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Snitch: A Database transfer tool

Snitch is a command line tool. Its goal is to copy data from various data sources into a central data warehouse.

It provides a pipeline for copying data, temporarily storing the data on file storage and eventually moving that data into a data warehouse.

Main Features

  1. Extract data from multiple databases.
  2. Extract data from multiple tables.
  3. Insert data into multiple data warehouses
  4. Universal configuration of data query across relational and NoSQL DBs
  5. Configurable scheduler with start/end dates and interval.
  6. ACID compliant pipeline
  7. Incremental transfer of data with indices stored on redis

Supported Databases

Snitch currently the following data stores

Data source

Snitch supports the following

  1. MySQL
  2. MongoDB
  3. Postgres
  4. MsSQL
  5. RethinkDB
  6. MariaDB
  7. Apache Kafka

Pre-configured Templates

Snitch supports templates (Predetermined tables for popular frameworks):

  1. Magento

NB We need help supporting more data sources. Please help!

Data warehouse

  1. MySQL / Amazon Aurora
  2. Postgres / Amazon's Redshift
  3. Cassandra
  4. Google BigQuery

NB We need help supporting more data warehouses. Please help!


Clone this repository

    git clone

Navigate to the directory and initialize the project

cd data-pipeline-service && npm run setup

Run the pipeline

npm start


Snitch uses a simple JSON config file.

Config file location

The default location of the configuration file is ./pipeline.json. The config directory location can be changed by setting the PIPELINE_CONF_PATH environment variable.

Configuration Options

The JSON file contains an object with the following keys:

scheduler - object

This tells the pipeline when to schedule the pipeline.

Parameter Type Description
start date Time when the pipeline can start running
end date Time when the pipeline will stop running
interval number Time intervals to run the pipeline

NB: There is a lock on the pipeline. As such, one pipeline has to be completed or fail before the next scheduled pipeline will run.

events - object

You can setup hooks to notify when the following events take place

  1. When a pipeline runs successfully
  2. When an error occur

Snitch currently supports two event triggers

  1. success
  2. error

You can configure an action to be triggered when an event happens e.g

"events" : { "success" : { "type" : "slack", "options" : { "webhook" : process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK, "channel" : 'Pipeline Reports: '' } }, "error" : ... }

The following reporting types are supported

  1. slack

| channel | string | Slack channel to post to | | webhook | string | Slack Webhook |

  1. sendgrid

| apiKey | string | Sendgrid API_KEY | | to | string | Email address to send messages to | | from | string | From Email Address |

  1. segment

| write_key | string | Segment Write KEy |

  1. zapier

| webhook | string | Zapier Webhook |

  1. webhook This is a custom endpoint

| webhook | string | |

redis - object

The pipeline uses Redis to keep track of an incremental counter which will determine the next set of data to copy.

For example, if you want to incrementally copy 100 records from the table "users" based on the "last_modified_date" field, the pipeline saves the most recent "last_modified_date" key from the array of results and stores this in Redis. The next time the pipeline runs, it reads the "last_modified_date" key from Redis and uses that to fetch the next 100 records.

Parameter Type Description
url string Redis url

fileStorage - object

When data is extracted from the various data sources, it is saved to the local file storage or on Amazon's s3.

Parameter Type Description
fileMode remote/local Indicates where to
accessKeyId string AWS Access ID. Leave empty if "fileMode" is empty
secretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access key. Leave empty if "fileMode" is empty
defaultPath string AWS Default path. Leave empty if "fileMode" is empty
Bucket string AWS S3 bucket. Leave empty i

source - array

Specify the array of data sources to extract data from. Each object contains the following

Parameter Type Description
type postgress/mysql/mongodb/rethinkdb/kafka The type of database supported
credentials array Credentials of the data sources
schema array Fields to copy
credentials - array

Contains objects with the following parameters

Parameter Type Description
url string Database url

Contains objects with the following parameters

Parameter Type Description
fields array List of fields to copy from. Leave an empty array to copy all fields
table string Table to copy from
limit number Number of records to transfer at once
destination_table_name string A name to be used as the destination table name
primary_key string Table's primary key
incremental_key_key string A field in the table used as an incremental key. This is usually a created_at or updated_at field based on your table schema. Leave empty to copy all the records at once.
Additional Parameters for V2
  1. Kafka
Parameter Type Description
records_limit string Number of records to fetch before dumping to the Warehouse
topic string Kafka topic to listen on


Information about the destination warehouse

  1. Google Big Query The following keys are needed for Google's BigQuery
Parameter Type Description
type string Database url
projectId string Database url
datasetID string<Your google dataset (database?) ID> Database url
Big Query Authentication

We use Service Accounts for authentication. Thus you need to specify your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. This should point to the credentials.json or p2 file.

Best practices

it might be good to override the default 10 seconds TIMEOUT environmental variable to something that suits you.


Under the hood, Snitch uses the amazing library:

vm2 - Advanced vm/sandbox for Node.js

Version 2 Updates

The following configuration are needed to support the additional data sources

Apache Kafka

Parameter Type Description
records_limit string Number of records to fetch before dumping to the Warehouse
topic string Kafka topic to listen on


No description, website, or topics provided.







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