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Guide to Ecmabot

Ecmabot is a bot used in ##javascript on which was created to execute tiny JavaScript snippets and to store factoids for later retrieval.

JavaScript execution

ecmabot comes with V8 and Spidermonkey JavaScript interpreters. You can give it some JavaScript code, and it will return with the result of evaluating it.

To use the interpreter:

>> console.log("Hello, world.");
<ecmabot> eboy: undefined; Console: 'Hello, world.'
SpiderMonkey V8
>> >>>
sm> v8>
s> v>


ecmabot comes with a few simple commands. When messaging the bot directly, do not include the "!". For example, the commands command would be issued by typing !commands in the main chat, but in private messages use commands.


Retrieves a list of current commands.
Usage: !commands

<eboyjr> !commands
<ecmabot> eboyjr: Valid commands are: !commands, !ecma, !find, !forget, !g, !google, !help, !learn, !mdc, !mdn, !re


Searches the ECMA-262 specification table of contents. Links to the section as found in
Usage: !ecma <search text>

<eboyjr> !ecma null value
<ecmabot> eboyjr: Found: 4.3.11 null value <>


Performs a search of a factoid in the database.
Usage: !find <factoid>

<eboyjr> !find frame
<ecmabot> eboyjr: No factoid/command named `frame`. Did you mean: iframe, or cross-domain? See !commands for a list of commands.


Removes a factoid from the database.
Usage: !forget <factoid>


Returns the first Google result for the query.
Usage: !g <query>

<eboyjr> !g v8 javascript engine
<ecmabot> eboyjr: v8 - V8 JavaScript Engine - Google Project Hosting <>


Returns a link to a Google search page of the search term.
Usage: !google <query>

<eboyjr> !google opencourseware computational complexity
<ecmabot> eboyjr: Google search: "opencourseware computational complexity" <>


Gives help for a specific command.
Usage: !help <command>

<eboyjr> !help help
<ecmabot> eboyjr: No help for `help`


Adds a factoid to the bot.
Usage: !learn <factoid> = <text>
Usage: !learn alias <factoid> = <factoid>
Usage: !learn <factoid> =~ s/<expression>/<replace>/<flags>


Searches the Mozilla Developer Network.
Usage: !mdn <query>

<eboyjr> !mdn bitwise operators
<ecmabot> eboyjr: Bitwise Operators - MDN Docs <>


Performs a regular expression match.
Usage: !re <your text here> /<expression>/<flags>

<eboyjr> !re Hannah Hannah Bo Banana, Fe Fi Fo Fana /.[an]+/g
<ecmabot> eboyjr: Matches: 'Hanna', 'Hanna', 'Banana', 'Fana'


The factoid system in ecmabot is designed to store simple key/value pairs. Accessing a factoid from the database is as simple as:

<eboyjr> !help
<ecmabot> eboyjr: In order to get help, paste the relevant portions JavaScript in a pastebin (see !paste), and tell us 1) what you want to happen, 2) what is actually happening, and 3) any error messages you find (see !debug).

You can direct the responses of your command with the @ character, followed by a nick.

<phpman3000> HAI GUYS ... uh havin a bit of trubble with this script... i get TypeError: document.crateElenemt is not a function how do i fixx this??
<eboyjr> !spelling @ phpman3000
<ecmabot> phpman3000: Spelling and capitalization are important in programming, unless you are using PHP.