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IPFS Notes

This is a storage app for web3. Authenticated user can upload notes, files to IPFS using their wallets. This stack is fastest enabler to build IPFS apps.


  • Web framework: Next.js
  • Rainbowkit with Siwe
  • IPFS: go-ipfs with ipfs-client


  • Persist data with private IPFS instance
  • Modern UI with Next.js, Headless,ui and Tailwind
  • Users sign notes for encryption
  • File uploads

Running the code

  1. ./ (copies your local environment variables and sets your swarm key, this will be done for you in the next step)
  2. npm run dev (starts Next.js frontend/backend)
  3. docker compose up (starts local IPFS on port 5001)


The following error message is normal, it means you're running a private IPFS node

ERROR   cmd/ipfs        ipfs/daemon.go:567      failed to bootstrap (no peers found): consider updating Bootstrap or Peering section of your config

Want to reset IPFS state? The IPFS data volume is persisted in ./local-data you may also opt to destroy the Docker container