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clusterBMA: Bayesian Model Averaging for Clustering

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clusterBMA: Bayesian Model Averaging for Clustering

clusterBMA is an R package for Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to combine multiple sets of clustering results for a given dataset, that can combine results across multiple different clustering algorithms. BMA offers some attractive benefits over other existing approaches for combining multiple sets of clustering results. Benefits include intuitive probabilistic interpretation of an overall cluster structure integrated across multiple sets of clustering results, with quantification of model-based uncertainty.

The motivation and methods for this approach are described in an accompanying paper:

v 0.2.0

Due to dropped support for TensorFlow v1.15 in reticulate and tensorflow packages:

  • Updated conda environment to use Python v 3.10.9 and TensorFlow v2.11
  • Updated TF syntax in SimplexClust() to work with TF2

All code and instructions are provided at

For any bugs, issues or requests, please email me at owen(dot)forbes(at)

To get started in R:

First, install this package using devtools


This should also install the dependencies: reticulate, tensorflow, clusterCrit, Hmisc, and pheatmap


If you have not previously installed miniconda, please run:



To install required versions of Python (3.7.9) & Tensorflow (1.15.5) in a dedicated conda environment "clusterBMA-pyenv", with dependencies numpy (v1.18.5) and protobuf (v3.20.1) run:


and then restart your R session.

Basic example vignette

After installation, you can view this vignette directly in R using vignette("clusterBMA_vignette", package = "clusterBMA")

Once installation is successful, you can run the test code below line-by-line to get an idea of the basic functionality of this package. This example simulates some data from 5 clusters, runs k-means and Gaussian mixture model with K=5, and combines the two results with clusterBMA that includes: model averaging weighted by a novel approximation of posterior model probability; probabilistic combined cluster allocation; and quantification of model-based uncertainty.

The results of each input clustering algorithm need to be represented as a NxK matrix containing probabilities of cluster allocations (datapoints in rows, clusters in columns, each cell represents probability that point i is allocated to cluster k).

The main function, clusterBMA::clusterBMA() takes as an input argument a list of cluster allocation probability matrices. Each item in the list needs to be a NxK matrix A_m for each input algorithm. For 'soft' clustering algorithms like ClusterR::GMM(), this is often an available output - e.g. from the object generated by ClusterR::predict_GMM() it is stored in $cluster_proba. For 'hard' clustering algorithms like k-means, a helper function clusterBMA::hard_to_prob_fn() can be used to convert a vector of cluster allocation labels to a NxK matrix of cluster allocation probabilities. The number of clusters K can vary between input models.

#Basic vignette

# Point reticulate and tensorflow to the correct conda environment


#simulate data
test_data <- clusterGeneration::genRandomClust(numClust=5,sepVal=0.15,numNonNoisy=2,numNoisy=0,clustSizes=c(rep(100,5)),numReplicate = 1,clustszind = 3)

test_data <- test_data$datList$test_1

# convert test_data to data frame to avoid later error message

test_data <-

# k-means, k=5, get allocation probabilities matrix
test_kmeans <- kmeans(test_data,centers = 5)

km_labs <- test_kmeans$cluster

# turn cluster labels into cluster allocation probability matrix
km_probs <- hard_to_prob_fn(km_labs,n_clust=5)

# gmm, k=5, get allocation probs matrix
test_gmm <- ClusterR::GMM(test_data,gaussian_comps=5)

test_gmm_predict <- ClusterR::predict_GMM(test_data,CENTROIDS=test_gmm$centroids,COVARIANCE = test_gmm$covariance_matrices,WEIGHTS=test_gmm$weights)

# gmm probs
gmm_probs <- test_gmm_predict$cluster_proba

# Put cluster allocation probability matrices into list, format required for function clusterBMA::clusterBMA()
input_probs <- list(km_probs,gmm_probs)

# Run clusterBMA function to combine results from k-means and GMM
# Need to specify input dataset, list of cluster allocation probability matrices, and the number of final clusters selected

test_bma_results <- clusterBMA(input_data = test_data, cluster_prob_matrices = input_probs, n_final_clust = 5) # list of 6 results outputs - see details below


test_consensus_matrix <- test_bma_results[[1]] # consensus matrix
test_bma_allocation_probs <- test_bma_results[[2]] # probs of cluster allocation after BMA
test_bma_cluster_labels_df <- test_bma_results[[3]] # cluster allocations with probability and uncertainty
test_bma_table <- test_bma_results[[4]] # table - how many in each cluster?
test_bma_weights <- test_bma_results[[5]] # weights for each algo
test_bma_weights_times_priors <- test_bma_results[[6]] # weights multiplied by prior probabilities - should be the same as output [5] if prior model weights are set to be equal (default)
test_bma_consensus_heatmap <- test_bma_results[[7]] # heatmap of consensus matrix (output [1])



# add BMA outputs as columns onto original dataframe
test_data <- cbind(test_data,test_bma_results[[3]])

# Example plot BMA cluster results - larger points have greater uncertainty

test_plot_BMA_uncertainty <- plot_ly(data=test_data,x=test_data[,1],y=test_data[,2],color=factor(test_data$alloc_vector),colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,"Dark2"), size=test_data$alloc_uncertainty,marker=list(sizeref=0.3, sizemode="area"))

Example plot showing BMA combined results from k-means and GMM (simulated data)

Larger points show greater model-based uncertainty in model averaged cluster allocation

Example BMA plot - k-means and GMM combined (simulated data)