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Getting Started Using ACH

offyerrocker edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

ACH has quite a few options and ways to personalize your settings, so it's easy to be overwhelmed at first, but don't worry- it's actually quite simple.

ACH has three main features, and three corresponding submenus: Crosshairs, Hitmarkers, and Hitsounds.


Crosshairs are customizable on a global level, or a category-level. The "Global Crosshair" setting can be seen as your "default" crosshair setting, and will apply to all weapons unless overridden by its category+firemode-specific setting.

Customization is also available for any given combination of weapon category (akimbo and revolvers are not considered separate categories) and firemode. So, you could have different crosshair settings for Singlefire Assault Rifles, Autofire Assault Rifles, Singlefire Submachineguns and Autofire Submachineguns, and have all other weapon types use your Global Crosshair setting. (Burstfire support is planned.)

General Crosshair Settings

  • Customize by Weapon Type...: Opens the customization menu by weapon category and firemode. (See below for Crosshair-specific menu options)
  • Global Crosshair: Opens the Global Crosshair setting menu. (See below for Crosshair-specific menu options)
  • Enable Crosshairs: If true, enables this mod's Crosshairs feature.
  • Enable Shake: If true, the crosshair position on the screen will represent where the weapon is aimed; this is affected by things like sprinting, scope sway, and being meleed/knocked back.
  • Enable Dynamic Color: If true, the crosshair will change color to reflect what you are aiming at. For example, it will change different colors if you are aiming at an enemy, a civilian, or a teammate, depending on your color settings (see below).
  • Set Enemy Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the crosshair will turn when aiming at any non-gang-member enemy or security camera.
  • Set Civilian Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the crosshair will turn when aiming at any civilian, and most mission-specific teammates (eg. the Taxman on Undercover).
  • Set Teammate Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the crosshair will turn when aiming at any Teammate (AI or Human).
  • Set Misc Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the crosshair will turn when aiming at any gang member or miscellaneous faction.

*This feature requires ColorPicker to be installed. If ColorPicker is not installed, the Dynamic Color feature can still be used, but the color cannot be changed in-game. Changes can still be applied by editing your ACH save txt file, but this is not recommended for beginners.

Available Crosshair-specific Customization Settings

All crosshair menus have a crosshair preview visible in the center of the screen. Changing any setting will apply changes immediately to the preview for you to see.

  • Override Global Settings: Toggle. If true, this crosshair will be used for the specified weapon category and firemode. If false, the Global Crosshair setting will be used instead.
  • Set Image: Multiple Choice. The bitmap that your crosshair will appear as.
  • Set Color: Slider. The color that your crosshair will appear as.
  • Set Alpha: Slider. The opacity of your crosshair. An alpha value of 1 will be completely visible, 0.5 indicates half transparency, and 0 is completely invisible. (Note: if you wish for this crosshair to be invisible, you should instead choose the "None" option as your Crosshair Image)
  • Show Crosshair Bloom: Toggle. If true, the crosshair will animate upon firing. (Note: This does not reflect actual accuracy.)

Additional, the Preview Bloom button exists for you to see how your crosshair bloom will look in-game.


Hitmarkers are designed to be very similar to Crosshairs.

Options are divided into two sections: Hit hitmarkers (apply on nonlethal damage dealt by you), and Kill hitmarkers (apply on lethal damage dealt by you).

Additionally, there are options to preview any combination of the hitmarker conditions (Headshot, Crit, Kill)

Available Hitmarker Customization Options:

  • Enable Hitmarkers: Toggle. Enables the Hitmarkers feature of ACH.

  • Hitmarkers at World Position: Toggle. If true, hitmarkers will be shown at the position at which you damaged your enemy instead of being anchored to the center of your screen. This applies both to Hit and Kill hitmarkers.

  • Set Hitmarker Type: Multiple Choice. Here, you can choose the image to use as your hitmarker.

  • Set Alpha: Slider. The opacity of your hitmarker. An alpha value of 1 will be completely visible, 0.5 indicates half transparency, and 0 is completely invisible. (Note: if you wish for this hitmarker to be invisible, you should instead choose the "None" option as your Hitmaker Type)

  • Set Duration: Slider. How long (in seconds) your hitmarker should be shown for after a hit. Depending on whether or not your hitmarker includes a hit animation function**, this value may not factor in the time it takes for the hitmarker to disappear.

  • Set Blend Mode: Multiple Choice. You can choose what blending mode*** your hitmarker will use.

  • Bodyshot Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the hitmarker will be upon scoring a non-critical bodyshot.

  • Bodyshot Crit Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the hitmarker will be upon scoring a critical bodyshot.

  • Headshot Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the hitmarker will be upon scoring a non-critical headshot.

  • Headshot Crit Color*: When clicked, opens a Color Picker UI to choose which color the hitmarker will be upon scoring a critical headshot.

  • Preview: Headshot: Toggle. Only affects the Hitmarker Preview; state is not saved.

  • Preview: Crit: Toggle. Only affects the Hitmarker Preview; state is not saved.

  • Preview: Lethal: Toggle. Only affects the Hitmarker Preview; state is not saved.

  • >>Preview Hitmarker<<: Starts the Hitmarker Preview using your current preview options.

*This feature requires ColorPicker to be installed. If ColorPicker is not installed, the Dynamic Color feature can still be used, but the color cannot be changed in-game. Changes can still be applied by editing your ACH save txt file, but this is not recommended for beginners.

**Currently, only the included/example hitmarkers: Destiny (Kill), GTFO (Kill), Generic (Kill), and TF2 Crit Text feature hit animation functions. See [Creating Advanced Crosshairs or Hitmarker Addons] for more information.

***See for more information on blend modes.


Hitsounds are simply sounds that play when you hit an enemy. Like Hitmarkers, they have individual settings for combinations of Headshot, Crit, and/or Lethal hits.

Available Hitmarker Customization Options:

In this menu, each of the Multiple Choice options will play the selected sound as a preview.

  • Enable Hitsounds: Toggle. If true, hitsounds will play when you damage an enemy.
  • [condition] Sound: Select the sound to be played for the given hit conditions.