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An API based sync from Deutsche Bank accounts to You Need a Budget.

Go Go Report Card codecov

This application is still in active development (see #todo, below), but already works well for home use. Please submit issues as you find them!

To run

It is intended to run a separate instance for each account you want to sync. You can (and should!) re-use the same DB_CLIENT_ID and DB_CLIENT_SECRET for all of your own instances. Use a cronjob or similar to touch the endpoint for every sync operation (I suggest twice a day). I do not recommend using this to sync anyone else's accounts.

Create a file .env containing environment variables:


You have to create an App at to get the DB client ID and secret. Note that there is a slow (~2 weeks!) process for approval to get access to real live bank data. DB_ACCOUNT is either the IBAN of a cash account, or the last 4 digits of a credit card number. DB_API_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME is the hostname of the DB api endpoint. It is for apps in the sandbox, and for live apps.

Create a YNAB personal access token to use as your YNAB secret. The budget and account IDs are UUIDs you can get from the URL of the target account. For example, when viewing your account the URL may be In that case the Budget ID is ba1f67f1-5fba-4314-b4a3-94256409ff57, and the account ID is 822de6c0-6967-4ad3-d4cf-f227dd58a7f9.

REDIRECT_BASE_URL is the accessible (to you) URL of this application. As a part of the DB authentication flow, the DB API has to validate that it is redirecting you to an allowed URL (per your API app). This value should end in a /, e.g.

With those env vars in .env, you're ready to run the application.

If you have docker: run the application with ./, or by hand with docker run -p 3000:3000 --env-file .env ohthehugemanatee/db-ynab-sync. If you don't have docker: install golang, compile with go build and run.

With a web browser, visit port 3000 wherever it's running - likely http://localhost:3000. On your first visit it will redirect you to the DB authentication page, where you must sign into your account. On all subsequent visits, it will simply sync.


  • on the DB app you create, the redirect should be the accessible (to you) URL of the running application, with path /authorized. For example, http://localhost:3000/authorized.
  • The token received from DB is good for a month, updated each time you run the sync. So as long as you're sync'ing more than once a month, you should only have to manually enter credentials the first time.
  • The token is kept in memory only; when you restart the application you will need to authenticate again.
  • This application will duplicate transactions imported through other methods, eg CSV import or other tools.

To Develop

This project is configured with a dev container for VSCode. If you have VSCode with the Remote - Containers extension, your IDE will prompt you to open in the container. That should have everything you need to get running. You can set the required environment variables in a local .devcontainer/.env file.

Issues and PRs are welcome!

To implement your own bank connector

There is no concept of dynamic plugins in golang, really. Your bank connector will have to be compiled in.

  • Add a package for your bank in its own subdirectory.
  • Write a struct that implements the BankConnector interface. It must implement:
// Checks if the account number is valid for this connector.
IsValidAccountNumber(string) (bool, error)
// Gets YNAB formatted transactions.
GetTransactions(string) ([]ynabTransaction, error)
// Returns an oauth authorization url if necessary.
Authorize() string
// Handles an oauth response if necessary
AuthorizedHandler(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
  • Add your struct to the availableConnectors []BankConnector slice in main.go.
  • (first person only) improve how main.GetConnector() works to differentiate between DB and your own bank. :) Pretty quickly we'll have to move to an environment variable to select your connector.

Make a PR even with your work-in-progress, I'm happy to help you out!

Gotchas in DB sandbox

If you start a new API app with DB, you are confined to a sandbox of test accounts/data until your app has been approved. Everything works as expected, except:

  • The sandbox test users have invalid IBAN numbers. So you cannot test cash accounts
  • The sandbox test users only have credit card transactions up until 2017. So you cannot test credit card accounts.

I have notified DB about these issues, but if you're helping out you deserve to know, too!

Current status


  • Sync cash accounts (checking, savings). It syncs up to 100 transactions from the last 15 days, every time you run it. No, you will not get duplicate transactions from these repeats.
  • Sync credit cards. It syncs the last 10 days of transactions every time you run it.


  • safely persist tokens between runs for multiple accounts
  • sync upcoming transactions which haven't posted yet.
  • 100% code coverage


Golang version of an API based sync between Deutsche Bank and YNAB







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