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Rick-mailer - Library to send emails

Tests pypi license

rick_mailer is a standalone version of Django's email library implementation, with minor changes.


$ pip3 install rick-mailer


from rick_mailer import SMTPFactory, Mailer

cfg = {
    'smtp_host': '',
    'smtp_port': 25,
    'smtp_username': 'relay@local',
    'smtp_password': 'securePassword',
    'smtp_use_tls': False,
    'smtp_use_ssl': False,    
conn = SMTPFactory(cfg)

mailer = Mailer(conn)
mailer.send_mail('some subject', 'message contents', 'noreply@localhost', ['user1@domain.tld', 'user2@domain.tld'])

Related tools

Check out MailHog, a mail testing tool for developers.


As rick_mailer is mostly Django code, it is licensed under Django license and copyright - see the included License file.