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Multi-cloud HTTP communication using MQTT

How to use


fuyuu-router hub -c config.toml -b mqtt://BROKER-IP:1883


fuyuu-router agent -c config.toml --id agent01 -b mqtt://BROKER-IP:1883 --proxy-host PROXY-HOST-IP

HTTP request

curl http://FUYUU-ROUTER-HUB-IP:8080/ -H "FuyuuRouter-IDs: agent01"

This request follows the path below:

fuyuu-router hub -> MQTT broker -> fuyuu-router agent -> proxy host

Load balancing

When multiple IDs are passed to FuyuuRouter-IDs separated by commas, fuyuu-router performs load balancing between those IDs.

The current load balancing algorithm is random only.

About service discovery

fuyuu-router doesn't perform any service discovery.

Agents publish a message to the fuyuu-router/launch topic when they launch and to the fuyuu-router/terminate topic when they disconnect.

Users can subscribe to these topics to create a mechanism, for example, to update Istio VirtualServices.

large data policy

While many MQTT brokers have payload size limitations, there is a desire to send large HTTP request/response.

The fuyuu-router addresses this with two policies - 1) split and 2) storage relay.


The fuyuu-router can bypass payload size limitations by splitting large HTTP requests/responses into multiple chunks and then combining them.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: example
  config.toml: |
    format = "json"
    large_data_policy = "split"

    chunk_bytes = 128000

storage relay

fuyuu-router allows the hub and agent to transparently communicate with each other through object storage only when the HTTP request/response is large.

fuyuu-router uses objstore, and its configuration file is needed.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: example
  config.toml: |
    format = "json"
    large_data_policy = "storage_relay"
    objstore_file = "/app/config/objstore.yaml"
    threshold_bytes = 128000
  objstore.yaml: |
    type: S3
      bucket: "example-bucket"
      endpoint: ""
      access_key: "<ACCESS_KEY>"
      secret_key: "<SECRET_KEY>"

The hub and agent must reference the same bucket and have appropriate permissions to it.

For instance, in S3, the shortest deletion period is one day. In fuyuu-router, since object storage is used only temporarily, if you want to reduce costs, you can have the hub delete objects by using the deletion settings.

objstore_file = "/app/config/objstore.yaml"
threshold_bytes = 128000
deletion = true


  • Currently only HTTP 1.1 is supported. Perhaps HTTP2 is the next roadmap.
  • fuyuu-router introduces an additional hop to the MQTT broker. It is not suitable for cases where strict latency requirements are demanded.


How about Skupper?

Skupper is great, but I had a few complaints.

Skupper comparison

Are there problems with MQTT topics per HTTP request?

I referred to the following articles:

What does "fuyuu" mean?

"fuyuu" means floating in Japanese(浮遊). It flies above the clouds.

It is also inspirated by the word sky computing.

