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David Chaves edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

There are two different ways to install morph-RDB, using Git and Maven or manually.

Table of Contents

Using Docker

The information provided here should be useful for users who want to install Morph-RDB using Docker and Docker-Compose. In this case, you have to follow the following instructions:

  1. Clone the morph-RDB repository

    git clone

  2. Create the docker image

    cd morph-rdb && docker build -t morph-rdb .

  3. Run the docker image with docker-compose

    docker-compose up -d

  4. Copy your mapping and property files to the config folder in your local machine (created by docker-compose inside morph-rdb folder). Remember to define the path for your results as /configs/results.[xml|nt]

  5. Run morph-rdb

    docker exec -it morph-rdb bash

Using Git and Maven

The information provided here should be useful for users who want to install and make use of morph-RDB from a linux command line. In this case, you have to follow the following instructions:

  1. Clone the morph-RDB repository

    git clone

  2. Package the project using Maven

    cd morph-rdb
    mvn clean package

    From Linux/MacOS:

    cp morph-rdb-dist/target/morph-rdb-dist-3.9.15.jar morph-examples/morph-rdb.jar

    From Windows:

    copy morph-rdb-dist\target\morph-rdb-dist-3.9.15.jar morph-examples\morph-rdb.jar


On Windows

In order to install morph-RDB in your computer, you must follow the following set of instructions:

  1. Create a new directory for the morph-RDB files

    md morph
    cd morph
  2. Download and extract the library files used by morph-RDB to the morph directory. The file can be found at

  3. Download the latest morph-RDB jar file ( into the morph directory and rename it to morph-rdb.jar

On Linux

In order to install morph-RDB in your computer, you must follow the following set of instructions:

  1. Create a new directory for the morph-RDB files

    mkdir morph
    cd morph
  2. Download the library files used by morph-RDB

  3. Download the latest morph-RDB jar file and rename it to morph-rdb.jar

    unlink morph-rdb.jar
    ln -s morph-rdb-dist-3.9.17.jar morph-rdb.jar
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