tools for studying Tuktu (caribou) movement ecology and spatial patterns. To install the current version of this package in R:

devtools::install_github("ocouriot/TuktuTools", build_vignettes = TRUE)

To date, this package contains sets of functions that prep and filter movement data:

  • process_moveNWT - process data from Movebank;
  • removeoutliers - flags fixes considered as outliers;
  • prepData - prepares and filters data to a specific period of time and/or a minimum number of fixes per day;
  • scan_tracks - visualizes individual paths through time

The package also contains functions that analyze spatial patterns, including:

  • getSpeed - computes individual movement rates, displacements, speeds;
  • getDailyMean - estimates individual mean daily location (i.e., the mean x and y coordinates of all the daily locations for a given individual);
  • getLoCoH and getKernelUD - estimate ranging areas with Local Convex Hulls (LoCoH) or Kernel Utilization Distributions (KUD));
  • getPairwiseDistance and getPairwiseOverlap - estimate daily pairwise distance or pairwise overlap between pairs of individuals;
  • estimateCalving - estimate calving status (non-calving or calving, calving with survival or calving with calf death), calving timing, and calving location for given females, using movement rate;
  • estimateMigration_stan - estimates population-level migration timing using STAN

The package contains the following data:

  • caribou - anonymized movement data for 4 individual Barren-ground caribou;
  • simulated_migrations - simulated movement tracks for 18 individuals

Finally, the package contains a vignette (the first in a series), on estimating parturition dates or by running the following code:



R package containing tools for studying tuktu (caribou) spatial patterns






No packages published

Contributors 4
