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Bookstore API Demo

This demo project is the API backend used by separate Vue CLI bookstore admin demo project, and is a good showcase for backend-side development. It's also a good platform for developing external Laravel Admin composer package.

Access to online demo
The okami101/laravel-admin composer package is directly symlinked to packages/laravel root git submodule folder of this repo.
So direct live package development is fully working, even inside docker !


  • Common API bookstore resources with :
    • Publishers
    • Authors
    • Books
    • Reviews
  • All Laravel package features (account profile, sanctum auth, impersonation, docker files, etc.)

How to run

cp .env.example .env
# adapt docker environment variables for your own available free host port  
docker-compose up
# initialize laravel app and db schema
docker-compose exec laravel init
# for development purpose, initialize
docker-compose exec laravel seed

Laravel app should be loaded at default http://localhost:8000.
You can access phpMyAdmin via default http://localhost:9000.

For artisan commands, just use docker-compose exec laravel php artisan my:command.
Access to tinker : docker-compose exec laravel php artisan tinker
For full DB reset + dummy data : docker-compose exec laravel php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

cp .env.example .env
# remove DB_HOST,REDIS_HOST,CACHE_DRIVER,SESSION_DRIVER variables which ar default setted for docker
# adapt other environment variables to your local settings, check Laravel documentation
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
php artisan elfinder:publish
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.