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ScummVMBox is a bundler for your ScummVM games on macOS (10.9+). It allows you to create game bundles that you can double-click to directly launch the game.

ScummVMBox bundles with their icons Once the game is launched, ScummVM displays the icon of your game in the Dock

How to use

  • Download and install the ScummVMBox app anywhere you like (/Applications is a good choice).
  • Launch the ScummVMBox app.
  • Select the File > New Box From Folder… menu item.
  • Point it to the folder containing your game files, or select them directly.
  • Find the game's name in the list; if available, an icon will be downloaded from the official repository.
  • You can set up a few options (you might need to click Options to see them), such as:
    • whether to embed the savegames into the folder,
    • create a specific configuration file to use,
    • force Full-screen Mode or subtitles,
    • set a custom icon that will also appear on the Dock when you launch the game.
  • Click Create. A bundle is then created for your game, and it is revealed in the Finder.

The New Box From Folder window

Creating game bundles manually

You can also create game bundles manually (or using another utility), and ScummVMBox will just launch them for you.

  • Create a folder with the contents of the game.
  • Inside this folder, create an Info.plist file, and add the following items (using the appropriate format) :
    • GameID (String, mandatory): the identifier of the game in ScummVM (you can find it from the compatibility list, from this list, or elsewhere)
    • Fullscreen (Boolean, optional): whether to force full-screen mode (true) or windowed mode (false); if this key is absent, ScummVM will follow your global settings
    • Subtitles (Boolean, optional): whether to force subtitles (true) or no subtitles (false); if this key is absent, ScummVM will follow your global settings
  • If you create a folder named ScummVM Savegames, then ScummVM will use it to store its savegames; else it will follow your global settings
  • If you want an icon to appear on the dock, then create a ScummVM Extra folder, and put your icon inside, named <gameid>.png (replace <gameid> with the identifier of the game in ScummVM)
  • Finally, rename your game folder so as its extension is .scummvmbox. This will automatically turn it into a game bundle that you can double-click.

How to build from source


The application will be generated in build/

You can also use the following Make targets:

  • make run to compile and launch the application
  • make debug to compile and debug a separate debug build
  • make clean to remove the build folder


This project uses parts from KSFileUtilities.

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