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ISO19157-3 Data Quality Measures Register

This repository contains:

  • automation tooling to ingest a draft register from content included as a submodule
  • a original demo pipeline configuration to semantically uplift a Google Spreadsheet containing ISO19157-3 properties.

The content is (currently) pushed to a staging/development node of the OGC Rainbow as a set of related vocabularies linked together by identifiers.

Search for iso19157 on HOSTED node of OGC RAINBOW (Development)

Top level Quality Measures Register

Note that when live, the URIs for each measure will redirect to these or equivalent machine-readable resources using HTTP Content-Negotiation.

ISO 19157-3 register ingest

A set of sheets are ingested from CSV sources into a set of RDF graphs that combine to form a complete register complete with multivalued complex properties for examples, formulae etc.


content files

Source XLS and extracted CSV and derived forms are in the directory ISO19157-3/


  • .ogc/: OGC tools configuration
    • config.yml: General configuration (download URLs and target files)
    • catalog.ttl: Domain Configuration catalog with uplift definition for *.csv.json files.
  • csv2python.yml: Uplift definition that simply turns CSV into JSON
  • properties-uplift.yml: Uplift definition that takes the JSONified CSV and converts it to JSON-LD and Turtle
  • .github/workflows/: GitHub workflows
    • uplift-and-join.yaml: Converts CSV to Linked Data with cross references between elemennts
    • pus-to-rainbow.yaml: Uploads RDF files to configured node of the OGC RAINBOW (currently HOSTED-DEV)

See also


Register for ISO 19157 Data Quality Measures






No releases published



Contributors 4

