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Content management instructions

The website uses markdown to write content and Yaml for front-matter. Front matter refers to values you can set to have them displayed on the respective page.

Data content


The list of navbar items can be changed in the _data/navigation.yml The Url is where the link will lead to and text is displayed on the navbar. To lead to a different webpage just write its absolute url.

Roles on homepage and community page

Editable from YAML file in _data/roles.yml Set font awesome icons by their name without prefix, find icons here

  • Home uses shortDescription value
  • Community uses description value

Other data content

Besides navigation and roles yaml files, there are also footer.yml, partners.yml (or sponsors), and supportSection.yml files. You can edit the footer, change the list of partners/sponsors and set the title, text, and button link in the support ohm section respectively.


Front matter comments are written in the markdown files to explain the values in detail.

Program page special markdown content

The program page has several sections of the same layout, but you are able to edit them all from a single file. Variables were introduced in the file to fully leverage the abilities of markdown. Each section has a name in the front matter like so:

  odd: true
  icon: target
    text: "Apply now"
    link: "#"

Find the corresponding markdown variable with the same name below the front matter Write any markdown between the {% capture %} and {% endcapture %} codeblocks. The markdown looks as follows:

{% capture whoIsItFor %}

## Who is it for?

Ultor traxit tecumque stagnum, et lumina senili indelebile cincta Achivam lux
pectora: [ipse Nepheleidos]( Sed nunc sine vagas,
aureus dixit arma quas mea peragit negarunt Callida mersis latis. Est spectes
posita [omnes](, levia noctes obstrepuere ignibus
[palmis](, omnibus comas. Nec visa placet stipite
primum, corpore non unde, vel. Scilicet in eandem.

{% endcapture %}

Both are then used in the include:

{% include cta-section.html params=page.whoIsItFor content=whoIsItFor %}

Notice the params=page.whoIsItFor (front matter variable) and the content=whoIsItFor (captured markdown content) You can add more sections at will by repeating the above. Examples of that are shown in

<!-- PAGE LAYOUT -->

{% include hero.html params=page.hero %}

<div class="container pt-100">
{% include cta-section.html params=page.whoIsItFor content=whoIsItFor %}
{% include cta-section.html params=page.timeline content=timeline %}
{% include cta-section.html params=page.learningGoals content=learningGoals %}
{% include tabs.html items=tabContent titles="Mentees,Mentors,Experts" params=page.tabs %}
<div class="container pt-100">
{% include cta-section.html params=page.meetingStructure content=meetingStructure %}
{% include cta-section.html params=page.curriculum content=curriculum %}


Paginated content

You can set the number of items displayed by changing/adding the "per_page" value in the front matter of the following files:,,, You can also change the hero background image via the "bg" value. Simply pass in some image url. For filtered pages do the same in _layouts/ folder for stories.html projects.html mentors.html and experts.html. To add items look in the collections folder. Mentors, Experts, Projects, Stories all feature filtering by tags. By adding a tags key with a list of values in any file that belongs to these collections you can apply filtering to it.


You may change the following variables. Do not change anything else unless you know what you are doing.

title: Open Hardware Makers
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
  Mentoring & Training Program on Open Hardware inspired by @MozOpenLeaders.
  Making \#openhardware the default everywhere, one project at a time.
baseurl: ""
url: ""
logo: "/assets/images/ohm-logo.svg"
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: jekyll
disquss_shortname: openhardware-space
loader: false

Setup disquss comments

Create a disquss account, register an app there, whitelist your domain in the Advanced options or set it as website url. Set the url variable in _config.yml accordingly. Disquss may not work without it. Disquss is added to story pages. If you want comments to appear below a story simply add the comments: true line in the front matter of that page.

What you should NOT do

If you are not a developer do not change folder structure, parts of the _config.yml file that were not specified here, or the layout value in any md file.

What you should do

Create a backup/copy of the current template so you have it if something goes wrong.


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  • SCSS 67.4%
  • CSS 15.9%
  • HTML 13.2%
  • JavaScript 3.4%
  • Ruby 0.1%