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Data Store (Cat?) and Message Bus (Bus!) in Javascript

This README is hella out of date, so consider it a WIP.


Designed as a standalone Javascript library, Catbus provides a pub/sub implementation that supports data storage and functional transformations, simplifying the coordination of asynchronous processes and states. Batch, group, filter, pipe, etc. Manage subscriptions en masse in order to avoid memory leaks or unexpected behaviors.


var bus = require('../src/catbus.js');

var logger = function(msg) { console.log(msg); };
var beeper = function(msg, topic, tag) { console.log('beeper: mouse now in ' + tag); };
var speaker = function(msg) { console.log('speaker: mouse last detected in: ' + msg.from); };

var isMouse = function(msg){ return msg === 'squeak'; };
var toInfo = function(msg, topic, tag) { return {sound: msg, from: tag}; };

var sounds = ['squeak','growl','meow','woof'];
var room_names = ['kitchen','hall','den','bathroom'];
var rooms =;

function getRandomItem(list){ return list[Math.floor(Math.random()*list.length)]; }'kitchen').sense().run(function(msg, topic, tag){ console.log(msg + ' in the Kitchen!' + ":"+topic+":"+tag);});


for(var i = 0; i < 20; i++){
    var room_name = getRandomItem(room_names);
    var room =;
    var sound = getRandomItem(sounds);



API Documentation

Bus Methods

Name Parameters Description Returns
at, location name: string, (optional) tag: string Creates or retrieves a Location with the given name stored on the bus. A tag can be given to the Location; this will travel with any messages generated at the Location. The tag is the same as the name by default. Location
dropHost name: string Drops (i.e. destroys) any Sensors or Locations with the host name provided. boolean (host existed?)
flush none Triggers the processing of all pending messages on the bus. This is called automatically self

Location Methods

Name Parameters Description Returns
on, topic (optional) topic: string Creates a Sensor watching this Location for messages associated with the given topic. The default topic is 'update'. Sensor
peek (optional) topic: string Returns the metadata associated with the last message written to the Location for the given topic (default: 'update'). message metadata
read (optional) topic: string Returns the last message written to the Location for the given topic (default: 'update'). msg: *
write msg: *, (optional) topic: string, (optional) tag: string Writes a message to the Location, triggering any Sensors currently watching it under a matching topic (default: 'update'). The default tag is the one associated with the Location. self
refresh (optional) topic: string, (optional) tag: string Rewrites the current data at the Location, triggering any interested Sensors (note: the change flag would completely suppress this). self
toggle (optional) topic: string, (optional) tag: string Writes the (!current data) at the Location, triggering any interested Sensors. self
tag none Gets the tag of the Location. tag: string
name none Gets the name of the Location. name: string

Sensor Attributes

These 'attributes' are all chainable setter methods; they are listed separately because all of these can be accessed via the attr method: sensor.attr(name, value) or sensor.attr({name: value, ... }). It acts as a getter if there is no value argument provided.

Name Parameter Description Setter Default Sensor Default
at, location location: string or Location Assigns a new Location to the Sensor (thus no longer watching a prior Location). current Location original Location
on, topic topic: string Assigns a new topic to the Sensor (thus no longer following a prior topic). 'update' 'update'
name name: string Assigns a name to the Sensor. null null
run callback: function Sets a callback to be invoked by the Sensor when triggered. Can run in specified context attribute. null null
filter handler: function Sets a function to silently filter messages in the Sensor so they do not trigger or accumulate. The handler will receive (msg, topic, tag) and should return true to continue processing the message. Can run in specified context attribute. null null
transform handler: function Sets a function to transform messages (if not filtered). The handler will receive (msg, topic, tag) and should return a new modified message. Can run in specified context attribute. null null
pipe location: string or Location Sets a target Location to which the Sensor writes when triggered. null null
change flag: boolean Prevents a Sensor from triggering unless an incoming value differs from the last value received. true false
batch flag: boolean Causes a Sensor to accumulate messages as specified by the Sensor's keep attribute -- until flushed (via nextTick(), requestAnimationFrame() or by manually invoking bus.flush()). true false
group flag: boolean Causes a Sensor to accumulate messages in a hash by tag as specified by the Sensor's keep attribute -- until flushed (via nextTick(), requestAnimationFrame() or by manually invoking bus.flush()). Often used in tandem with batch and/or retain. true false
keep string: 'last', 'first' or 'all' Causes a Sensor to keep certain messages (only the first, the last or all of them). If the group flag is set, the keep rules will be applied to messages by tag (not by the full set). 'last' 'last'
defer flag: boolean Delays triggering the Sensor until messages without the defer flag have been processed. true false
retain flag: boolean Retains messages even after a flush in order to accumulate a fuller list (batch) or hash (group) true false
host name: string Assigns a new host name to the Sensor. When a host is dropped through bus.dropHost(name), all Sensors and Locations assigned to the host are dropped and/or destroyed. null null
need tag(s): string or [strings] Prevents a Sensor from triggering until it has received messages for all specified tags. Generally used with batch, group and/or retain flags. null null
active flag: boolean Enables or disables the Sensor ability to trigger. true true
max count: integer Limits the number of times a Sensor can trigger. When the max is reached, the Sensor will automatically drop(). A value of -1 has no trigger limit. -1 -1
as context: object Sets the 'this' context that the filter, run and transform functions will use if needed. self self

Sensor Methods

Name Parameters Description Returns
once none Sets the max triggers attribute to 1. self
wake none Sets the active attribute to true. self
sleep none Sets the active attribute to false. self
peek none Returns the packet containing the Sensor's last incoming msg and metadata (not filtered or transformed). msg metadata
read msg: * Returns the Sensor's last incoming msg (not filtered or transformed). self
tell msg: *, topic: string, tag: string Writes a message to the Sensor. This should generally only be called by Location objects -- but is exposed for hacking or debugging. self
drop none Drops the Sensor's subscription to a Location, effectively destroying it. self
attr name: string Gets the value of the given attribute. attribute value: *
attr name: string, value: * Sets the value of the given attribute. self
attr {name: value, ... } Sets multiple attribute values on the Sensor. self