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Protolyst Tech Test


To create a ReactJS web application: a simple "message queue" system utilising redux as the store for the messages.

Requirements As Sent

The interface will be comprised of:

  • A text box to enter string text
  • A button to submit a message
  • A notification space to display messages for 5 seconds

How it works:

  • When the user clicks the button to submit the message (string contained in the text box) it will be added into the redux store.
  • A component should retrieve the message from the redux store, and it should be displayed on the screen within the notification space.
  • After a 5 second delay, the message should be removed from the store, which in turn removes it from the component displaying it and the screen.


  • You can use as many or few react components as you like BUT they must be functional components, and not class based components.
  • It should be possible to add multiple messages to the queue. e.g. At 0 seconds we enter a message press the button, then 1 second later we enter a new message press the button again. We should see two messages on screen. Then at 5 seconds the first one should disappear (5 seconds after it was added), and then at 6 seconds in, the second one should disappear (5 seconds after it was added).

Submission Info

I greatly enjoyed this exercise and extended it to include a themed UI and animations.

Due to this, the removal timer was intentionally extended for a better user experience.

Further Extension Post Submission

In an effort to hit the ground running upon securing the role, I asked whether there was anything I could learn or practice before starting. As I would be using Firestore extensively, I worked on integrating it to store messages to allow for realtime chatting using the app.

The repository includes a series of tests to demonstrate my testing capabilities.

2023 Update

Did some general cleaning up based on skills gained in my last two roles.

To refamiliarise myself with TypeScript, I converted the project from JavaScript to TypeScript.

I added react-speech-recognition for voice to text transcribing.

Future Considerations

If I work on this project in the future, possible improvements include:

  • Convert the project to Typescript
  • Use Cloud Functions to delete the messages after a set time (not available for free)
  • Implement Auth and friend system to allow easy connections to other users
  • Implement security rules to restrict access to those who are authorised


1 - Clone the repository.
2 - Install dependencies with yarn install or npm install.
3 - Run yarn start or npm run start in the project directory from the command line .
4 - Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
5 - Run yarn test or npm run test to run tests.

Hosted Link

Link to live site.