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Systems Thinking: CDC Videos

Olivier Gourment edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 1 revision

Chris Soderquist (Pontifex Consulting) created a series of videos for the CDC (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), which were uploaded in June 2016 a series of three videos that are extremely well done. The videos were uploaded to YouTube in October 2017 (they are no longer available on the CDC website.)

  1. The Value of Systems Thinking === This video provides an overview of why systems thinking is important and what it means to apply it. It describes why our traditional way of thinking may thwart achieving our intended results or unintentionally create worse issues than the ones we’re trying to address. Viewers will learn how to better determine if (and how) an issue can benefit from systems thinking, and the steps required to have a positive effect. Source:

  2. Systems Mapping: The Basics === This video focuses on the value of stock and flow mapping, a core systems thinking approach. It describes the basics of stocks and flows, and provides numerous examples of using them for diverse public health topics. Viewers will see how they could develop a simple stock and flow map of an issue of interest to them. Source:

  3. Visual Tools to Improve Systemic Analysis === This video focuses on one of the key attributes of systems thinking---Expanding the Field of Vision. Building the long term “line of sight” is needed so we can understand how issues can change over time, and the likely impacts if we continue the status quo. Viewers will learn graphical tools such as trend graphs and how to use them to engage groups in understanding and analyzing the problem more effectively. Source:

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