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Christy Roys edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 3 revisions


  • all api endpoints returns data in JSON format.
  • Relative urls in the fields are relative to the base url.

Status Codes

Status codes returned by api includes:

  • 200 - Successfull.
  • 206 - Partial content.
  • 404 - Not found / No result.
  • 410 - Gone, message might be deleted.
  • 50x - Internal server error.


All the endpoints mentioned below are relative to the base url.


  • Method : GET

  • Schema :

  "chats": [
      "page_id": String,
      "name": String,
      "url": String


  • Method : GET

  • Schema :

  "item_list": [
       "file_id": Int,
       "media": Bool,
       "thumbnail": String,
       "mime_type": String,
       "insight": String,
       "date": String,
       "size": Int,
       "human_size": String,
       "url": String
  "prev_page": Union([Bool, {"url": String, "no": Int}]),
  "cur_page": Int,
  "next_page": Union([Bool, {"url": String, "no": Int}]),
  "search": String,
  "name": String,
  "logo": String,
  "title": String
  • Parameters:
page: Page number.
search: Search query.


  • Method : GET

  • Schema :

  "found": Bool,
  "name": String,
  "file_id": Int,
  "size": Int,
  "human_size": String,
  "media": Union([Bool, {
    "type": String,
    "image": Bool,
    "audio": Bool,
    "video": Bool
  "caption_html": String,
  "caption": String,
  "title": String,
  "reply_btns": [
        "url": String,
        "text": String
  "thumbnail": String,
  "download_url": String,
  "page_id": String
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