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Rate your courses to help future students know what to expect!


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Rate your courses to help future students know what to expect!

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. License

About the Project

Our aim is to help all colleges students make informed decisions about their future courses and give them a head start on knowing what to expect regarding workload, difficulty, etc.

Built With:

  • Ruby On Rails
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Postgresql


  • Ruby version:


  • Database initialization:

Use rake db:migrate to set up the database.

  • Configuration:

Use rbenv to switch the rails version.

bundle install command to install the gems used in the rails application.

  • Development:

rails s -b -p 8080 command was used to run the rails app through the EC2 instance.

  • Deployment:

git add <file> command was used to stage the files to be committed.

git commit -m “<message here>” command was used to leave a commit message to the files.

git push heroku HEAD:master command was used to deploy the application.

  • How to run the test suite:

Use rake cucumber to run cucumber tests.

Use rake spec to run spec. rake also has other commands.

Run rake –tasks to see other tasks.

  • Services:

AWS EC2, GitHub


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Jacob Smith
  • Tony Yang
  • Jason Bernal