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ES6 Module for displaying items in a flex-based masonry layout without third party dependencies. The grid layout only uses the css flexbox feature. In contrast to well-known masonry layouts there is no absolute positioning which makes it usable for various css frameworks. The distances are calculated using a simple transform style (translateY).


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ES6 Flex Masonry Grid

Offensichtbar Logo

Lightweight ES6 Module for displaying items in a flex-based masonry layout. The grid layout uses the css flexbox feature. In contrast to well-known masonry layouts there is no absolute positioning which makes it applicable for various CSS frameworks. The offsets are set with CSS transform style (translateY).

npm version


npm install @offensichtbar-codestock/es6-flex-masonry-grid --save



As npm package

Import OSB_MasonryGrid into your script:

import OSB_MasonryGrid from '@offensichtbar-codestock/es6-flex-masonry-grid';

As link

Download bundle.min.js from git repo and link in html with script tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="./bundle.min.js"></script>

Embed from jsDelivr

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Intialization with Vanilla Javascript

The instance is created with a DOM element which is the direct parent element of the grid items and a config object.

const OSB_GRID = document.querySelector('#your-grid-selector');
new OSB_MasonryGrid(OSB_GRID, {
    // options
    animation: true, // boolean
    animationType: 'scaleDown', // string
    animationDelay: 300 // number (ms)


  • animation: Enable / Disable initial grid card animation
  • animationType: Initial animation type
  • animationDelay: Initial animation speed
Animation types
  • fade
  • translateBottom
  • translateTop
  • scale
  • scaleUp
  • scaleDown
  • slide
  • slideIn
  • flip

HTML structure

The grid can be applied to any flex container. All flex items must have the same with. Direct children of the grid container may not have horizonal margins. Use padding instead or nest elements. The masonry flex grid can be applied to the direct parent element of the flex cards. It can be initialized on an item with any DOM element selector. It is recommended to add width and height attributes to every image to avoid jumping content on image load. If images without width and height attributes are loaded after the initialization of the grid, the card offset is recalculated.

<div id="#your-grid-selector">
    <div>Card 1</div>
    <div>Card 2</div>
    <div>Card 3</div>

Add and remove cards

When the grid is initialized, a class '.osb_griditem' is added dynamically to all direct children of the initialized grid container. When you add a card element retrospectively to the grid, that doesn't happen. You have to add this class yourself when appending the new card element. The grid card translation values are recalculated when a new item was added. You can add new cards at any index.

<div id="#your-grid-selector">
    <div class="osb_griditem">New card</div>
    <div>Card 1</div>
    <div>Card 2</div>

If animation is enabled, the new card will also be animated.


The initial grid animation transitions are defined as CSS styles. If animation is enabled, the CSS file must be attached. In order to avoid irritations when the grid is loaded in a slow network, you should add these CSS styles if animation is enabled:

#your-grid-selector > div {
    visibility: hidden;
#your-grid-selector > div.osb_animation-complete {
    visibility: visible;


@import '~@offensichtbar-codestock/es6-flex-masonry-grid/src/scss/main';
@import '~@offensichtbar-codestock/es6-flex-masonry-grid/build/bundle.min.css';
As link

Download bundle.min.css from git repo and link in html head with link tag

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./bundle.min.css">

Embed from jsDelivr

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Add SCSS source code

Download main.scss from git repo ./src/scss and add source code to your SCSS.

Transition durations and distances of the single card transition can be adjusted in the SCSS variables:

$translation-bottom:   100px;
$translation-top:      -100px;
$translation-slide:    100%;
$translation-scale:    200px;
$translation-flip:     -100px;

$translation-transition-duration: 0.5s;
$fade-transition-duration:        0.75s;
$slide-transition-duration:       0.75s;
$scale-transition-duration:       0.5s;
$flip-transition-duration:        0.5s;

$transition-timing-function: ease;


The masonry flex grid can be used with popular CSS framework grids like Bootstrap.

<div class="container">
    <div id="demo_masonry-grid" class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 pt-3">
            <div class="card">
                <img class="card-img-top" src="" width="1280" height="720"/>
                <div class="card-body">
                    <h5 class="card-title">Card title</h5>
                    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>


The current version uses a resize-observer for grid elements. Translation values for elements are updated when the height of a grid element changes without DOM reload. This does not effect a window resize event as this is handled separately. The native window.ResizeObserver currently does not support Safari, therefore it is replaced by this Polyfill: Resize-Observer Thanks to JUGGLE LTD


Live demo
Stackblitz editor



ES6 Module for displaying items in a flex-based masonry layout without third party dependencies. The grid layout only uses the css flexbox feature. In contrast to well-known masonry layouts there is no absolute positioning which makes it usable for various css frameworks. The distances are calculated using a simple transform style (translateY).







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