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OCTClient Errors

iRare Media edited this page Sep 22, 2013 · 1 revision

OCTClient Error Domains

The domain for all errors originating in OCTClient is OCTClientErrorDomain

  • OCTClientErrorAuthenticationFailed - A request was made to an endpoint that requires authentication, and the user is not logged in.

  • OCTClientErrorTwoFactorAuthenticationOneTimePasswordRequired - The authorization request requires a two-factor authentication one-time password.

  • OCTClientErrorBadRequest - The request was invalid (HTTP error 400)

  • OCTClientErrorServiceRequestFailed - The server refused to process the request (HTTP error 422). Among other reasons, this might be sent if one of the -requestAuthorizationWithPassword: methods is given an invalid client ID or secret.

  • OCTClientErrorConnectionFailed - There was a problem connecting to the server

  • OCTClientErrorJSONParsingFailed - JSON parsing failed, or a model object could not be created from the parsed JSON.

  • OCTClientErrorUnsupportedServer - The server is too old or new to understand our request.

  • OCTClientErrorRequestURLKey - A user info key associated with the NSURL of the request that failed.

  • OCTClientErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey - A user info key associated with an NSNumber, indicating the HTTP status code that was returned with the error.

  • OCTClientErrorOneTimePasswordMediumKey - A user info key associated with an NSNumber-wrapped OCTClientOneTimePasswordMedium which indicates the medium of delivery for the one-time password required by the API. Only valid when the error's code is OCTClientErrorTwoFactorAuthenticationOneTimePasswordRequired