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A URL shortener written with Aino. Lyhyt means "short" in Finnish.


PostgreSQL is required and should be setup via your package manager or

Via Nix

Install the nix package manager by following their multi-user installer. Once nix is installed, setup direnv by hooking into your shell.

nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA direnv
echo 'eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Once direnv is installed and your shell is restarted, clone the project and cd into it. You should see direnv warn about an untrusted .envrc file. Allow the file and finish installing dependencies and setting up the application.

direnv allow

setup # bin/setup
server # bin/server

You can load the application by going to http://localhost:3000/.

Via asdf

Install asdf-vm. Once installed you can run setup.


You can load the application by going to http://localhost:3000/.


You can run the CI test suite via bin/verify.